diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index 1338901..03d5eb5 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -5,25 +5,30 @@ Thank you for considering contributing to the Nada by Example repository! Your c ## Getting Started ### 1. Fork and Clone the Repository + - **Fork the Repository:** Fork the repo on GitHub and clone your fork to your local machine. - **Create a Branch:** Always create a new branch for your work. Use a descriptive name (e.g., `feature/new-example-name`, `bugfix/fix-issue-123`). ### 2. Choose or Propose an Example + - **Choose an Existing Issue:** Check the [issues list](https://github.com/NillionNetwork/nada-by-example/issues) for examples or problems that need solving. - **Propose a New Example:** If you have a new idea, open an issue to discuss it before you start coding. ### 3. Develop Your Example -- **Follow the Guidelines:** Ensure your example follows the coding standards and practices described below. + +- **Add a new example** Follow README instructions on how to [add a new example](https://github.com/NillionNetwork/nada-by-example?tab=readme-ov-file#add-a-new-example) including at least one test file. - **Document Your Code:** Provide clear comments and documentation within your code to help others understand your example. -- **Test Your Example:** Make sure your example works as expected and does not break existing examples. +- **Test Your Example:** Make sure all tests pass using `nada test`. ## Pull Request Process ### 1. Create a Pull Request + - **Title and Description:** Provide a clear title and detailed description of the example or issue you're addressing. - **Link to Issues:** If your pull request addresses an issue, link to it in the description (e.g., `Closes #123`). ### 2. Complete the PR Template + When creating a pull request, use the provided PR template: - **Description:** Clearly describe the example you are adding. Explain what it does, its purpose, and who it benefits. @@ -32,6 +37,7 @@ When creating a pull request, use the provided PR template: - **Optional Contributor POAP:** (Proof of Attendance Protocol) If you want to receive a contributor POAP, provide your Twitter handle and Ethereum address. ### 3. Request a Review + - **Assign Reviewers:** Request a review from one or more project maintainers. They will provide feedback and merge your PR if everything looks good. ## Code Style and Standards