This project is a Django application designed for multi-level authentication security using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). It features role-based logins to provide granular access control within the system. The application leverages the Django framework for backend development, incorporating Python for logic implementation. It utilizes React for frontend development, ensuring a dynamic and interactive user interface. MySQL serves as the database management system to store and manage application data efficiently. JavaScript is employed for frontend scripting, enhancing user experience and interactivity.
- Python
- Django
- Rest Framework
- jwt-web-authentication
- SQLlite3
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Docker Desktop from Docker's official website. Build the Docker image:
docker build -t quiz-app .
Run the Docker container:
docker run -p 8000:8000 quiz-app
Access the application in your web browser at the specified address.
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver
Access the application in your web browser at the specified address.
- Admin or manager can add the questions.
- Teacher or Head of the Department can access all the questions listed and can modify.
- Students can get the question to take the test.
- ../auth/register/ -- POST
- ../auth/login -- POST Here you will get the access token and refresh token for authentication.
- ../api/auth/questions/ -- GET Get list of all questions.
- ../api/auth/questions/{question_id} -- GET Get particular question.
- ../api/auth/question/{question_id} -- PUT Update the questions.
- ../api/auth/delete/question -- DELETE
Note :- It is stil in developing stage Frontend will be out in next release. Frontend will be Reat.js