diff --git a/idelib/dataset.py b/idelib/dataset.py
index 521e2a1..176f13e 100644
--- a/idelib/dataset.py
+++ b/idelib/dataset.py
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
from collections.abc import Iterable, Sequence
from datetime import datetime
from threading import Lock
+from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
import warnings
import os.path
@@ -260,6 +261,11 @@ def __init__(self, stream, name=None, quiet=True, attributes=None):
self.loading = True
self.filename = getattr(stream, "name", None)
+ # For keeping user-defined data
+ self._userdata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
+ self._userdataOffset: Optional[int] = None
+ self._filesize: Optional[int] = None
self._channelDataLock = Lock()
# Subsets: used when importing multiple files into the same dataset.
diff --git a/idelib/schemata/mide_ide.xml b/idelib/schemata/mide_ide.xml
index d975dcb..637cdc8 100644
--- a/idelib/schemata/mide_ide.xml
+++ b/idelib/schemata/mide_ide.xml
@@ -404,4 +404,29 @@
Statistical data for this block's payload consisting of 3 datapoints (min, mean, max) per subchannel. They are organized as [[sc0min] [sc1min] [sc2min] ...] [[sc0mean] [sc1mean] [sc2mean] ...] [[sc0max] [sc1max] [sc2max] ...]. The format and representation of the stat data exactly matches that of the input samples; that is, if the input samples are uint16_t, each stat entry is also a uint16_t.
Super-optional diagnostic element indicating the latency between data acquisition and transfer to the output media. The exact meaning of this value is device-dependent, but may serve as a general indicator of excess activity load, retransmission or congestion (for transmission media) or media wear (for recording media).
+ An offset (in microseconds) for all sample times.
+ Application-specific data describing GUI settings, etc.
+ User-created highlights, marking particular spans and points in time
+ The annotation's ID, arbitrary but unique to the file.
+ A name and/or notes about the annotation.
+ Annotation start time.
+ Annotation end time. If present, the annotation will cover a time span.
+ Application-specific data describing the visual representation of the annotation.
+ Position of the beginning of the user-defined metadata. This should be the last element in the file.
diff --git a/idelib/userdata.py b/idelib/userdata.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..738494d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/idelib/userdata.py
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+Functions for reading and writing application-specific data from/to the end
+of IDE files. This data is intended primarily to retain user preferences for
+the display of the `Dataset`.
+import errno
+import os.path
+import logging
+from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from .dataset import Dataset
+logger = logging.getLogger('idelib')
+def getUserDataPos(dataset: Dataset,
+ refresh: bool = False) -> Tuple[bool, int, int]:
+ """ Get the offset of the start of the user data.
+ :param dataset: The `Dataset` in which to locate the user data.
+ :param refresh:: If `True`, ignore any cached values and re-read
+ from the file.
+ :return: A tuple containing a bool (wheter or not data exists),
+ the offset of the user data, and the total length of the file.
+ Offset and filesize will typically be the same if there is no
+ user data.
+ """
+ if not refresh and dataset._userdataOffset and dataset._filesize:
+ return bool(dataset._userdata), dataset._userdataOffset, dataset._filesize
+ doc = dataset.ebmldoc
+ fs = doc.stream
+ hasdata = False
+ oldpos = fs.tell()
+ filesize = fs.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
+ offset = filesize
+ # The UserDataOffset is a known, fixed size
+ example = doc.schema['UserDataOffset'].encode(1, length=8, lengthSize=8)
+ header = example[:-8]
+ try:
+ # UserDataOffset *should* be right at the end of the file, but
+ # don't assume so. Start some bytes back and find the header.
+ pos = offset - int(len(example) * 1.5)
+ fs.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)
+ chunk = fs.read()
+ if header in chunk:
+ fs.seek(pos + chunk.index(header), os.SEEK_SET)
+ el, _next = doc.parseElement(fs)
+ offset = el.value
+ hasdata = True
+ except IndexError:
+ # Problem with parsed chunk; shouldn't happen.
