A repository for syncing data with custom ROMs' creators. It includes files for hundreds of devices and scripts for synchronizing the data with upstream repositories.
[✓] LineageOS - conflicts fixed here, using the mainstream device directory, 420/420 devices supported
[✓] PixysOS - using the mainstream devices.json file, 28/28 devices supported
[✓] SuperiorOS - using files from the official_devices and official_devices-gapps repositories, 19/19 devices supported
[/] PixelExperience - using the mainstream devices.json file, 134/138 devices supported
[/] PixelOS - using the mainstream devices.json file, 36/42 devices supported
[/] EvolutionX - using the mainstream devices.json file, 62/65 devices supported
[/] crDroid - using a mainstream file from the official website, an important issue ignored by the authors, 151/170 devices supported
[/] HavocOS - using a local copy of the OTA repository due to an issue in a JSON file, fix requested, 86/107 devices supported
[/] CorvusOS - using a local copy of the devices.json file due to duplicate declarations, fixes requested, 43/52 devices supported
[/] ArrowOS - using the mainstream arrow_ota.json file, no support for checking if a device is discontinued found, 83/86 devices supported
[\] /e/OS - using a local copy of the devices directory due to duplicate declarations, 252/270 devices supported
[-] GrapheneOS - no parsable file found, devices added manually and not synced
[-] AwakenOS - no parsable file found, devices added manually and not synced
[/] TWRP - using the twrpme repository, 284/537 devices supported