diff --git a/ui/components/component-library/text/deprecated/__snapshots__/text.test.tsx.snap b/ui/components/component-library/text/deprecated/__snapshots__/text.test.tsx.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index de0c462631ec..000000000000
--- a/ui/components/component-library/text/deprecated/__snapshots__/text.test.tsx.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Text should render the Text with proper variant class name 1`] = `
- display-md
- heading-lg
- heading-md
- heading-sm
- body-lg-medium
- body-md
- body-md-medium
- body-md-bold
- body-sm
- body-sm-medium
- body-sm-bold
- body-xs
- body-xs-medium
diff --git a/ui/components/component-library/text/deprecated/index.ts b/ui/components/component-library/text/deprecated/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e4a6d9a9450..000000000000
--- a/ui/components/component-library/text/deprecated/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-export { Text } from './text';
-export { ValidTag, TextDirection, InvisibleCharacter } from './text.types';
-export type { TextProps, ValidTagType } from './text.types';
diff --git a/ui/components/component-library/text/deprecated/text.test.tsx b/ui/components/component-library/text/deprecated/text.test.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4608da9c4964..000000000000
--- a/ui/components/component-library/text/deprecated/text.test.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-import * as React from 'react';
-import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
-import {
- FontStyle,
- FontWeight,
- OverflowWrap,
- TextAlign,
- TextColor,
- TextTransform,
- TextVariant,
- Color,
-} from '../../../../helpers/constants/design-system';
-import { TextDirection } from './text.types';
-import { Text } from '.';
-describe('Text', () => {
- it('should render the Text without crashing', () => {
- const { getByText } = render(Test type);
- expect(getByText('Test type')).toBeDefined();
- });
- it('should render the Text with correct html elements', () => {
- const { getByText, container } = render(
- <>
- p
- h1
- h2
- h3
- h4
- h5
- h6
- span
- strong
- em
- li
- div
- dt
- dd
- >,
- );
- expect(container.querySelector('p')).toBeDefined();
- expect(getByText('p')).toBeDefined();
- expect(container.querySelector('h1')).toBeDefined();
- expect(getByText('h1')).toBeDefined();
- expect(container.querySelector('h2')).toBeDefined();
- expect(getByText('h2')).toBeDefined();
- expect(container.querySelector('h3')).toBeDefined();
- expect(getByText('h3')).toBeDefined();
- expect(container.querySelector('h4')).toBeDefined();
- expect(getByText('h4')).toBeDefined();
- expect(container.querySelector('h5')).toBeDefined();
- expect(getByText('h5')).toBeDefined();
- expect(container.querySelector('h6')).toBeDefined();
- expect(getByText('h6')).toBeDefined();
- expect(container.querySelector('span')).toBeDefined();
- expect(getByText('span')).toBeDefined();
- expect(container.querySelector('strong')).toBeDefined();
- expect(getByText('strong')).toBeDefined();
- expect(container.querySelector('em')).toBeDefined();
- expect(getByText('em')).toBeDefined();
- expect(container.querySelector('li')).toBeDefined();
- expect(getByText('li')).toBeDefined();
- expect(container.querySelector('div')).toBeDefined();
- expect(getByText('div')).toBeDefined();
- expect(container.querySelector('dt')).toBeDefined();
- expect(getByText('dt')).toBeDefined();
- expect(container.querySelector('dd')).toBeDefined();
- expect(getByText('dd')).toBeDefined();
- });
- it('should render the Text with proper variant class name', () => {
- const { getByText, container } = render(
- <>
- display-md
- heading-lg
- heading-md
- heading-sm
- body-lg-medium
- body-md
- body-md-medium
- body-md-bold
- body-sm
- body-sm-medium
- body-sm-bold
- body-xs
- body-xs-medium
- >,
- );
- expect(getByText('display-md')).toHaveClass('mm-text--display-md');
- expect(getByText('heading-lg')).toHaveClass('mm-text--heading-lg');
