- Updated to version 0.3.0
We checked 1 reverse dependencies, comparing R CMD check results across CRAN and dev versions of this package.
We saw 0 new problems
We failed to check 0 packages
Checked and passed using rhub v2.0.0 in the following environments:
- R-hubv2 windows (R-devel)
- R-hubv2 linux (R-devel)
- R-hubv2 macos-arm64 (R-devel)
- R-hubv2 clang-asan
- R-hubv2 ubuntu-gcc12
- R-hubv2 ubuntu-clang
Additionally checked on win-builder.r-project.org:
- windows (R-devel)
- windows (R-release)
- windows (R-old release)
and R-CMD-check github actions:
- macos-latest (release)
- ubuntu-latest (devel)
- ubuntu-latest (oldrel-1)
- ubuntu-latest (release)
- windows-latest (release)