+ pass
+ finally:
+ fs.seek(oldpos, os.SEEK_SET)
+ dataset._userdataOffset = offset
+ dataset._filesize = filesize
+ return hasdata, offset, filesize
+def readUserData(dataset: Dataset,
+ refresh: bool = False) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], None]:
+ """ Read application-specific user data from the end of an IDE file.
+ :param dataset: The `Dataset` from which to read the user data.
+ :param refresh:: If `True`, ignore any cached values and re-read
+ from the file.
+ :return: A dictionary of user data, or `None` if no user data
+ could be read from the file (e.g., none exists).
+ """
+ if not refresh and dataset._userdataOffset and dataset._filesize:
+ return dataset._userdata
+ doc = dataset.ebmldoc
+ fs = doc.stream
+ oldpos = fs.tell()
+ hasdata, offset, filesize = getUserDataPos(dataset, refresh=refresh)
+ if not hasdata:
+ logger.debug('No user data found')
+ dataset._userdata = None
+ return None
+ try:
+ fs.seek(offset, os.SEEK_SET)
+ data, _next = doc.parseElement(fs)
+ dump = data.dump()
+ dataset._userdata = dump
+ return dump
+ finally:
+ fs.seek(oldpos, os.SEEK_SET)
+def writeUserData(dataset: Dataset,
+ userdata: Dict[str, Any],
+ refresh: bool = False):
+ """ Write user data to the end of an IDE file.
+ :param dataset: The `Dataset` from which to read the user data.
+ :param userdata: A dictionary of user data, or `None` to remove
+ existing user data. Note that the file will not get smaller if
+ the user data is removed or the new set of user data is smaller
+ than existing user data); it is just overwritten with null data
+ (an EBML `Void` element).
+ :param refresh: If `True`, ignore any cached values and find the
+ position in the file to which to write.
+ """
+ schema = dataset.ebmldoc.schema
+ fs = dataset.ebmldoc.stream
+ oldpos = fs.tell()
+ try:
+ hasdata, offset, filesize = getUserDataPos(dataset, refresh=refresh)
+ if userdata:
+ # User data consists of a `UserData` element, a `Void`, and `UserDataOffset`
+ dataBin = schema.encodes({'UserData': userdata or {}})
+ offsetBin = schema['UserDataOffset'].encode(offset, length=8, lengthSize=8)
+ newsize = (len(offsetBin) + len(dataBin) + offset + MIN_VOID_SIZE)
+ voidBin = schema['Void'].encode(None, length=max(0, filesize - newsize),
+ lengthSize=8)
+ else:
+ # No new userdata, just write 'Void' over any existing userdata
+ # (or do nothing if there is no existing userdata)
+ dataset._userdata = userdata
+ if not hasdata:
+ return
+ newsize = filesize
+ dataBin = offsetBin = b''
+ voidBin = schema['Void'].encode(None, length=max(0, filesize - MIN_VOID_SIZE))
+ userblob = dataBin + voidBin + offsetBin
+ try:
+ writable = fs.writable()
+ except AttributeError:
+ # In case file-like stream doesn't implement `writable()`
+ # (e.g., older `ebmlite.threaded_file.ThreadAwareFile`)
+ mode = getattr(fs, 'mode', '')
+ writable = '+' in mode or 'w' in mode
+ if not writable:
+ # File/stream is read-only; attempt to create a new file stream.
