This page explains all options for using the Keyring in Parabolic.
- Backend -
The Keyring feature is backed by the Nickvision.Keyring library.
-This library uses SQLCipher to securley store credentials in a platform independent manner.
- - Enabling The Keyring -
When the Keyring is enabled, the user will be asked to enter a password to encrypt the Keyring.
-There is no way to recover the Keyring password if lost.
-This password will be used to unlock the Keyring in the future.
-----If the Keyring password is lost, the user will be unable to use this feature unless the Keyring database file is deleted.
-The Keyring file is stored in $CONFIG/Nickvision/Nickvision Parabolic/tubeconverter.nring
- - Disabling The Keyring -
When the Keyring is disabled, the backing nring database is destroyed and all credentials stored are erased.
-If the Keyring is re-enabled, a brand new database file will be created and the user will be prompted to enter a password again.
- - Storing a Credential -
This page explains all options for using the Keyring in Parabolic.
++The Keyring feature is backed by the Nickvision.Aura library.
+This library uses SQLCipher to securely store credentials in a platform independent manner.
+The library will use you system's credential manager (i.e. libsecret on Linux and Windows Credential Manager on Windows) for securing the Keyring.
++++Storing a Credential
Here are the fields that can be stored in a credential:
Name: The name of the credential
URL (optional): The URL of the credential
Username (optional if password is not empty): The username of the credential
Password (optional if username is not empty): The password of the credential
- -
Migrating from Password-Secured Keyring to Secret-Secured Keyring
This section applies to users who have enabled a Keyring in Parabolic (in versions before V2023.9.0) and secured it with a password. Starting with version 2023.9.0, Parabolic uses the system's credential manager to generate a random password (secret) to secure the Keyring instead of asking for a user to provide one. By using the system credential manager, Parabolic can also automatically unlock the Keyring at startup without user interaction.
+If you have a password-secured Keyring from before version 2023.9.0, you can continue to use it in new versions of Parabolic without issue, but you will still need to provide the password everytime the application starts.
+Follow the rest of this section if you'd like to migrate your existing credentials and take advantage of the new Keyring where a password is not required every time.
+You can simply disable the old password-secured Keyring when you update Parabolic to 2023.9.0 and re-enable the Keyring to get a secret-secured one. However, this will erase all data from the old Keyring and require you to re-enter all credentials.
Install Passwords and Keys.
+Open Parabolic V2023.9.0 or newer at least once. (This will ensure that the app registers with your system's credential manager)
+Open Passwords and Keys and locate the org.nickvision.tubeconverter entry in the Default Keyring.
+Double click the org.nickvision.tubeconverter entry and edit the Password field. Enter the password that you created and used for your Keyring in Parabolic.
+You can now close Passwords and Keys and restart Parabolic. You will see that upon application startup, the Keyring will now be automatically unlocked!
More Information
Default: 20
If enabled, Parabolic will apply the SponsorBlock extension to YouTube downloads.
Default: Your culture's two-letter and three-letter language code. For example, on an en-US system the default would be en,eng
The url of the proxy server to use.
حلقة مفاتيح
This page explains all options for using the Keyring in Parabolic.
- Backend -
The Keyring feature is backed by the Nickvision.Keyring library.
-This library uses SQLCipher to securley store credentials in a platform independent manner.
- - Enabling The Keyring -
When the Keyring is enabled, the user will be asked to enter a password to encrypt the Keyring.
-There is no way to recover the Keyring password if lost.
-This password will be used to unlock the Keyring in the future.
-----If the Keyring password is lost, the user will be unable to use this feature unless the Keyring database file is deleted.
-The Keyring file is stored in $CONFIG/Nickvision/Nickvision Parabolic/tubeconverter.nring
- - Disabling The Keyring -
When the Keyring is disabled, the backing nring database is destroyed and all credentials stored are erased.
-If the Keyring is re-enabled, a brand new database file will be created and the user will be prompted to enter a password again.
- - Storing a Credential -
This page explains all options for using the Keyring in Parabolic.
++The Keyring feature is backed by the Nickvision.Aura library.
+This library uses SQLCipher to securely store credentials in a platform independent manner.
+The library will use you system's credential manager (i.e. libsecret on Linux and Windows Credential Manager on Windows) for securing the Keyring.
