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Restoring the Database from SQL Dump

We generally load a database backup from a JSON file by using the following command.

docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python loaddata backup.json

However, if the JSON file is particularly large (>1.5GB), Docker might struggle with this method. In such cases, you can use SQL dump and restore commands as an alternative.

Steps for Using SQL Dump and Restore

  1. Begin by starting only the PostgreSQL container. This prevents the Django container from making changes while the PostgreSQL container is starting up.
docker-compose -f local.yml up postgres
  1. Find the container ID using docker ps, then enter the PostgreSQL container to execute commands.
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                     COMMAND
23d33f22cc43   sde_indexing_helper_production_postgres   "docker-entrypoint.s…"

$ docker exec -it 23d33f22cc43 bash
  1. Create a connection to the database.


  • For local deployment, refer to the .envs/.local/.postgres file for the POSTGRES_USER and POSTGRES_DB variables.
  • For production deployment, refer to the .envs/.production/.postgres file.
  1. Ensure that the database <POSTGRES_DB> is empty. Here's an example:
sde_indexing_helper-# \c
You are now connected to database "sde_indexing_helper" as user "VnUvMKBSdk...".
sde_indexing_helper-# \dt
Did not find any relations.

If the database is not empty, delete its contents to create a fresh database:

sde_indexing_helper=# \c postgres      //connect to a different database before dropping
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "VnUvMKBSdk....".
postgres=# DROP DATABASE sde_indexing_helper;
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE sde_indexing_helper;

  1. Transfer the backup SQL dump (backup.sql) from your local machine to the PostgreSQL container.
docker cp /local/path/backup.sql 23d33f22cc43:/
  1. Import the SQL dump into the PostgreSQL container.
psql -U <POSTGRES_USER> -d <POSTGRES_DB> -f backup.sql

Note: To create a SQL dump of your PostgreSQL database, use the following command:

pg_dump -U <POSTGRES_USER> -W -F p -f backup.sql <POSTGRES_DB>
  1. Bring up all containers at once, and create a superuser account for logging in.
docker-compose -f local.yml up
docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python createsuperuser
  1. Log in to the COSMOS frontend to ensure that all data has been correctly populated in the UI.

making the backup

ssh sde
cat .envs/.production/.postgres

find the values for the variables: POSTGRES_PORT=5432 POSTGRES_DB=postgres POSTGRES_USER=postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD=this_is_A_web_application_built_in_2023

docker ps


note here that you need to put the

docker exec -t your_postgres_container_id pg_dump -U your_postgres_user -d your_database_name > backup.sql
docker exec -t container_id pg_dump -h host -U user -d database -W > prod_backup.sql

docker exec -t b3fefa2c19fb env PGPASSWORD="this_is_A_web_application_built_in_2023" pg_dump -h -U postgres -d postgres > prod_backup.sql

move the backup to local

go back to local computer and scp the file

scp sde:/home/ec2-user/sde_indexing_helper/prod_backup.sql .

scp prod_backup.sql sde_staging:/home/ec2-user/sde-indexing-helper if you have trouble transferring the file, you can use rsync: rsync -avzP prod_backup.sql sde_staging:/home/ec2-user/sde-indexing-helper/

restoring the backup

bring down the local containers

docker-compose -f local.yml down
docker-compose -f local.yml up postgres
docker ps

find the container id


find the local variables from cat .envs/.production/.postgres POSTGRES_PORT=5432 POSTGRES_DB=sde_staging POSTGRES_USER=postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres

docker exec -it <container id> bash

docker exec -it c11d7bae2e56 bash

do all the database shit you need to

psql -U <POSTGRES_USER> -d <POSTGRES_DB> psql -U postgres -d sde_staging or, if you are on one of the servers: psql -h -U postgres -d postgres

\c postgres DROP DATABASE sde_staging; CREATE DATABASE sde_staging;

do the backup

docker cp prod_backup.sql c11d7bae2e56:/
docker exec -it c11d7bae2e56 bash
psql -U <POSTGRES_USER> -d <POSTGRES_DB> -f backup.sql

psql -U VnUvMKBSdkoFIETgLongnxYHrYVJKufn -d sde_indexing_helper -f prod_backup.sql

psql -h -U postgres -d postgres -f prod_backup.sql pg_restore -h -U postgres -d postgres prod_backup.sql

docker down

docker up build