- expect(getByText('heading-md')).toHaveClass('mm-text--heading-md');
- expect(getByText('heading-sm')).toHaveClass('mm-text--heading-sm');
- expect(getByText('body-lg-medium')).toHaveClass('mm-text--body-lg-medium');
- expect(getByText('body-md')).toHaveClass('mm-text--body-md');
- expect(getByText('body-md-medium')).toHaveClass('mm-text--body-md-medium');
- expect(getByText('body-md-bold')).toHaveClass('mm-text--body-md-bold');
- expect(getByText('body-sm')).toHaveClass('mm-text--body-sm');
- expect(getByText('body-sm-medium')).toHaveClass('mm-text--body-sm-medium');
- expect(getByText('body-sm-bold')).toHaveClass('mm-text--body-sm-bold');
- expect(getByText('body-xs')).toHaveClass('mm-text--body-xs');
- expect(getByText('body-xs-medium')).toHaveClass('mm-text--body-xs-medium');
- expect(container).toMatchSnapshot();
- });
- it('should render the Text with proper font weight class name', () => {
- const { getByText } = render(
- <>
- bold
- medium
- normal
- >,
- );
- expect(getByText('bold')).toHaveClass('mm-text--font-weight-bold');
- expect(getByText('medium')).toHaveClass('mm-text--font-weight-medium');
- expect(getByText('normal')).toHaveClass('mm-text--font-weight-normal');
- });
- it('should render the Text with proper text color class name', () => {
- const { getByText } = render(
- <>
- text-default
- text-alternative
- text-muted
- overlay-inverse
- primary-default
- primary-inverse
- error-default
- error-inverse
- success-default
- success-inverse
- warning-inverse
- info-default
- info-inverse
- >,
- );
- expect(getByText('text-default')).toHaveClass('box--color-text-default');
- expect(getByText('text-alternative')).toHaveClass(
- 'box--color-text-alternative',
- );
- expect(getByText('text-muted')).toHaveClass('box--color-text-muted');
- expect(getByText('primary-default')).toHaveClass(
- 'box--color-primary-default',
- );
- expect(getByText('primary-inverse')).toHaveClass(
- 'box--color-primary-inverse',
- );
- expect(getByText('error-default')).toHaveClass('box--color-error-default');
- expect(getByText('error-inverse')).toHaveClass('box--color-error-inverse');
- expect(getByText('success-default')).toHaveClass(
- 'box--color-success-default',
- );
- expect(getByText('success-inverse')).toHaveClass(
- 'box--color-success-inverse',
- );
- expect(getByText('warning-inverse')).toHaveClass(
- 'box--color-warning-inverse',
- );
- expect(getByText('info-default')).toHaveClass('box--color-info-default');
- expect(getByText('info-inverse')).toHaveClass('box--color-info-inverse');
- });
- it('should render the Text with proper font style class name', () => {
- const { getByText } = render(
- <>
- italic
- normal
- >,
- );
- expect(getByText('italic')).toHaveClass('mm-text--font-style-italic');
- expect(getByText('normal')).toHaveClass('mm-text--font-style-normal');
- });
- it('should render the Text with proper text align class name', () => {
- const { getByText } = render(
- <>
- left
- center
- right
- justify
- end
- >,
- );
- expect(getByText('left')).toHaveClass('mm-text--text-align-left');
- expect(getByText('center')).toHaveClass('mm-text--text-align-center');
- expect(getByText('right')).toHaveClass('mm-text--text-align-right');
- expect(getByText('justify')).toHaveClass('mm-text--text-align-justify');
- expect(getByText('end')).toHaveClass('mm-text--text-align-end');
- });
- it('should render the Text with proper overflow wrap class name', () => {
- const { getByText } = render(
- <>
- break-word
- normal
- >,
- );
- expect(getByText('break-word')).toHaveClass(
- 'mm-text--overflow-wrap-break-word',
- );
- expect(getByText('normal')).toHaveClass('mm-text--overflow-wrap-normal');
- });
- it('should render the Text with proper ellipsis class name', () => {
- const { getByText } = render(
- <>
- ellipsis
- >,
- );
- expect(getByText('ellipsis')).toHaveClass('mm-text--ellipsis');
- });
- it('should render the Text with proper text transform class name', () => {
- const { getByText } = render(