+ if not getattr(fs, 'name', None):
+ raise IOError(errno.EACCES,
+ f'Could not write user data; '
+ f'Dataset stream not writable and has no filename')
+ with open(fs.name, 'br+') as newfs:
+ logger.debug(f'(userdata) Dataset stream read only (mode {fs.mode!r}), '
+ 'using new stream')
+ newfs.seek(offset, os.SEEK_SET)
+ newfs.write(userblob)
+ else:
+ fs.seek(offset, os.SEEK_SET)
+ fs.write(userblob)
+ dataset._userdata = userdata
+ logger.debug(f'(userdata) Wrote {len(userblob)} bytes to {dataset} '
+ f'(file was {filesize}, now {newsize})')
+ finally:
+ fs.seek(oldpos, os.SEEK_SET)
diff --git a/testing/file_streams.py b/testing/file_streams.py
index 6741eff..85e5eba 100644
--- a/testing/file_streams.py
+++ b/testing/file_streams.py
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
FILES = [('./testing/SSX70065.IDE', 'rb'),
('./testing/SSX66115.IDE', 'rb'),
- ('./test.ide', 'rb')]
+ ('./test.ide', 'rb'),
+ ('./testing/SSX_Data.IDE', 'rb'),
+ ('./testing/with_userdata.IDE', 'rb')]
for fName, mode in FILES:
diff --git a/testing/test_userdata.py b/testing/test_userdata.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1874d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/test_userdata.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+Test reading/writing user data to/from IDE files and streams (files and
+import pytest # type: ignore
+from io import BytesIO
+import os.path
+import shutil
+from idelib import importer
+from idelib import userdata
+from testing import file_streams
+# ==============================================================================
+# ==============================================================================
+ 'TimebaseOffset': 12345,
+ 'WindowLayout': bytearray(b'bogus binary blob'),
+ 'TimeBaseUTC': [1712769739]
+ 'TimebaseOffset': 54321,
+ 'TimebaseOffset': 56789,
+ 'WindowLayout': bytearray(b'bogus binary blob'),
+ 'AnnotationList': {
+ 'Annotation': [{'AnnotationID': 42, 'AnnotationStartTime': 101},],
+ },
+ 'TimeBaseUTC': [35096400]
+FILE_WITH_USERDATA = './testing/with_userdata.IDE'
+# ==============================================================================
+# ==============================================================================
+def test_read_userdata():
+ """ Test reading user data.
+ """
+ doc = importer.openFile(file_streams.makeStreamLike(FILE_WITH_USERDATA))
+ data = userdata.readUserData(doc)
+ assert data == USERDATA
+def test_read_userdata_no_userdata():
+ """ Test reading user data from a file without user data.
+ """
+ doc = importer.openFile(file_streams.makeStreamLike(FILE_WITHOUT_USERDATA))
+ data = userdata.readUserData(doc)
+ assert data is None
+def test_write_userdata(tmp_path):
+ """ Test writing (and re-reading) user data to a file without existing
+ user data.
+ """
+ filename = tmp_path / os.path.basename(sourceFile)
+ shutil.copyfile(sourceFile, filename)
+ with importer.importFile(filename) as doc:
+ userdata.writeUserData(doc, USERDATA)
+ with importer.importFile(filename) as doc:
+ data = userdata.readUserData(doc)
+ assert data == USERDATA
+def test_write_userdata_BytesIO():
+ """ Test writing (and re-reading) user data from a non-file stream
+ without existing user data.
+ """
+ with open(sourceFile, 'rb') as f:
+ stream = BytesIO(f.read())
+ with importer.openFile(stream) as doc:
+ userdata.writeUserData(doc, USERDATA)
+ data = userdata.readUserData(doc)
+ assert data == USERDATA
+def test_larger_userdata(tmp_path):
+ """ Test overwriting an existing set of user data with a larger one.
+ """
+ filename = tmp_path / os.path.basename(sourceFile)
+ shutil.copyfile(sourceFile, filename)
+ originalSize = os.path.getsize(filename)
+ with importer.importFile(filename) as doc:
+ userdata.writeUserData(doc, LARGER_USERDATA)
+ with importer.importFile(filename) as doc:
+ data = userdata.readUserData(doc)
+ assert data == LARGER_USERDATA
+ assert originalSize < os.path.getsize(filename)
+def test_smaller_userdata(tmp_path):
+ """ Test overwriting an existing set of user data with a smaller one.
+ """
+ filename = tmp_path / os.path.basename(sourceFile)
+ shutil.copyfile(sourceFile, filename)
+ originalSize = os.path.getsize(filename)
+ with importer.importFile(filename) as doc:
+ userdata.writeUserData(doc, SMALLER_USERDATA)
+ with importer.importFile(filename) as doc:
+ data = userdata.readUserData(doc)
+ assert data == SMALLER_USERDATA
+ assert originalSize == os.path.getsize(filename)
diff --git a/testing/with_userdata.IDE b/testing/with_userdata.IDE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36cd0ab
Binary files /dev/null and b/testing/with_userdata.IDE differ