All contributions are accepted under the MIT license.
Warning: GitNoob is a very opinionated tool.
For each contribution the following rules apply:
- The contribution must provide something meaningful to the end user, who is running GitNoob.exe
- Internal refactorings will not be accepted. They are not meaningful to the end user.
- Internal reorganisation of the files/maps structure will not be accepted. It is not meaningful to the end user.
- Adding a Dependency Injection framework like Autofac will not be accepted. It is not meaningful to the end user.
- Unit Tests / Tests may be accepted. Each contributed test will be examined seperatly.
- Only the Microsoft Windows platform will be supported.
- Contributions regarding another OS like Linux/MacOS will not be accepted.
- Only the .NET framework 4 will be supported.
- Contributions regarding another .NET framework like .NET core will not be accepted.
- Only the WinForms GUI framework will be supported.
- Contributions regarding another GUI framework like XAML will not be accepted.
- The project should compile out of the box, without additional download.
- After cloning this project to a local harddisk, no additional downloads must be necessary. The project must compile at once.
- NuGet packages download are forbidden.
- NuGet packages are not forbidden, as long as they are inside the project and not downloaded.
If one or more of these rules violates the principles/preferences of a person, that person is adviced to fork this project. And change the fork to his/her preferences.