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David Desmaisons edited this page Sep 27, 2016 · 9 revisions

Given the following ViewModel:

public class Skill
	public string Type { get;}
	public string Name { get;}

	public Skill (string name, string skillType)
		Name = name;
		Type = skillType;

public class Person: ViewModelBase
	private string _LastName;
	public string LastName
		get { return _LastName; }
		set { Set(ref _LastName, value, "LastName"); }

	private string _Name;
	public string Name
		get { return _Name; }
		set { Set(ref _Name, value, "Name"); }

	private Skill _MainSkill;
	public Skill MainSkill
		get { return _MainSkill; }
		set { Set(ref _MainSkill, value, "MainSkill"); }
	public IList<Skill> Skills { get; private set; }

	public ICommand RemoveSkill { get; private set; }
	public Person()
		Skills = new ObservableCollection<Skill>();
		RemoveSkill = new RelayCommand<Skill>(s=> this.Skills.Remove(s));

Bind to a property:

<span data-bind="text:Name"><\span>

Bind to a nested property:

<span data-bind="Skill().Name"><\span>

Bind to a Collection:

<div data-bind="foreach: Skills">
     <div ><span data-bind="text:Type"></span></div >