diff --git a/_data/prg_presentations.yml b/_data/prg_presentations.yml index 171112a..bdd9d87 100644 --- a/_data/prg_presentations.yml +++ b/_data/prg_presentations.yml @@ -40,13 +40,14 @@ workshops_pm: collapsable: true title: Responsible Internet Futures abstract: > -

The Internet is of significant interest to research communities across academic disciplines and across the globe. Areas of current focus include digital divides, online privacy, online wellbeing, governance, censorship, and information propagation. It is essential our communities come together to consider how it might be possible to foster responsible Internet futures. This involves identifying the opportunities and challenges regarding a safe, equitable, accessible and useful Internet. It also requires taking a global perspective. +

+ The Internet is of significant interest to research communities across academic disciplines and across the globe. Areas of current focus include digital divides, online privacy, online wellbeing, governance, censorship, and information propagation. It is essential our communities come together to consider how it might be possible to foster responsible Internet futures. This involves identifying the opportunities and challenges regarding a safe, equitable, accessible and useful Internet. It also requires taking a global perspective.

In this half-day workshop we bring together interested researchers to suggest and debate visions for responsible Internet futures. We will combine invited speaker presentations with discussion sessions and we seek to co-create an initial pathway towards responsibility as part of these discussions. All TAS’24 Symposium attendees are welcome to join the workshop.

Outline of the event:
- 2pm: Welcome and Introduction
- 2.15pm: Provocations. Four invited speakers will give their responses (10-15 mins each) to either or both of the following questions:
+ 1.30pm: Welcome and Introduction
+ 1.45pm: Provocations. Four invited speakers will give their responses (10-15 mins each) to either or both of the following questions:
     What could a responsible Internet look like?
     What is a suitable pathway towards achieving a responsible Internet

@@ -56,13 +57,13 @@ workshops_pm: Thiago Guimaraes Moraes, PhD candidate at Universidade de Brasilia (UnB) and Vrije Universiteit Brussels, and Coordinator of Innovation and Research at the Brazilian Data Protection Authority
Jeremie Clos, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, University of Nottingham

- 3.40pm: Break + 3.10pm: Break

- 4pm: Small group discussions: what is possible for a responsible Internet, who needs to be involved, what are the obstacles, how might they be overcome? + 3.30pm: Small group discussions: what is possible for a responsible Internet, who needs to be involved, what are the obstacles, how might they be overcome?

- 4.40pm: Plenary discussion and next steps + 4.10pm: Plenary discussion and next steps

- 5.15pm: Close + 4.45pm: Close

The workshop is being run as within the UKRI-funded Responsible AI UK project ‘TAS-Hub and Good Systems Strategic Collaboration’. Two further online workshops on Responsible Internet Futures are planned within the project for 2025. If interested, attendees at the TAS’24 workshop will be invited to attend these subsequent ones too