some java useful utils and so on.
render http file from url、file、inputstream
check the file is or not a image file
send http request with connection pool, newest with apache httpcomments httpclient 4.3
include seven common use sort algorithms
logger operation, can output the line u call the method
Java operation util, such as get the line no of the code
network utils, include ip、hostaddress...
include some system function such as killByPid, hostName, hsotPid and so on
url process tools.
Map util, such as convert java bean to/from map.
支持**.properites,.json,.conf(HOCON),.yaml**文件格式;支持java properties包含中文
<bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer"> <property name="order" value="0"/> <property name="ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders" value="true"/> ... <property name="propertiesPersister" ref="persister"/> </bean> <bean id="persister" class="me.rowkey.libs.spring.config.AwesomePropertiesPersister"/>
use this PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer can adapt .properties,.json,.conf,.yaml config files and support chinese in java properties.
<bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="me.rowkey.libs.spring.config.AwesomePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer"> <property name="order" value="0"/> <property name="ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders" value="true"/> <property name="locations"> <list> ... </list> </property> </bean>
Annotation based command line parser with strong typing for both options and positional args and support for git-like subcommands. Usage help with ANSI colors. Easily included as source to avoid external dependencies.