3/9/2017 2:36 AM
dan :
I've been making VR things in Unity and would love to collaborate with folks if they need VR help.
3/9/2017 3:11 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
do you have a project that you have created which is open source and think would work well being paired with EEG? I was working on something for a conference but didn't have time to finish it
3/9/2017 3:11 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
Would love to know if you have anything in mind that would be a good fit for BCI integration.
3/11/2017 1:06 PM
dan :
I don't have anything that's open source at this time. sydneyneurotechx
3/11/2017 9:27 PM
z3 :
I´m thinking to do one too, inspired by this project: http://cradle.jayvidyarthi.com/
3/13/2017 11:25 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
To view archived text from Slack please visit:
3/28/2017 3:43 PM
lincolnn :
Anyone work with gsr?
4/25/2017 9:07 PM
dano :
Thinking of hooking up this Google VR test project with the Muse Unity SDK and using the relaxation metric to control enemy spawn rate.
4/25/2017 9:07 PM
dano :
4/25/2017 9:08 PM
dano :
Anyone worked with Google VR SDK or Unity before and want to help out/give advice?
4/25/2017 9:12 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
dano Take a look at this
4/25/2017 9:13 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
was forked from a lab here in Montreal (Where yannick is doing his PHD)
4/25/2017 9:13 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Works with Muse
4/25/2017 9:18 PM
dano :
4/25/2017 9:26 PM
dano :
readme would be nice, hehe
4/25/2017 9:41 PM
yannick :
Haha! Id need to attend an open source workshop to learn best practices... ho wait...
5/14/2017 8:01 PM
dano :
Just gonna leave this here...
5/27/2017 2:38 AM
erinjerri :
has anyone taken MRI data (DICOM NIFTI) into voxel data and put it in unity/unreal before?
7/25/2017 10:11 PM
dan :
I've been putting in a lot of hours in Unity and using physical sensors like ultrasonic sound ones to manipulate virtual objects. I'm curious if we'd be able to pass in eeg waves in a similar fashion.
7/25/2017 10:14 PM
dan :
Would be happy to collaborate if there's interest. My strengths are definitely more on the interaction design / VR side rather than BCI but I've been farting around with it. I think with the right team we could do some damage
7/25/2017 10:43 PM
dano :
What could you do with a scalar variable that changed over time, corresponding roughly to the user's concentration/relaxation/etc? That's the kind of thing we're getting with Muse right now
8/8/2017 12:47 AM
dan :
8/8/2017 5:07 PM
dano :
I'm putting in an application to Neurable to get a development kit for AR/VR
8/9/2017 12:44 PM
dan :
9/13/2017 8:25 PM
adamm_neurable :
<!channel> Neurable is having its first public event in NYC where you can control an entire VR experience with our BCI. Real-time selections manifest in this game by allowing you to grab objects, throw them, transform lasers, teleport and more! More information is available here: https://vrworldnyc.com/fall-2017-lineup/neurable/
9/20/2017 4:44 AM
sweetrabh :
VR headset + eeg + eye tracking device http://looxidlabs.com/work/
9/20/2017 4:20 PM
dano :
Very cool! i wonder how far along they are in developing it
9/20/2017 4:21 PM
dano :
no concrete purchase link
10/29/2017 2:26 PM
dano :
This is the coolest: http://webvr-defender.glitch.me/
10/29/2017 2:26 PM
dano :