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Library to Ingest Migration

fvankrieken edited this page Nov 20, 2024 · 24 revisions


  • run python3 -m dcpy.cli lifecycle scripts validate_ingest convert {ds} to create a template scaffold in dcpy/lifecycle/ingest/templates
  • complete the generated template to best of your abilities
  • run python3 -m dcpy.cli lifecycle scripts validate_ingest run_and_compare {ds}
  • iterate
    • tweak template/code as needed
    • run python3 -m dcpy.cli lifecycle scripts validate_ingest run_single ingest {ds}
    • run python3 -m dcpy.cli lifecycle scripts validate_ingest compare {ds} (-k {key_column})
  • add columns field
    • use python3 -m dcpy.cli lifecycle scripts validate_ingest get_columns {ds} to get all columns and types
    • search codebase for table references (or use judgement) and add columns that we depend on to the columns field of template
  • run python3 -m dcpy.cli lifecycle scripts validate_ingest run_single ingest {ds} to make sure final template is valid
  • run python3 -m dcpy.cli lifecycle scripts validate_ingest compare {ds} (-k {key_column}) and copy-paste output into tracking issue


We are migrating from dcpy.library to dcpy.lifecycle.ingest as our tool of choice for ingesting (extracting, some amount of minimal processing/transforming, then archiving) source datasets to edm-recipes, our bucket that's used as a long term data store.

This migration is being done on a dataset-by-dataset basis. Our github actions that previously targeted library or ingest now hit dcpy.lifecycle.scripts.ingest_with_library_fallback, which runs ingest to archive a dataset if a template for it exists in dcpy/lifecycle/ingest/templates, and falls back to trying to use library if it doesn't. This cli target is python3 -m dcpy.cli lifecycle scripts ingest_or_library_archive { dataset } { ... }.

In terms of how datasets are being prioritized, see the project managing the migration.

Migrating a dataset

Writing the new template

First step - check if the template is in dcpy/lifecycle/ingest/dev_templates! These aren't finished, as code has moved and they haven't been maintained, but they'd be good starting points over the library template.

Easiest thing to do is run the command

python3 -m dcpy.cli lifecycle scripts validate_ingest convert {ds}

This creates a bit of a scaffold for the new template, with the copied in library template beneath it for reference. Schema for the template can be found dcpy/models/lifecycle/ (and json schema here in s3), though it's just as if not more helpful to look at the other examples in the templates folder. Do take some care to determine the type of the source - if we have a link to s3, make it an s3 source, not a url. If that s3 link was just us dumping it in edm-recipes/inbox, we can actually just make it a local file now, since ingest archives the raw dataset - no need for inbox.

columns field

The templates have a columns field, where we can list columns with both id and data_type. Columns are tough to define when starting, since you haven't looked at any of the data yet - leave them blank. Once the new template has been validated, there's a CLI target - get_columns that will print out copy and paste-able yml to dump into the template. You should definitely run ingest again after adding the columns field to ensure that all fields are valid.

With a (mostly) finished template, it's time to validate and iterate as needed.


You'll be running ingest and library via command line. gdal has breaking changes in 3.9.x to library, so if you have a later version installed locally, you'll either need to downgrade, or run in a docker container (such as the dev container). I have moved away from working inside the dev container, so for this, I built the dev container but did not have vs code run within it, and simply prefix commands with docker exec de ... (the container is named "de" now) to run the commands below in the running container.

One-liner to run and compare

python3 -m dcpy.cli lifecycle scripts validate_ingest run_and_compare dcp_specialpurpose

Likely, you will need to do more than just run this one command

Running ingest/library

The code to run both tools lives mostly in dcpy/lifecycle/scripts/, and it's targets from here that are hit. That file contains logic to

  1. run the tool(s) - library and ingest - without pushing to s3, just keeping file outputs local
  2. load to the database sandbox in edm-data (in schema based on your env)
  3. run utilities from to compare the two

The first two points are bundled into a (few) single command(s)

  • python3 -m dcpy.cli lifecycle scripts validate_ingest run dcp_specialpurpose
  • python3 -m dcpy.cli lifecycle scripts validate_ingest run_single library dcp_specialpurpose
  • python3 -m dcpy.cli lifecycle scripts validate_ingest run_single ingest dcp_specialpurpose -v 20241001

The first runs both library and ingest, the second/third is a target to just run one of them. Typically, you'll start with the first (or the one-liner to run and compare from up above), and then re-run ingest as needed. Version can be supplied as an option to either command.

