- Upgrade drawille and blessed deps
- Fix for issue #2 where people had set a different TERM variable
- Fix for systems that called the node binary 'nodejs'
- Add sort by CPU and Memory
- Fix bug after auto update showing multiple selected items
- Add colors for item selection to the other themes
- Add keyboard and mouse support
- Add killall support
- Improve Makefile
- Add Becca theme. http://www.zeldman.com/2014/06/10/the-color-purple/
- Fix major perf problem that some users were having relating to drawing the header for update notifications.
- Delete old data points to improve performance
- Fixes to the upgrade script
- Added --version and -V command line arguments for version
- Add new theme 'dark'
- Add auto-update mechanism
- Add a fix for user submitted ps outputs - #5 #6 #7
- Fix issue with 'NaN' appearing for some users
- Slice the row strings smaller in table view
- First release