A light weight, folder-based clean music player made in WPF (although there's no MVVM involved). It's by no means a fleshed-out player; There's no playlist management, no equalizer, etc.
- Supports pretty much all audio file formats (has nothing to do with me, that's just the native Android MediaPlayer)
- Built-in explorer
- Dynamic queues (long-press a music file)
- Audiobook chapters
- Lock screen + Bluetooth controls
- Light/Dark Modes
- Remembers playback state between runs
Simply install Android Studio, and click the play button!
use Media3 stuff!! MediaSessionService + MediaSession.Callback
exo chapter metadata??
existing players https://github.com/timusus/Shuttle https://github.com/MuntashirAkon/Metro https://github.com/ologe/canaree-music-player https://github.com/enricocid/Music-Player-GO
Compose instead of XML
(dynamic colors)[https://developer.android.com/develop/ui/views/theming/dynamic-colors]
- issue with getting to the session ID from the controls
- issue with getting to the activity from the service!!
- so, put a reference to the activity in the state!
- replace the context with the activity
- can't because I'm sometimes initializing it from the service
- fuck this
- appears not to make any difference :D :D
DONE - playback rate
- a lot more straightforward
- need to update the state
- need to update the media session
DONE - icons
- DONE - eq icon 4 bars with increased spacing
- DONE - playback speed smaller play icon
- DONE - notification icon smaller
DONE - settings sheet gesture handling
DONE settings popup
- DONE - dark mode selection
- DONE - update mode on startup
- DONE - gesture detection
- move the sheet around
- determine the delta threshold to hide/slide up the thing
- DONE - interpolator
- DONE - theme select
- DONE - seek jump amount
- DONE - shuffle/repeat
- DONE - privacy policy link
- Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("http://www.google.com")); startActivity(browserIntent);
- DONE - compare perf of service start up: in onStart vs as before + with/without the theme change possible overhead
- DONE - colors of borders similar to inactive text
DONE - search mode
- DONE - update icon
- add exit animation sequence (flip of the original)
- when it activates
- breadcrumb bar mode changes
- track count, add, and play selected buttons should be hidden
- edit text should take focus
- controls should hide (explorer should extend all the way down)
- when it deactivates
- edit text should blur
- actual search function
- add hidden to file model
- if hidden, should animateItemRemoved
- if active and the multiselect mode is activated, the track count, add, and play selected buttons will be displayed and track count text should change from "x track(s) selected" to "(x)"
- if multiselect mode is active, the edit text will be displayed and track count text should change...