- <>
- uppercase
- lowercase
- capitalize
- >,
- );
- expect(getByText('uppercase')).toHaveClass(
- 'mm-text--text-transform-uppercase',
- );
- expect(getByText('lowercase')).toHaveClass(
- 'mm-text--text-transform-lowercase',
- );
- expect(getByText('capitalize')).toHaveClass(
- 'mm-text--text-transform-capitalize',
- );
- });
- it('should accept a ref prop that is passed down to the html element', () => {
- const mockRef = jest.fn();
- render();
- expect(mockRef).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
- });
- it('should render the Text with proper direction', () => {
- const { getByText } = render(
- <>
- auto
- ltr
- rtl
- >,
- );
- expect(getByText('auto')).toHaveAttribute('dir', 'auto');
- expect(getByText('ltr')).toHaveAttribute('dir', 'ltr');
- expect(getByText('rtl')).toHaveAttribute('dir', 'rtl');
- });
diff --git a/ui/components/component-library/text/deprecated/text.tsx b/ui/components/component-library/text/deprecated/text.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index cc3a551ff868..000000000000
--- a/ui/components/component-library/text/deprecated/text.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-import React, { forwardRef, Ref } from 'react';
-import classnames from 'classnames';
-import Box from '../../../ui/box';
-import {
- FontWeight,
- TextVariant,
- TextColor,
-} from '../../../../helpers/constants/design-system';
-import { TextProps } from './text.types';
-const getTextElementDefault = (variant: TextVariant) => {
- switch (variant) {
- case TextVariant.displayMd:
- return 'h1';
- case TextVariant.headingLg:
- return 'h2';
- case TextVariant.headingMd:
- return 'h3';
- case TextVariant.headingSm:
- return 'h4';
- case TextVariant.inherit:
- return 'span';
- // TextVariant.bodyLgMedium, TextVariant.bodyMd, TextVariant.bodyMdBold, TextVariant.bodySm, TextVariant.bodySmBold, TextVariant.bodyXs use default 'p' tag
- default:
- return 'p';
- }
- * @deprecated This version of the `` component has been deprecated
- * Use `import { Text } from '../../component-library';` instead
- */
-export const Text = forwardRef(function Text(
- {
- variant = TextVariant.bodyMd,
- color = TextColor.textDefault,
- fontWeight,
- fontStyle,
- textTransform,
- textAlign,
- textDirection,
- overflowWrap,
- ellipsis,
- as,
- className = '',
- children,
- ...props
- }: TextProps,
- ref: Ref,
-) {
- // Check if as is set otherwise set a default tag based on variant
- const Tag = as ?? getTextElementDefault(variant);
- let strongTagFontWeight;
- if (Tag === 'strong') {
- strongTagFontWeight = FontWeight.Bold;
- }
- const computedClassName = classnames(
- 'mm-text',
- className,
- `mm-text--${variant}`,
- {
- [`mm-text--font-weight-${strongTagFontWeight || fontWeight}`]: Boolean(
- strongTagFontWeight || fontWeight,
- ),
- [`mm-text--font-style-${String(fontStyle)}`]: Boolean(fontStyle),
- [`mm-text--ellipsis`]: Boolean(ellipsis),
- [`mm-text--text-transform-${String(textTransform)}`]:
- Boolean(textTransform),
- [`mm-text--text-align-${String(textAlign)}`]: Boolean(textAlign),
- [`mm-text--overflow-wrap-${String(overflowWrap)}`]: Boolean(overflowWrap),
- },
- );
- return (
- {children}
- );
diff --git a/ui/components/component-library/text/deprecated/text.types.ts b/ui/components/component-library/text/deprecated/text.types.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index f6d5debc57c2..000000000000
--- a/ui/components/component-library/text/deprecated/text.types.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import type { BoxProps } from '../../../ui/box/box.d';
-import {
- FontWeight,
- FontStyle,
- TextVariant,
- TextAlign,
- TextTransform,
- OverflowWrap,
- TextColor,
- Color,
-} from '../../../../helpers/constants/design-system';
-export enum TextDirection {
- LeftToRight = 'ltr',
- RightToLeft = 'rtl',
- Auto = 'auto',
- * The InvisibleCharacter is a very useful tool if you want to make sure a line of text
- * takes up vertical space even if it's empty.
