Option Greeks, Implied Volatility, and Theoretical Price for the associated symbol.
- nasdaq
- Real-time or 15 minute delayed data; acceptable values: realtime, delayed (currently only realtime is offered)
- Unique identifier of the options contract
"Authorization: Bearer <token>"
"u": "string",
"d": "number",
"g": "number",
"vg": "number",
"tt": "number",
"r": "number",
"iv": "number",
"tp": "number",
"t": "string",
"i": "string"
Field | Name | Type | Description |
Underlying | u | string | Underlying symbol associated with the Option. |
Delta | d | number | Compares the rate of change between the underlying asset's price and the option instrument’s price. |
Gamma | g | number | Provides the rate of change for an option instrument’s delta value based on a single point move in the underliers price. |
Vega | vg | number | Measures an option instrument’s change in price relative to a single point move in implied volatility of the underlying instrument. |
Theta | tt | number | Represents the rate of decline in the value of an option instrument over time as the expiration date approaches. |
Rho | r | number | Measures the price change for an option instrument relative to a change in the risk-free rate of interest. |
Implied Volatility | iv | number | Provides the market forecast of expected movements in the underlying instrument over the duration of the option instrument’s life. |
Theoretical Price | tp | number | Provides an estimated price of an option instrument that can be used alongside market prices. |
Timestamp | t | string | The timestamp for all values. |
Identifier | i | string | Unique identifier of the options contract: Symbol + Expiration Date + Option Type + Strike Price, using OSI symbology for all US options; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Option_symbol. |
curl --location --request GET 'https://example.com/v1/nasdaq/realtime/greeksandvolsus/AAPL 230526C00172500' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer example_token"
"u": "AAPL.O",
"d": 0.5976895209869326,
"g": 0.1812382635080212,
"vg": 0.040720051256926126,
"tt": -0.3208365923907447,
"r": 0.003785521215604603,
"iv": 0.20281799478887522,
"tp": 1.1320738969929778,
"t": "2023-05-26T09:50:02.088",
"i": "AAPL 230526C00172500"