The parameters of eagleye_rt can be set in the eagleye_config.yaml. The default settings are 5Hz for GNSS and 50Hz for IMU.
The TF between sensors can be set in sensors_tf.yaml. The settings are reflected by describing the positional relationship of each sensor with respect to base_link. If you want to change the base frame, change basic_parent_frame to reflect the change.
Start each sensor driver
Start eagleye.
roslaunch eagleye_rt eagleye_rt.launch
Play the sample data.
rosparam set use_sim_time true rosbag play --clock eagleye_sample.bag
Launch eagleye.
roslaunch eagleye_rt eagleye_rt.launch
The estimated results will be output about 100 seconds after playing the rosbag. This is because we need to wait for the data to accumulate for estimation.
/nmea_sentence (nmea_msgs/Sentence)
/can_twist (geometry_msgs/TwistStamped)
/rtklib_nav (rtklib_msgs/RtklibNav)
/imu/data_raw (sensor_msgs/Imu)
/eagleye/fix (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix)
/eagleye/twist (ngeometry_msgs/TwistStamped)
To visualize the eagleye output location /eagleye/fix, for example, use the following command
roslaunch eagleye_fix2kml fix2kml.launch
To convert from eagleye/fix to eagleye/pose, use the following command
roslaunch eagleye_fix2pose fix2pose.launch