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Alexander Orzechowski edited this page Oct 16, 2015 · 3 revisions

The Tessellator Object is the main class that will create resources and graphics for any <canvas> element.


  • Tessellator(void)
    This will create a new Tessellator object with default properties. The Tessellator.context object is populated with a new <canvas> element that has its css height and width automatically set to "100%". After creating such an object the Tessellator.canvas object can be extracted and appended to the DOM tree. It can also be extracted and passed to a Tessellator.TextureVideo to behave as a standard texture in an existing Tessellator object.
  • Tessellator(DOMElement)
    This will create a new Tessellator object with default properties. The argument passed must be a <canvas> element or an exception will be thrown.
  • Tessellator(String)
    This will create a new Tessellator object with default properties. The argument passed is assumed to be an existing dom element's id and will automatically call ```getElementById(`;
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