Comparing outputs

The code to compare lives in dcpy/data/, though we still access it only through the lifecycle script we've already been using.

  • python3 -m dcpy.cli lifecycle scripts validate_ingest compare dcp_specialpurpose

This has a couple options, all of which you will likely use. With no options, it returns a SqlReport object that compares

  • row count
  • columns/schema
  • data - simple comparison (select * from left except select * from right essentially).

Your first, option-free command might return empty dataframes for the data comparison. If so, great! We're done. But more likely we have to make changes. But before iterating on the template, based on what we see it might be helpful to run with some options first.

-c option - column/schema-only comparison

With -c specified, it skips the data comparison. This is sometimes helpful (or necessary) as a first pass.

If you got a sql error instead of a report, this is for you. The only error I've gotten is from invalid data comparison - str vs date, str vs int, etc. Running with -c, the print out the nrows and column name/type comparison will give you enough info to hopefully "fix" the ingest template. Likely, you'll need to add clean_column_names step and coerce_column_types.

-k option - key columns

With -k option, you can specify key column(s) to make the data comparison more informative

It's tough to just compare rows. But maybe now looking at the output, or querying the tables in dbeaver, you can see a little bit of structure - this table looks like it's one row per bbl, or sdlbl, or what have you. Great - we can run compare now with the -k option to specify a key for this table, so we can compare by key. I.e., for bbl '1000010001', what values have changed? It's a much more informative comparison.

If you have a compound key (say, boro, block, and lot), you can specify multiple - python3 -m dcpy.cli lifecycle scripts validate_ingest compare dcp_zoningtaxlots -k bbl -k boro -k block -k lot is what was needed to identify unique keys in ztl and then make comparisons. This keyed report both summarizes any keys present in one table but not the other, then also compares other columns for each key.

Hopefully at this point, you have some sort of informative comparison. So the data is different - what do we do?

Iterating - types of changes needed

There's one blanket change that we've decided is acceptable. character varying columns are now being created as text.

Beyond that, you might need to do a variety of things. Particularly with geometry differences, you might need to query the database, and determine if the differences need changing, and how. You will need to do one or two things to tweak the data

Add processing steps

Old default steps

Library by default

  • always lowercased column names and replaced spaces with underscores
  • generally coerced polygons to multipolygons

v0 of ingest had these steps baked in, but they're being removed from the code of ingest, meaning they likely will need to be defined in your template.

  - name: clean_column_names
    args: {"replace": {" ": "_"}, "lower": True}
  - name: multi

These aren't run by default for a couple reasons

  • if they're not needed for a specific dataset, it's nice to run less steps
  • not ALL geospatial datasets are actually coerced to multi by library
  • when adding new datasets, we might prefer a difference scheme of cleaning names (and certainly would prefer to not automatically turn polygons to multi)

However, they are both probably needed for many datasets. For multi, a quick search of our codebase shows that several transformations rely on logic along the lines of WHERE st_geometrytype(geom) = 'MultiPolygon'. Unless you're certain that this dataset is fine, in general convert polygons to multi. It seems more common that we did not coerce to multi in the case of points (dcp_addresspoints, for one).

other processing steps

For shapefiles, you'll likely need

  - name: rename_columns
      map: {"geom": "wkb_geometry"}

A necessary evil. May we one day rid ourselves of the column "wkb_geometry". Today is not that day.

There are a variety of steps

code changes to ingest

There's a chance you'll want to preprocess in some way, and that function doesn't exist! For example, for dcp_dcmstreetcenterline, the dataset actually is of POINTZ geometry - 3D points. However, after running library and ingest and querying the database, I found that all z values were zero. So both to make identical with library (and as it turned out without losing any actual data), the dates needed to be coerced to 2d. There's actually a gpd geoseries function to do just that, and we had a preprocessor to call a generic pd Series function, so I extended it to also allow for GeoSeries function calls as well.

Processing steps should be as generic and parameterizable as possible.

If you need to write a new processing function, you also need to write a test for it. Thems the rules.