Arcade Zone is a game catalogue website built using ReactJS. It allows users to browse and search a large collection of games, view their details, and play them online.
To run the project locally, do the following:
Clone the Git repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd arcade-zone/client/arcade-zone
Install the required dependencies using either Yarn or NPM:
npm i
Start the development server:
yarn dev
npm run dev
The project is organized as follows:
- client: Contains the front-end code written in ReactJS.
- server: Contains the back-end code implementing the API endpoints.
- public: Contains static assets such as index.html and images.
- package.json: Defines the project dependencies and scripts.
If you would like to contribute to Arcade Zone, please follow these steps:
- Create a fork of the project.
- Implement the feature or fix you want to add.
- Create a pull request, and get it reviewed before it is merged.
- If your pull request is accepted, congratulations! You have successfully contributed to the Arcade Zone project.
Please ensure that any code you contribute adheres to the coding standards and guidelines established by the project maintainers.