++++Storing a Credential
Here are the fields that can be stored in a credential:
Name: The name of the credential
URL (optional): The URL of the credential
Username (optional if password is not empty): The username of the credential
Password (optional if username is not empty): The password of the credential
- -
Migrating from Password-Secured Keyring to Secret-Secured Keyring
This section applies to users who have enabled a Keyring in Parabolic (in versions before V2023.9.0) and secured it with a password. Starting with version 2023.9.0, Parabolic uses the system's credential manager to generate a random password (secret) to secure the Keyring instead of asking for a user to provide one. By using the system credential manager, Parabolic can also automatically unlock the Keyring at startup without user interaction.
+If you have a password-secured Keyring from before version 2023.9.0, you can continue to use it in new versions of Parabolic without issue, but you will still need to provide the password everytime the application starts.
+Follow the rest of this section if you'd like to migrate your existing credentials and take advantage of the new Keyring where a password is not required every time.
+You can simply disable the old password-secured Keyring when you update Parabolic to 2023.9.0 and re-enable the Keyring to get a secret-secured one. However, this will erase all data from the old Keyring and require you to re-enter all credentials.
Install Passwords and Keys.
+Open Parabolic V2023.9.0 or newer at least once. (This will ensure that the app registers with your system's credential manager)
+Open Passwords and Keys and locate the org.nickvision.tubeconverter entry in the Default Keyring.
+Double click the org.nickvision.tubeconverter entry and edit the Password field. Enter the password that you created and used for your Keyring in Parabolic.
+You can now close Passwords and Keys and restart Parabolic. You will see that upon application startup, the Keyring will now be automatically unlocked!
مزيد من المعلومات
This page explains all options for using the Keyring in Parabolic.
- Backend -
The Keyring feature is backed by the Nickvision.Keyring library.
-This library uses SQLCipher to securley store credentials in a platform independent manner.
- - Enabling The Keyring -
When the Keyring is enabled, the user will be asked to enter a password to encrypt the Keyring.
-There is no way to recover the Keyring password if lost.
-This password will be used to unlock the Keyring in the future.
-----If the Keyring password is lost, the user will be unable to use this feature unless the Keyring database file is deleted.
-The Keyring file is stored in $CONFIG/Nickvision/Nickvision Parabolic/tubeconverter.nring
- - Disabling The Keyring -
When the Keyring is disabled, the backing nring database is destroyed and all credentials stored are erased.
-If the Keyring is re-enabled, a brand new database file will be created and the user will be prompted to enter a password again.
- - Storing a Credential -
This page explains all options for using the Keyring in Parabolic.
++The Keyring feature is backed by the Nickvision.Aura library.
+This library uses SQLCipher to securely store credentials in a platform independent manner.
+The library will use you system's credential manager (i.e. libsecret on Linux and Windows Credential Manager on Windows) for securing the Keyring.
++++Storing a Credential
Here are the fields that can be stored in a credential:
Name: The name of the credential
URL (optional): The URL of the credential
Username (optional if password is not empty): The username of the credential
Password (optional if username is not empty): The password of the credential
- -
Migrating from Password-Secured Keyring to Secret-Secured Keyring
This section applies to users who have enabled a Keyring in Parabolic (in versions before V2023.9.0) and secured it with a password. Starting with version 2023.9.0, Parabolic uses the system's credential manager to generate a random password (secret) to secure the Keyring instead of asking for a user to provide one. By using the system credential manager, Parabolic can also automatically unlock the Keyring at startup without user interaction.
+If you have a password-secured Keyring from before version 2023.9.0, you can continue to use it in new versions of Parabolic without issue, but you will still need to provide the password everytime the application starts.
+Follow the rest of this section if you'd like to migrate your existing credentials and take advantage of the new Keyring where a password is not required every time.
+You can simply disable the old password-secured Keyring when you update Parabolic to 2023.9.0 and re-enable the Keyring to get a secret-secured one. However, this will erase all data from the old Keyring and require you to re-enter all credentials.
Install Passwords and Keys.
+Open Parabolic V2023.9.0 or newer at least once. (This will ensure that the app registers with your system's credential manager)
+Open Passwords and Keys and locate the org.nickvision.tubeconverter entry in the Default Keyring.
+Double click the org.nickvision.tubeconverter entry and edit the Password field. Enter the password that you created and used for your Keyring in Parabolic.
+You can now close Passwords and Keys and restart Parabolic. You will see that upon application startup, the Keyring will now be automatically unlocked!
More Information
Na této straně najdete vysvětlení všech možností konfigurace klíčenky v předvolbách v aplikaci Parabolic.
