This one is expected to be a primary level-based game mode. See Levels
This is already implemented MVP
Mode that is reasonable to have: match as many words in time limit
graph TD
- Complete the `cat` automatically without the user input
- Provide popup commentary on what is going on:
- your goal is to match words
- swipe right, left, or down
- word is matched, you are hero!
Level 1 (basic palindromes)
Use palindromes to simplify the goal
- lol
- wow
- eve
- gig
- pop
- pup
- ewe
- did
- gig
- bob
Level 2 (4letter palindromes)
- anna
- poop
- deed
- boob
- esse
- kook
- noon
possible goals:
- match exact word
- find N animals
- cat
- dog
- rat
- pup
- pig
- bee
- cow
- owl
- fox
- Bat
- elk
- Ant
- Fly
Level X (5letter palindromes)
class GameSettings{
+Int height
+Int width
class LetterSource{
+next() Char
class WordisGame{
+LetterSource letters
+GameSettings settings
class WordisGameLevel{
+Int speed
+WordSource wordsSource
+GameSettings settings
+WordisGame game
+String QuestFormulation
+String Title
+Func<WordisGame, bool> completionPredicate
class WordSource{
+next() Char
WordSource <|-- LetterSource : providing letters for actual `quest` words
WordisGame <|-- WordisGameLevel
WordisGame --> LetterSource
WordisGame --> GameSettings
WordisGameLevel --> GameSettings
WordisGameLevel --> WordisGame : Proxy extending functionality
WordisGameLevel --> WordSource