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Releases: MichalLytek/typegraphql-prisma


13 Oct 13:32
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0.8.2 Pre-release


  1. Fix wrong require path due to wrong npm package folders layout (#16)


12 Oct 16:15
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v0.8.1 Pre-release


  1. v0.8.1 now works with Prisma 2 stable release ~2.8.1 which fixes some DMMF typings issues found in v2.8.0.

  2. It now contains a runtime check for correct Prisma 2 version installed. This should prevent from reporting errors due to having wrong and unsupported version installed.


  3. The type signature of input and output type fields of enum types has changed.
    In the first releases it was keyof typeof XYZEnumType in order to provide interoperability with Prisma types.
    Then it was changed to typeof XYZEnumType[keyof typeof XYZEnumType] to support renaming fields. However, in new TS releases such types are wrapped back to XYZEnumType which breaks Prisma types interoperability.

    Now enum typed fields have string literal union type signature which consist of prisma enum values:

      @TypeGraphQL.Field(_type => [CategoryDistinctFieldEnum], { nullable: true })
    - distinct?: Array<typeof CategoryDistinctFieldEnum[keyof typeof CategoryDistinctFieldEnum]> | undefined;
    + distinct?: Array<"name" | "slug" | "number"> | undefined;
  4. Generator options now accept a new simpleResolvers settings which emits simpleResolvers: true in @ObjectType decorator options for tuning the performance. You can read more about that feature in Readme:

  5. The OutputType suffix has been removed from aggregate output type names. It now generates classes named e.g. CategoryAvgAggregate instead of CategoryAvgAggregateOutputType. Please update your client code if you were relying on __typename values.


05 Oct 14:37
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0.8.0 Pre-release


  1. New release updates Prisma 2 deps to 2.9.0-dev.36 which fixes some DMMF typings issues found in stable v2.8.0.
    It supports the case insensitive filters and also the new findFirst API and generate the proper query resolver for that.

  2. Thanks to the new Prisma 2 release, the issue with enum: { not: { equals: { value } } is now gone and the JsonFilter input is now working well.

    input JsonFilter {
      equals: JSON
      not: JSON
  3. In some nested inputs, the XYZWhereInput were replaced by XYZRelationFilter, so you need to update your client queries to use the new is and isNot syntax.