- Backend -
Funkce klíčenky je provozována pomocí knihovny Nickvision.Keyring.
-Tato knihovna používá rozšíření SQLCipher pro bezpečné ukládání údajů způsobem nezávislým na platformě.
- - Povolení klíčenky -
Při povolení klíčenky bude uživatel požádán o zadání hesla pro její zašifrování.
-V případě ztracení hesla klíčenky neexistuje způsob, jak jej získat zpět.
-Toto heslo bude použito k odemknutí klíčenky v budoucnu.
-----Při ztrátě hesla ke klíčence nebude uživatel moci použít tuto funkci, pokud nebude odstraněn databázový soubor klíčenky.
-Soubor klíčenky je uložen zde: $CONFIG/Nickvision/Nickvision Parabolic/tubeconverter.nring
- - Zakázání klíčenky -
Při zakázání klíčenky bude databáze nring smazána a všechny uložené údaje vymazány.
-Při opětovném povolení klíčenky bude vytvořen kompletně nový soubor a uživatel bude opět požádán o zadání hesla.
- - Ukládání údajů -
Na této straně najdete vysvětlení všech možností konfigurace klíčenky v předvolbách v aplikaci Parabolic.
++The Keyring feature is backed by the Nickvision.Aura library.
+This library uses SQLCipher to securely store credentials in a platform independent manner.
+The library will use you system's credential manager (i.e. libsecret on Linux and Windows Credential Manager on Windows) for securing the Keyring.
++++Ukládání údajů
Pole, která lze uložit do údaje:
Název: název údaje
URL (volitelná): adresa URL údaje
Uživatelské jméno (volitelné, pokud heslo není prázdné): uživatelské jméno údaje
Heslo (volitelné, pokud uživ. jméno není prázdné): heslo údaje
- -
Migrating from Password-Secured Keyring to Secret-Secured Keyring
This section applies to users who have enabled a Keyring in Parabolic (in versions before V2023.9.0) and secured it with a password. Starting with version 2023.9.0, Parabolic uses the system's credential manager to generate a random password (secret) to secure the Keyring instead of asking for a user to provide one. By using the system credential manager, Parabolic can also automatically unlock the Keyring at startup without user interaction.
+If you have a password-secured Keyring from before version 2023.9.0, you can continue to use it in new versions of Parabolic without issue, but you will still need to provide the password everytime the application starts.
+Follow the rest of this section if you'd like to migrate your existing credentials and take advantage of the new Keyring where a password is not required every time.
+You can simply disable the old password-secured Keyring when you update Parabolic to 2023.9.0 and re-enable the Keyring to get a secret-secured one. However, this will erase all data from the old Keyring and require you to re-enter all credentials.
Install Passwords and Keys.
+Open Parabolic V2023.9.0 or newer at least once. (This will ensure that the app registers with your system's credential manager)
+Open Passwords and Keys and locate the org.nickvision.tubeconverter entry in the Default Keyring.
+Double click the org.nickvision.tubeconverter entry and edit the Password field. Enter the password that you created and used for your Keyring in Parabolic.
+You can now close Passwords and Keys and restart Parabolic. You will see that upon application startup, the Keyring will now be automatically unlocked!
Další informace
Diese Seite erklärt alle Optionen zur Verwendung des Keyrings in Parabolic.
- Backend -
Die Keyring-Funktion wird von der Nickvision.Keyring Bibliothek bereitgestellt.
-Diese Bibliothek nutzt SQLCipher um Anmeldedaten sicher und plattformunabhängig zu speichern.
- - Aktivieren des Keyrings -
Wenn der Keyring aktiviert ist, wird der Benutzer nach einem Passwort gefragt, um den Keyring zu verschlüsseln.
-Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, das Keyring-Passwort wiederherzustellen, wenn es verloren geht.
-Das eingegebene Passwort wird in Zukunft verwendet um den Keyring zu entsperren.
-----Wenn das Keyring-Passwort verloren geht, kann der Benutzer diese Funktion nicht weiter verwenden, es sei denn, die Keyring-Datenbankdatei wird gelöscht.
-Die Keyring-Datenbankdatei befindet sich unter $CONFIG/Nickvision/Nickvision Parabolic/tubeconverter.nring
- - Deaktivieren des Keyrings -
Wenn der Keyring deaktiviert wird, wird die nring-Datenbank zerstört und alle gespeicherten Anmeldedaten werden gelöscht.
