- [stats] added activity_chart endpoint. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] do not always evaluate [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] changed number of past months for the time frame. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [dependencies] Updated typing_extensions. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] improved activity chart and fixed color redundancy issue. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] format with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] improved activity chart and fixed color redundancy issue. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] added small legend for the activity chart. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] from date_to from url and uses gte for the db comparison of the dates. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] moved the activity chart at the top. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] test to filter countries chart with the activity chart. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] test to filter charts with the activity chart. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [language] return en if settings.LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME not yet in the session. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [routing] get the url of the terms page with the URL resolver. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [routing] make stats and terms pages available with or without a trailing slash. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] improved stats page layout and added i18 tags around strings. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] improved answers_per_section function in [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] answers_per_section now process average per company size. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templates] improved stats page layout. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] only fetch the last month. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templates] improved stats page layout. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [mypy] added types-python-dateutil stub package. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] added some comments in activity_chart endtpoint and select the surveys of the last year for the answers per section. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] format with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [security] CVE-2022-23833 , CVE-2022-22818. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] check if date_from and date_to are defined. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] fixed wrong labels. [Cédric Bonhomme]
v2.0.0 (2022-01-24)
- [stats] Added charts and corresponding endpoint to represent the mean of the user's answers per section in radar chart. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [deployment] added nginx conf for Gunicorn. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templates] added new maintenance task in admin panel. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templates] added new maintenance task in admin panel. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [admin] it is now possible to export the survey via HTTP request. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] Added basic command to export a survey. Generates a file compatible with the import_questions command. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [vm] added new packer configuration. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [logo] Added fit4operatorsurvey logo. [jfrocha]
- [filter] added new filter to find elem in list of tuples. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] added new get_obj_attr filter. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [API] added new API endpoint in order to manage translations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [translations] added page to list the remaining strings to translalte. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [translations] added page to manage the translations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [data] added JSON file for survey4operators. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] added new translate_db Django filter. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] added Django command to import translations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [email] added email templates and modal to enter the email address. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [utils] added a function to send report per emails. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [report] added PDF report generation. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [config] added config variable in for wtemps. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templates] added configuration of the templates parts dir. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templates] added template part for the main logo. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templates] added template parts. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] filter out not finished surveys. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] use mean_gen instead of mean_list. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] reformat with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Added clean rule in Makefile. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [packer] set the questions_set and context_questions_set. [Cédric
- [documentation] updated information about packer configuration
possibilities. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] precise in the README that a configuration file for
Nginx is available (for a use with Gunicorm). [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Let the user define the hostname. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [packer] updated install script and added env variable for SITE_NAME.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [GitHub workflow] keep only Python 3.10.0 for the matrix. [Cédric
- Updated secret key, hash key and checksums. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] removed load_data_from_sql command. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] update surveys_users_results dict with information about the
users's context. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Added minimim file for a Python sub-module in the csskp module.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] Improved log of errors. viewLogic.find_user_by_id now catch
SurveyUser.DoesNotExist exceptions. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [dependencies] Updated fork-awesome. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] Reformat with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [dependencies] Updated Numpy. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] format code with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templates] added survey result column in the admin page. [Cédric
- [core] calculateResult is not using the lang parameter. [Cédric
- [admin] improved management of commands executed in a subprocess.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templates] improved customization in the Django admin area. [Cédric
- [style] format code with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templates] removed useless messages section in the admin template.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] format code with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templates] added option to generate mo files from the admin page.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templates] updated default index Django admin template in order to
add links to different admin tools. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] Updated and fixed an issue with django-bootstrap-datepicker-
plus. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] format code with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] continue on questions with 0 points. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] added the possibility to export objects with database ids.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] django.views.i18n.set_language() no longer set the user
language in request.session (key
django.utils.translation.LANGUAGE_SESSION_KEY was deprecated, now it
has been removed). [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] updated dependencies. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [matplotlib] When using Matplotlib in a web server with Apache it is
strongly recommended to not use pyplot (pyplot maintains references to
the opened figures). [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] Simplified import_questions command. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [translations] updated some french translations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] reformated with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [mypy] mypy.ini is now useless. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [utils] added function to check if possible to redirect. [Cédric
- [logging] fixed logging mechanism. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [dependencies] updated typing-extensions. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [dependencies] prevent the installation of 3.0.6 yanked release of
poetry/poetry/issues/2453. [Cédric Bonhomme]
(cherry picked from commit cc0c93beb5506e884cf846a00b27883566667e45)
- [security] URL redirection based on unvalidated user input may cause
redirection to malicious web sites. [Cédric Bonhomme]
(cherry picked from commit e485c18762f290cf511b356b9f36fa58e19bd631)
- [security] interpret target as a CSS selector not as HTML. [Cédric
(cherry picked from commit 65c7258d9b00abcc6eb602f77957373b07fd2af1)
- [report] improved the generation of the chart for the report. [Cédric
- [dependencies] bumped dependencies for better compatibility with
Python 3.10.0. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [report] the email address of the recipient is now sent in the body of
the request with CSRF token. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [vm] clean the directoy after VN generation. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [vm] computed installer checksums. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [vm] get the hostname of the VM for the list of allowed hosts. [Cédric
- [vm] added systemd service in [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [vm] fixed an issue with second provisionner. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [vm] updated install script with database creation. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [packer] added post-processors for the checksums. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [logo] Changed type of logo fit4operator. [jfrocha]
- [dependencies] Bumped version of numpy. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Moved mypy in tool.poetry.dependencies. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [models] example on how to make class objects JSON serializable (with