- */
-export const InvisibleCharacter = '\u200B';
- * @deprecated ValidTag enum is deprecated in favor of a union of strings.
- * To change the root html element tag of the Text component, use the `as` prop and string value.
- * e.g. `Hello World`
- *
- * Contribute to replacing the enum with a union of string by submitting a PR
- */
-export enum ValidTag {
- Dd = 'dd',
- Div = 'div',
- Dt = 'dt',
- Em = 'em',
- H1 = 'h1',
- H2 = 'h2',
- H3 = 'h3',
- H4 = 'h4',
- H5 = 'h5',
- H6 = 'h6',
- Li = 'li',
- P = 'p',
- Span = 'span',
- Strong = 'strong',
- Ul = 'ul',
- Label = 'label',
- Input = 'input',
- Header = 'header',
-export type ValidTagType =
- | 'dd'
- | 'div'
- | 'dt'
- | 'em'
- | 'h1'
- | 'h2'
- | 'h3'
- | 'h4'
- | 'h5'
- | 'h6'
- | 'li'
- | 'p'
- | 'span'
- | 'strong'
- | 'ul'
- | 'label'
- | 'input'
- | 'header';
-export interface TextProps extends BoxProps {
- /**
- * The text content of the Text component
- */
- children?: React.ReactNode;
- /**
- * The variation of font styles including sizes and weights of the Text component
- * Possible values:
- * `displayMd` large screen: 48px / small screen: 32px,
- * `headingLg` large screen: 32px / small screen: 24px,
- * `headingMd` large screen: 24px / small screen: 18px,
- * `headingSm` large screen: 18px / small screen: 16px,
- * `bodyLgMedium` large screen: 18px / small screen: 16px,
- * `bodyMd` large screen: 16px / small screen: 14px,
- * `bodyMdMedium` large screen: 16px / small screen: 14px,
- * `bodyMdBold` large screen: 16px / small screen: 14px,
- * `bodySm` large screen: 14px / small screen: 12px,
- * `bodySmMedium` large screen: 14px / small screen: 12px,
- * `bodySmBold` large screen: 14px / small screen: 12px,
- * `bodyXsMedium` large screen: 12px / small screen: 10px,
- * `bodyXs` large screen: 12px / small screen: 10px,
- * `inherit`
- */
- variant?: TextVariant;
- /**
- * The color of the Text component Should use the COLOR object from
- * ./ui/helpers/constants/design-system.js
- */
- color?: TextColor | Color;
- /**
- * The font-weight of the Text component. Should use the FontWeight enum from
- * ./ui/helpers/constants/design-system.js
- */
- fontWeight?: FontWeight;
- /**
- * The font-style of the Text component. Should use the FontStyle enum from
- * ./ui/helpers/constants/design-system.js
- */
- fontStyle?: FontStyle;
- /**
- * The textTransform of the Text component. Should use the TextTransform enum from
- * ./ui/helpers/constants/design-system.js
- */
- textTransform?: TextTransform;
- /**
- * The text-align of the Text component. Should use the TextAlign enum from
- * ./ui/helpers/constants/design-system.js
- */
- textAlign?: TextAlign;
- /**
- * Change the dir (direction) global attribute of text to support the direction a language is written
- * Possible values: `LEFT_TO_RIGHT` (default), `RIGHT_TO_LEFT`, `AUTO` (user agent decides)
- */
- textDirection?: TextDirection;
- /**
- * The overflow-wrap of the Text component. Should use the OverflowWrap enum from
- * ./ui/helpers/constants/design-system.js
- */
- overflowWrap?: OverflowWrap;
- /**
- * Used for long strings that can be cut off...
- */
- ellipsis?: boolean;
- /**
- * Changes the root html element tag of the Text component.
- */
- as?: ValidTagType;
- /**
- * Additional className to assign the Text component
- */
- className?: string;