-Wird der Keyring anschließend wieder aktiviert, wird eine neue Datenbankdatei erstellt und der Benutzer wird erneut aufgefordert, ein Passwort einzugeben.
- - Speichern von Anmeldedaten -
Diese Seite erklärt alle Optionen zur Verwendung des Keyrings in Parabolic.
++The Keyring feature is backed by the Nickvision.Aura library.
+This library uses SQLCipher to securely store credentials in a platform independent manner.
+The library will use you system's credential manager (i.e. libsecret on Linux and Windows Credential Manager on Windows) for securing the Keyring.
++++Speichern von Anmeldedaten
Die folgenden Felder können in einem Anmeldedatensatz gespeichert werden:
Name: Der Name der Anmeldung
URL (optional): Die URL der Anmeldung
Benutzername (Optional wenn das Passwortfeld nicht leer ist): Der Benutzername der Anmeldung
Passwort (Optional wenn das Benutzernamenfeld nicht leer ist): Das Passwort der Anmeldung
- -
Migrating from Password-Secured Keyring to Secret-Secured Keyring
This section applies to users who have enabled a Keyring in Parabolic (in versions before V2023.9.0) and secured it with a password. Starting with version 2023.9.0, Parabolic uses the system's credential manager to generate a random password (secret) to secure the Keyring instead of asking for a user to provide one. By using the system credential manager, Parabolic can also automatically unlock the Keyring at startup without user interaction.
+If you have a password-secured Keyring from before version 2023.9.0, you can continue to use it in new versions of Parabolic without issue, but you will still need to provide the password everytime the application starts.
+Follow the rest of this section if you'd like to migrate your existing credentials and take advantage of the new Keyring where a password is not required every time.
+You can simply disable the old password-secured Keyring when you update Parabolic to 2023.9.0 and re-enable the Keyring to get a secret-secured one. However, this will erase all data from the old Keyring and require you to re-enter all credentials.
Install Passwords and Keys.
+Open Parabolic V2023.9.0 or newer at least once. (This will ensure that the app registers with your system's credential manager)
+Open Passwords and Keys and locate the org.nickvision.tubeconverter entry in the Default Keyring.
+Double click the org.nickvision.tubeconverter entry and edit the Password field. Enter the password that you created and used for your Keyring in Parabolic.
+You can now close Passwords and Keys and restart Parabolic. You will see that upon application startup, the Keyring will now be automatically unlocked!
Weitere Informationen
This page explains all options for using the Keyring in Parabolic.
- Backend -
The Keyring feature is backed by the Nickvision.Keyring library.
-This library uses SQLCipher to securley store credentials in a platform independent manner.
- - Enabling The Keyring -
When the Keyring is enabled, the user will be asked to enter a password to encrypt the Keyring.
-There is no way to recover the Keyring password if lost.
-This password will be used to unlock the Keyring in the future.
-----If the Keyring password is lost, the user will be unable to use this feature unless the Keyring database file is deleted.
-The Keyring file is stored in $CONFIG/Nickvision/Nickvision Parabolic/tubeconverter.nring
- - Disabling The Keyring -
When the Keyring is disabled, the backing nring database is destroyed and all credentials stored are erased.
-If the Keyring is re-enabled, a brand new database file will be created and the user will be prompted to enter a password again.
- - Storing a Credential -
This page explains all options for using the Keyring in Parabolic.
++The Keyring feature is backed by the Nickvision.Aura library.
+This library uses SQLCipher to securely store credentials in a platform independent manner.
+The library will use you system's credential manager (i.e. libsecret on Linux and Windows Credential Manager on Windows) for securing the Keyring.
++++Storing a Credential
Here are the fields that can be stored in a credential:
Name: The name of the credential
URL (optional): The URL of the credential
Username (optional if password is not empty): The username of the credential
Password (optional if username is not empty): The password of the credential
- -
Migrating from Password-Secured Keyring to Secret-Secured Keyring
This section applies to users who have enabled a Keyring in Parabolic (in versions before V2023.9.0) and secured it with a password. Starting with version 2023.9.0, Parabolic uses the system's credential manager to generate a random password (secret) to secure the Keyring instead of asking for a user to provide one. By using the system credential manager, Parabolic can also automatically unlock the Keyring at startup without user interaction.
+If you have a password-secured Keyring from before version 2023.9.0, you can continue to use it in new versions of Parabolic without issue, but you will still need to provide the password everytime the application starts.
