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`h2`. - \begin{align*} - k_1(\xi,Q^2) &= \int_\xi^1 du \frac{g_1(u,Q^2)}{u}\\ - \end{align*} - - Returns - ------- - k1 : dict - ESF output for the integral + Returns + ------- + k1 : dict + ESF output for the integral """ - return self._convolute_FX("g1", k1_ker) + return self._h2() def _k2(self): r""" @@ -325,10 +317,10 @@ def _k2(self): \begin{align*} k_2(\xi,Q^2) &= \int_\xi^1 du \log(\frac{u}{\xi}) - \frac{g_1(u,Q^2)}{u}\\ + \frac{g_1(u,Q^2)}{u^2}\\ &= - \int_\xi^1 du \log(\frac{\xi}{u}) - \frac{g_1(u,Q^2)}{u}\\ - &= ((z\to -\log(z)) \otimes g_1(z))(\xi) + \frac{g_1(u,Q^2)}{u^2}\\ + &= ((z\to - \frac{z}{\xi} \log(z)) \otimes g_1(z))(\xi) \end{align*} Returns @@ -557,48 +549,73 @@ class ESFTMC_g1(EvaluatedStructureFunctionTMC): def __init__(self, SF, kinematics): super().__init__(SF, kinematics) - # Kinematic factor for ZM g1 - self._factor_shifted = self.x**2 / (self.xi * self.rho**3) + # Kinematic factor for ZM g1. Must be divided by `2\xi` to undo def. + self._factor_shifted = self.x / (self.xi * self.rho**3) / 2 / self.xi # Kinematic factor for common for `k1` & `k2` integral - self._factor_k1_k2 = (4 * self.x**2 * self.mu) / self.rho**3 + self._factor_k1_k2 = (4 * self.x**2 * self.mu) / self.rho**4 + + # Extra (1/2) appears when undoing the `2x` in the definition. # Kinematic factor specific for `k1` integral - self._factor_k1 = (self.x + self.xi) / self.xi + self._factor_k1 = (self.x + self.xi) / self.xi / 2 # Kinematic factor specific for `k2` integral - self._factor_k2 = (self.rho**2 - 3) / (2 * self.rho) + self._factor_k2 = (self.rho**2 - 3) / (2 * self.rho) / 2 def _get_result_approx(self): - # NOTE: The approximations are evaluated at the lower - # integral limit; ie by integrating the factors of `g1^0` - approx_k1 = 1 - self.xi - approx_k2 = self.xi - 1 - np.log(self.xi) - # collect g1 results + # Collect g1 result. g1out = self.sf.get_esf(self.sf.obs_name, self._shifted_kinematics).get_result() - # Combine the expressions - return g1out * ( - self._factor_shifted - + self._factor_k1_k2 - * (self._factor_k1 * approx_k1 + self._factor_k2 * approx_k2) + + # NOTE: The approximations are evaluated at the lower integral + # limit; ie by integrating the factors of `g1^0` from xi to 1. + # (1/2) appears when undoing the `2x` in the definition. + approx_k1 = (1 - self.xi) / self.xi + approx_k2 = 1 / self.xi - 1 + np.log(self.xi) + + # Combine the expressions and putting back `2\xi` + factors = ( + 2 + * self.xi + * ( + self._factor_shifted + + self._factor_k1_k2 + * (self._factor_k1 * approx_k1 + self._factor_k2 * approx_k2) + ) ) + return factors * g1out def _get_result_exact(self): - # collect g1 results + # Collect g1 result. g1out = self.sf.get_esf(self.sf.obs_name, self._shifted_kinematics).get_result() + # Call to the raw integrals k1out = self._k1() k2out = self._k2() - # Combine the expressions - return self._factor_shifted * g1out + self._factor_k1_k2 * ( - self._factor_k1 * k1out + self._factor_k2 * k2out + + # Combine the expressions and putting back `2\xi` + return ( + 2 + * self.xi + * ( + self._factor_shifted * g1out + + self._factor_k1_k2 + * (self._factor_k1 * k1out + self._factor_k2 * k2out) + ) ) def _get_result_APFEL(self): - # collect g1 results + # Collect g1 result. g1out = self.sf.get_esf(self.sf.obs_name, self._shifted_kinematics).get_result() + # Call to the raw integrals - k1out = self._k1() - # Combine the expressions + k1out = self._h2() + + # Combine the expressions and putting back `2\xi` return ( - self._factor_shifted * g1out + self._factor_k1_k2 * self._factor_k1 * k1out + 2 + * self.xi + * ( + self._factor_shifted * g1out + + self._factor_k1_k2 * self._factor_k1 * k1out + ) )