All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Draft changelog of 4.0.0
This version adds support for SwiftUI's Font.
- Font renamed to BuiltInFont to avoid naming collision with SwiftUI.
- Initializing fonts with BuiltInFont now requires you to explicitly specify type: UIFont? or Font.
3.0.0 (01/03/2018)
This release adds support for tvOS.
2.0.0 (09/20/2017)
This is a minor release focusing on updating build settings for swift 4.
- Build settings have been updated for Swift 4
1.1.0 (08/28/2017)
This is a minor release with the following changes:
- The System font enum has been reorganized in Alphabetical order
- Tests have been moved to top level "Tests" folder
- Non essential code has been removed
1.0.0 (06/26/2017)
This release marks this library as officially production ready.
Swift Package Manager support has also been added but is currently experimental.
0.4.0 (06/05/2017)
This is just a minor additive release that introduces a convenience method for of(size:) that allows the use of the more natural Double type rather than forcing the user to use a CGFloat.