KloudTrader's in-house trading framework optimized for computational finance and algortihmic trading. 📈📊📉
Connect your trading models and conquer the markets.
What does LibKLoudTrader offer?
Extremely simple to use trading APIs for U.S. Equity market.
All sorts of data: live market feed, historical price data, company information and much more.
Customized alert APIs for both sms and email.
A Wide range of functions for financial, technical, portfolio and risk analsyis.
Papertrading with virtual money upto $1 million. (Coming Soon)
Multi Crypto-Currency Trading and Data APIs. (Coming Soon)
Managed deployment of your trading algorithm on Narwhal without the hassle of dev-ops and tech support.
Documentation for LibKloudTrader can be found here: https://docs.kloudtrader.com/
For questions, feedback and contributions:
Note: This is a python client. More clients (R, Julia, Golang, C#, etc) coming soon.
Notes for docs: Remove close_prices, open_prices, etc