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Document Store Design

fccoelho edited this page Jul 16, 2012 · 7 revisions

The document store will be based on the following schema:

Collections (or tables if on a relational db)



 "text":"raw utf8 text of the document",
 "filename":"filename as stored in the GRIDFS",


Each document ins this collection is a pre-computed analysis on a single document. Number of documents in this collection is expected to be |documents|x|analyses|.

 "doc_id": "Id of the document this analysis is based on",
 "type": "Pos_tag"|"tf"|"bigrams",
 "data": "Result of the analysis,


Each document in this collection is a corpus.

 "slug": "slug name of the corpus",
 "name": "Full name of the  corpus",
 "documents": [doc_id1, doc_id25, etc],
 "tf-idf": {term:tf-idf(term) for term in corpus},
 "champions": {term:[list of top-scoring doc_ids]}, # defined for the the official weighting
 "df": {term:df(term) for term in corpus},
 "cf": {term: cf(term) for term in corpus}
 "entropy": {doc_id:entropy(doc_id) for doc_id in corpus}, # 1+sum(pij*log(pij)/log(n)), where pij = tf/cf. See


{"words":[], # list of words

Named Entities

each document in this collection is a thematic collection of names, e.g.: proper names, food names, company names, etc.

 "type": "company names",
 "words":[(canonical_name,[list of variations])], 

etc. please add other colletion types as needed
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