Valora is open source and we welcome open participation!
Find an area that is of interest and you would like to help with. Look for issues that are tagged as "good first issue" or "help wanted" to get started. If you’d like to dig deeper, feel free to look at other labels and TODO’s in code comments. If there’s an issue you’re interested in contributing to or taking over, assign yourself to it and add a comment with your plans to address and target timeline. If there’s already someone assigned to it, please check with them before adding yourself to the assignee list.
Tasks range from minor to major improvements. Based on your interests, skillset, and level of comfort with the code-base feel free to contribute where you see appropriate. We encourage you to PR (pull request) your work regularly and often to solicit feedback and to ensure everyone has an idea of what you’re working on. If you’ve just started, we suggest creating a PR with “WIP” (Work In Progress) in the title and let us know when it’s ready to review in the comments.
Valora is part of the Celo community and follows Celo's Code of Conduct.
- Requests the appropriate reviewers. When in doubt, consult the CODEOWNERS file for suggestions.
- Provides a comprehensive description of the problem addressed and changes made.
- Explains dependencies and backwards incompatible changes.
- Contains unit and end-to-end tests and a description of how these were run.
- Includes changes to relevant documentation.
If you are submitting an issue, please double check that there doesn’t already exist and issue for the work you have in mind.
- Has a clear detailed title such that it can’t be confused with other Valora issues.
- Provides a comprehensive description of the current and expected behavior including, if relevant, links to external references and specific implementation guidelines.
- Is tagged with the relevant labels.
- Is assigned if you or someone else is already working on it.