a right mixin). [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Updated doc related to certbot. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Typo. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Typo. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Imporved documentation in the README. [Cédric
- [report] Improved context. [jfrocha]
- [importer] reformat. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [importer] count the number of imported objects. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [API] updated endpoint of the Translation API and added OpenAPI
Schema. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Updated readme with information on the configuration
file. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Updated with changes from branch fitcyber4africa. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Custom admin template for translations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [translations] updated translation mechanism. The table Translation
now contains only translations and classes directly related to the
main business objects are using a 'label' property for the default
language. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [notifications] make the sending of the emails async. [Cédric
- [typy] enriched typing information. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Export of translations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] Moved deprecated SQL dump in data/fit4ilr. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Updated README. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [commands] Added a command to import data in the database. wip.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [utils] updated email sending, new configuration for the SMTP server
are now required. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [lib] send PDF report as an attachment to the email. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [utils] Added function to send emails. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [report] decode the base64 string. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [template] added form-control CSS class to date picker. [Cédric
- [template] removed logo from stats export page. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [template] copyright are for humans and establishes how far back the
claim is made for a version. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [config] Check if conf variables are defined when importing in [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Added missing translation. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [ci] exit with error code when flake8 checks failed. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [ci] Added Python 3.10.0 to matrix:python-version. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] Removed now useless/dead code. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templatetags] add ifinlist filter. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [report] Moved the definition of the filter format_datetime. [Cédric
- [report] Tell Django to render the Web link in the variable. [Cédric
- [report] HTML report is now generate with Django own engine. [Cédric
- [report] insert survey questions in the report (separate data and HTML
format) [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Updated translations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Minimal_acceptable_score must be present in Updated some
translations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] reformat with black. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [report] test templute include for footer. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Logo are now local. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [report] tested inclusion of the generated chart and the list of
recommendations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [report] testing internationalization in the Jinja template. [Cédric
- [report] testing custom Jinja global variables for the report
generation. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [report] testing custom Jinja filters for the report generation.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- Restore check of the language translation key. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Django compatibility with Python 3.10. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [csskp core] changed admin/statistics to export/statistics in
urlpattenrs. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templates] moved parts of templates. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [config] added main_logo template path definition. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] reformat files. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] reformat [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Added custom languages in finishedSurvey. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Updated README file. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [config] added countries_first to the config file. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Added missing import for lazy_gettext and updated
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [configuration] updated config_dev file. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Added a variable for the wecome message (intro text) [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [config] added csskp/static to the .gitignore file. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] updated README. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [config] define PROJECT_ROOT for the static files collection. [Cédric
- [documentation] updated README. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [documentation] Updated instructions to update the software. [Cédric
- [documentation] Updated README. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [config] updated [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [models] replaced the countries with hard coded string (region: EEA,
EU. etc.) [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Updated years of copyright in base.html. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Updated README. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Keep version ^1.1.1 of django-bootstrap4. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- To avoid unwanted migrations in the future, set DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD to
AutoField. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Upted Django to version 3.2. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Updated dependencies. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [translations] generated .pot file. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [stats] wrong variable in a loop in answers_per_section() function.
Improved the function. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templates] fixed layout of stats page. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [packer] forgot to provide the new env variable. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [packer] fixed empty config variable. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [viewLogic] fixed "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'question'"
AttributeError which appeared at the end of the survey (when the
answer value of a language is stored as None with qtype=="CL")
(, line 370, in get_questions_with_user_answers) [Cédric
- [VM] fixed an issue with the generation of the Django secret key and
hash key. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [security] CVE-2021-45115, CVE-2021-45116, CVE-2021-45452. [Cédric
- [packer] fixed a permission issue on the Django log file. [Cédric
- [translations] PO file incorrectly marked two strings as being python-
format. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] propagate the SurveyUser.DoesNotExist exception. [Cédric
- [report] in generate_chart_png, ensures that x and y have same first
dimension. Log the eventual error. Removed useless lang parameter in
genera_chart_png. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [packer] fixed path to the git4cybersecurity related data. [Cédric
- [config] fixed a typo in the default config file in
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templates] Fixed type in admin/ and removed useless stuff in
templates. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [typing] exec_cmd_no_wait type is None and not NoReturn. [Cédric
- [commands] added missing maxPoints of the question. [Cédric Bonhomme]
(cherry picked from commit 7df38d5bdcf51265fdc1eedefacab3dd48715892)
- [templates] CSS for the PDF generation was not found when used with
mod_wsgi. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [lint] fixed flake8 error. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Error: "Sequence[str]" has no attribute "append" [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [email] fixed error in email templates and added an option to
deactivate the sending of report via email. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [emails] fix wrong import. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Fixed some mypy warnings. removed useless code and fixed chart's
legend. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [style] fixed a flake warning. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [templates] fixed nav-bar menu in the export stats page. [Cédric
- [template] fixed nav-bar dropdown menu. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [core] Fixed some routing issues. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [flake8] 'django.utils.translation.gettext as _' imported but unused.
[Cédric Bonhomme]
- [config] added the missing change for the templates_parts_dir. [Cédric
- [templates] fixed a routing issue in csskp/ and improved
templates parts. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [type] fixed some types definitions. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Fixed mypy issue. Rename to on your local
instance. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [reporthelper] use os.path.join to generate the path. [Cédric
- [security] External links that open in a new tab or window but do not
specify link type 'noopener' or 'noreferrer' are a potential security
risk. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- Fix some issues with the translations: logo translations based on the
user selection, simplify some text and updated README. [Cédric
v0.0.1 (2019-10-22)
- [tranlsation] minor fixes for French translations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [tranlsation] minor fixes for French translations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [tranlsation] minor fixes for French translations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [tranlsation] minor fixes for French translations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [tranlsation] minor fixes for French translations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [tranlsation] minor fixes for French translations. [Cédric Bonhomme]
- [tranlsation] minor fixes for French translations. [Cédric Bonhomme]