-bi,--base-iri <arg> set IRI to use as base URI
-dtd,--use-dtd-subset for XML, use a DTD subset in order to
allow prefix-based IRI shortening
-h,--help print out details of the command-line
arguments for the program
-i,--indent <arg> sets the indent string. Default is a
single tab character
-ibi,--infer-base-iri use the OWL ontology IRI as the base
URI. Ignored if an explicit base IRI
has been set
-ibn,--inline-blank-nodes use inline representation for blank
nodes. NOTE: this will fail if there
are any recursive relationships
involving blank nodes. Usually OWL has
no such recursion involving blank
nodes. It also will fail if any blank
nodes are a triple subject but not a
triple object.
-ip,--iri-pattern <arg> set a pattern to replace in all IRIs
(used together with --iri-replacement)
-ir,--iri-replacement <arg> set replacement text used to replace a
matching pattern in all IRIs (used
together with --iri-pattern)
-lc,--leading-comment <arg> sets the text of the leading comment in
the ontology. Can be repeated for a
multi-line comment
-s,--source <arg> source (input) RDF file to format
-sdt,--string-data-typing <arg> sets whether string data values have
explicit data types, or not; one of:
explicit, implicit [default]
-sfmt,--source-format <arg> source (input) RDF format; one of: auto
(select by filename) [default], binary,
json-ld (JSON-LD), n3, n-quads
(N-quads), n-triples (N-triples), rdf-a
(RDF/A), rdf-json (RDF/JSON), rdf-xml
(RDF/XML), trig (TriG), trix (TriX),
turtle (Turtle)
-sip,--short-iri-priority <arg> set what takes priority when shortening
IRIs: prefix [default], base-uri
-t,--target <arg> target (output) RDF file
-tc,--trailing-comment <arg> sets the text of the trailing comment
in the ontology. Can be repeated for a
multi-line comment
-tfmt,--target-format <arg> target (output) RDF format: one of:
rdf-xml (RDF/XML), turtle (Turtle)
- Print out command-line help
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --help
- Format a Turtle file (
) as sorted Turtle (output.ttl
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.ttl --source-format turtle --target output.ttl --target-format turtle
- Format a Turtle file (
) as sorted Turtle (output.ttl
), using the default source/target formats (Turtle for both)
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.ttl --target output.ttl
- Format a Turtle file (
) as sorted Turtle (output.ttl
), using the given base URI for the output Turtle
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.ttl --target output.ttl --base-iri http://www.example.com/my-base-iri
- Format a Turtle file (
) as sorted Turtle (output.ttl
), using the given base URI for the output Turtle, and use the base URI in preference to prefixes for URL shortening
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.ttl --target output.ttl --base-iri http://www.example.com/my-base-iri --short-iri-priority base-iri
- Format a Turtle file (
) as sorted Turtle (output.ttl
), with inline blank nodes (note: assumes no recursive relationships between blank nodes; this is usually the case for OWL)
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.ttl --target output.ttl --inline-blank-nodes
- Format a Turtle file (
) as sorted Turtle (output.ttl
), with the OWL ontology URI used as the base URI
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.ttl --target output.ttl --infer-base-iri
- Format a Turtle file (
) as sorted RDF/XML (output.rdf
), using entity references for URL shortening
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.ttl --source-format turtle --target output.rdf --target-format rdf-xml --use-dtd-subset
- Format a Turtle file (
) as sorted Turtle (output.ttl
), with a leading and a trailing comment
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.ttl --source-format turtle --target output.ttl --target-format turtle --leading-comment "Start of my ontology" --trailing-comment "End of my ontology"
- Format a Turtle file (
) as sorted Turtle (output.ttl
), with a multi-line leading and a trailing comments
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.ttl --source-format turtle --target output.ttl --target-format turtle -lc "Start of my ontology" -lc "Version 1" -tc "End of my ontology" -tc "Version 1"
- Format a Turtle file (
) as sorted Turtle (output.ttl
) with explicit data typing for strings
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.ttl --source-format turtle --target output.ttl --target-format turtle --string-data-typing explicit
- Format a Turtle file (
) as sorted Turtle (output.ttl
) with two spaces as the indent string
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.ttl --source-format turtle --target output.ttl --target-format turtle --indent " "
- Format an RDF/XML file (
) as sorted RDF/XML (output.rdf
), using entity references for URL shortening
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.rdf --source-format rdf-xml --target output.rdf --target-format rdf-xml --use-dtd-subset
- Format an RDF/XML file (
) as sorted RDF/XML (output.rdf
), using entity references for URL shortening and inline blank nodes (note: assumes no recursive relationships between blank nodes; this is usually the case for OWL)
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.rdf --source-format rdf-xml --target output.rdf --target-format rdf-xml --use-dtd-subset --inline-blank-nodes
- Format an RDF/XML file (
) as sorted RDF/XML (output.rdf
), using entity references for URL shortening, with the OWL ontology URI used as the base URI
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.rdf --source-format rdf-xml --target output.rdf --target-format rdf-xml --use-dtd-subset --infer-base-iri
- Format a Turtle file (
) as sorted Turtle (output.ttl
), using the default source/target formats (Turtle for both), and replacing 'www.example.com' in URIs with 'www.example.org'
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.ttl --target output.ttl --iri-pattern www.example.com --iri-replacement www.example.org
- Format an RDF/XML file (
) as sorted RDF/XML (output.rdf
), using entity references for URL shortening, with a leading and a trailing comment
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.rdf --source-format rdf-xml --target output.rdf --target-format rdf-xml --use-dtd-subset --leading-comment "Start of my ontology" --trailing-comment "End of my ontology"
- Format an RDF/XML file (
) as sorted RDF/XML (output.rdf
), using entity references for URL shortening, with a multi-line leading and a trailing comments
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.rdf --source-format rdf-xml --target output.rdf --target-format rdf-xml --use-dtd-subset -lc "Start of my ontology" -lc "Version 1" -tc "End of my ontology" -tc "Version 1"
- Format an RDF/XML file (
) as sorted RDF/XML (output.rdf
), using entity references for URL shortening and with explicit data typing for strings
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.rdf --source-format rdf-xml --target output.rdf --target-format rdf-xml --use-dtd-subset --string-data-typing explicit
- Format an RDF/XML file (
) as sorted RDF/XML (output.rdf
), using entity references for URL shortening and with two spaces as the indent string
java -cp rdf-toolkit.jar org.edmcouncil.rdf_toolkit.SesameRdfFormatter --source input.rdf --source-format rdf-xml --target output.rdf --target-format rdf-xml --use-dtd-subset --indent " "