This guide will explain how to upgrade or re-install exisiting environment
Shutdown currently running docker images using the following sequence on each node:
docker pull nexenta/nedge
docker rm -f NAME
where NAME is the name of your running container
On the node where NEADM is installed:
docker pull nexenta/nedge-neadm
Re-run your regular starting sequence
Follow upgrade sequence and shutdown all the nodes.
For each device "name" key in your nesetup.json execute the following command on each node:
docker run --rm --privileged=true -v /dev:/dev nexenta/nedge /opt/nedge/sbin/nezap --do-as-i-say DEVID [JOURNAL_DEVID]
Make sure to zap all the devices you listed in nesetup.json. Use optional JOURNAL_DEVID parameter to additionally zap journal/cache SSD.
Additionally prior to restart, clean up "var" directory for each data container, example:
rm -rf /root/c0/var/*
Re-run your regular starting sequence
From the NexentaEdge deployment workstation, use the following command to deploy the NexentaEdge software to the nodes:
nedeploy deploy solo <ip-address> <nodename> <username:password> -i <interface>
[-t <profile>][-x <disks-to-exclude>][-X <disks-to-reserve>][-z <zone>][-F <filesytem-type>][-m]
[--docker][--P <number-of-partitions>][--upgrade]
Ensure that options "--docker" and "--upgrade" both specified.
Optionally, use option "--wipeout-datastores" (WARNING: all data will be wiped out!) to automatically re-initialize data stores.
Consult with "Upgrading NexentaEdge" section in Installation Guide