Firmware for the HTT-TFM Extrapolator
- Open Extrapolator.qpf in Quartus Prime
- Open Compilation Dashboard
- Click IP Generation (This may take a while, its generating output files for the included IPs)
- Click Analysis & Synthesis (compiling the vhd files)
- Click EDA Netlist Writer
- Go to Tools > Generate SImulator Script for IP (creates a file called ../mentor/msim_setup.tcl)
- Open a text editor
- Open the file ../mentor/
- Change the project folder variable to your path "set QSYS_SIMDIR /data/firmware/quartus/extrapolator"
- Open a Terminal window
- cd ../mentor
- source (This will take the generated msim_setup.tcl and use it to create
- Open ModelSim
- do mentor/