+Follow the rest of this section if you'd like to migrate your existing credentials and take advantage of the new Keyring where a password is not required every time.
+You can simply disable the old password-secured Keyring when you update Parabolic to 2023.9.0 and re-enable the Keyring to get a secret-secured one. However, this will erase all data from the old Keyring and require you to re-enter all credentials.
Install Passwords and Keys.
+Open Parabolic V2023.9.0 or newer at least once. (This will ensure that the app registers with your system's credential manager)
+Open Passwords and Keys and locate the org.nickvision.tubeconverter entry in the Default Keyring.
+Double click the org.nickvision.tubeconverter entry and edit the Password field. Enter the password that you created and used for your Keyring in Parabolic.
+You can now close Passwords and Keys and restart Parabolic. You will see that upon application startup, the Keyring will now be automatically unlocked!
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες
Predeterminado: 20
Si se activa, Parabolic aplicará la extensión SponsorBlock a las descargas de YouTube.
En esta página se explican todas las opciones de uso del llavero en Parabolic.
- Lado del servidor -
La función llavero está respaldada por la biblioteca Nickvision.Keyring.
-Esta biblioteca usa SQLCipher para almacenar credenciales de forma segura e independiente de la plataforma.
- - Activación del llavero -
Cuando el llavero esté activado, se pedirá al usuario que introduzca una contraseña para cifrar el llavero.
-No hay forma de recuperar la contraseña del llavero si se pierde.
-Esta contraseña se usará para desbloquear el llavero en el futuro.
-----Si se pierde la contraseña del llavero, el usuario no podrá usar esta función a menos que se borre el archivo de base de datos del llavero.
-El archivo del llavero se almacena en $CONFIG/Nickvision/Nickvision Parabolic/tubeconverter.nring
- - Desactivación del llavero -
Cuando se desactiva el llavero, se destruye la base de datos de nring de respaldo y se borran todas las credenciales almacenadas.
-Si se vuelve a activar el llavero, se creará un nuevo archivo de base de datos y se pedirá al usuario que introduzca de nuevo una contraseña.
- - Almacenamiento de una credencial -
En esta página se explican todas las opciones de uso del llavero en Parabolic.
++Lado del servidor
++The Keyring feature is backed by the Nickvision.Aura library.
+This library uses SQLCipher to securely store credentials in a platform independent manner.
+The library will use you system's credential manager (i.e. libsecret on Linux and Windows Credential Manager on Windows) for securing the Keyring.
++++Almacenamiento de una credencial
Estos son los campos que pueden almacenarse en una credencial:
Nombre: El nombre de la credencial
URL (opcional): La URL de la credencial
Nombre de usuario (opcional si la contraseña no está vacía): El nombre de usuario de la credencial
Contraseña (opcional si el nombre de usuario no está vacío): La contraseña de la credencial
- -
Migrating from Password-Secured Keyring to Secret-Secured Keyring
This section applies to users who have enabled a Keyring in Parabolic (in versions before V2023.9.0) and secured it with a password. Starting with version 2023.9.0, Parabolic uses the system's credential manager to generate a random password (secret) to secure the Keyring instead of asking for a user to provide one. By using the system credential manager, Parabolic can also automatically unlock the Keyring at startup without user interaction.
+If you have a password-secured Keyring from before version 2023.9.0, you can continue to use it in new versions of Parabolic without issue, but you will still need to provide the password everytime the application starts.
+Follow the rest of this section if you'd like to migrate your existing credentials and take advantage of the new Keyring where a password is not required every time.
+You can simply disable the old password-secured Keyring when you update Parabolic to 2023.9.0 and re-enable the Keyring to get a secret-secured one. However, this will erase all data from the old Keyring and require you to re-enter all credentials.
Install Passwords and Keys.
+Open Parabolic V2023.9.0 or newer at least once. (This will ensure that the app registers with your system's credential manager)
+Open Passwords and Keys and locate the org.nickvision.tubeconverter entry in the Default Keyring.
+Double click the org.nickvision.tubeconverter entry and edit the Password field. Enter the password that you created and used for your Keyring in Parabolic.
+You can now close Passwords and Keys and restart Parabolic. You will see that upon application startup, the Keyring will now be automatically unlocked!
Más información
Si se activa, Parabolic dividirá el vídeo en varios más pequeños en función de tus capítulos.
+Si se activa, Parabolic dividirá el vídeo en varios más pequeños en función de sus capítulos.