diff --git a/guilib/IPtracerBasicScreen.py b/guilib/IPtracerBasicScreen.py
index 2b34a87..62210ea 100644
--- a/guilib/IPtracerBasicScreen.py
+++ b/guilib/IPtracerBasicScreen.py
@@ -17,10 +17,6 @@ def setupUi(self, IPTracerWidget_ipinfoio):
IPTracerWidget_ipinfoio.resize(866, 514)
self.gridLayout_2 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(IPTracerWidget_ipinfoio)
- self.webView_mapView = QtWebKitWidgets.QWebView(IPTracerWidget_ipinfoio)
- self.webView_mapView.setUrl(QtCore.QUrl("about:blank"))
- self.webView_mapView.setObjectName("webView_mapView")
- self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.webView_mapView, 0, 0, 2, 1)
self.widget = QtWidgets.QWidget(IPTracerWidget_ipinfoio)
self.widget.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(391, 0))
@@ -45,6 +41,11 @@ def setupUi(self, IPTracerWidget_ipinfoio):
self.textBrowser_logConsole = QtWidgets.QTextBrowser(IPTracerWidget_ipinfoio)
self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.textBrowser_logConsole, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+ self.webView_mapView = QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView(IPTracerWidget_ipinfoio)
+ self.webView_mapView.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(400, 0))
+ self.webView_mapView.setUrl(QtCore.QUrl("about:blank"))
+ self.webView_mapView.setObjectName("webView_mapView")
+ self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.webView_mapView, 0, 0, 2, 1)
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ def retranslateUi(self, IPTracerWidget_ipinfoio):
self.label_2.setText(_translate("IPTracerWidget_ipinfoio", "Target IP:"))
self.pushButton_startQuery.setText(_translate("IPTracerWidget_ipinfoio", "Start"))
self.pushButton_clearResults.setText(_translate("IPTracerWidget_ipinfoio", "Clear"))
-from PyQt5 import QtWebKitWidgets
+from PyQt5 import QtWebEngineWidgets
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/hivelibrary/HiveWebCrawler.py b/hivelibrary/HiveWebCrawler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52d7774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hivelibrary/HiveWebCrawler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+import requests
+ Prime Security | ThiHive @ WebCrawler
+Version : __VERSION__
+Author : __AUTHOR__
+__VERSION__ = "0.1"
+__AUTHOR__ = "Prime Security"
+class WebCrawler():
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ "javascript:;", "_banlk", "__blank"
+ ]
+ self.IMAGE_BLACKLIST = ["data:image/svg+xml;",]
+ def prepare_string(self, target_str:str) -> str:
+ first_numeric_detected = False
+ detected_data = ""
+ for single_char in target_str:
+ if first_numeric_detected:
+ detected_data += single_char
+ continue
+ if single_char == " ":
+ pass
+ else:
+ detected_data += single_char
+ first_numeric_detected = True
+ return detected_data
+ def search_email_address(self,target_str) -> list:
+ detected_data = self.prepare_string(target_str=target_str)
+ if len(detected_data) == 0:
+ return [False, "String is null"]
+ if detected_data[0:7].lower() != "mailto:":
+ return [False, "No email in string"]
+ detected_data = detected_data.lower()
+ detected_data = detected_data.replace("mailto:","")
+ detected_data = detected_data.replace(" ","")
+ if len(detected_data) == 0:
+ return [False, "No phone in string"]
+ return [True, detected_data]
+ def search_phone_numbers(self,target_str:str)->list:
+ detected_data = self.prepare_string(target_str=target_str)
+ if len(detected_data) == 0:
+ return [False, "String is null"]
+ if detected_data[0:4].lower() != "tel:":
+ return [False, "No phone in string"]
+ detected_data = detected_data.lower()
+ detected_data = detected_data.replace("tel:","")
+ detected_data = detected_data.replace(" ","")
+ if len(detected_data) == 0:
+ return [False, "No phone in string"]
+ return [True, detected_data]
+ def crawl_email_address_from_response_href(self,response_text:str) -> dict:
+ soup_data = BeautifulSoup(response_text, "html.parser")
+ results_dict = {
+ "success":False,
+ "data_array":[],
+ "message":""
+ }
+ buffer_list = []
+ for single_link in soup_data.select("a"):
+ href_target = None
+ href_title = None
+ if "href" in single_link.attrs.keys():
+ check_href_target = single_link.attrs["href"]
+ if not self.is_null(check_href_target):
+ href_target = check_href_target
+ if "title" in single_link.attrs.keys():
+ check_href_title = single_link.attrs["title"]
+ if not self.is_null(check_href_title):
+ href_title = check_href_title
+ if href_target is not None:
+ result_is = self.search_email_address(target_str=href_target)
+ if result_is[0] == True:
+ buffer_list.append([href_title, result_is[1]])
+ results_dict["data_array"] = buffer_list
+ if len(results_dict["data_array"]) == 0:
+ results_dict["message"] = "No email detected in page"
+ else:
+ results_dict["success"] = True
+ results_dict["message"] = "Proccess successfuly"
+ return results_dict
+ def crawl_phone_number_from_response_href(self,response_text:str) -> dict:
+ soup_data = BeautifulSoup(response_text, "html.parser")
+ results_dict = {
+ "success":False,
+ "data_array":[],
+ "message":""
+ }
+ buffer_list = []
+ for single_link in soup_data.select("a"):
+ href_target = None
+ href_title = None
+ if "href" in single_link.attrs.keys():
+ check_href_target = single_link.attrs["href"]
+ if not self.is_null(check_href_target):
+ href_target = check_href_target
+ if "title" in single_link.attrs.keys():
+ check_href_title = single_link.attrs["title"]
+ if not self.is_null(check_href_title):
+ href_title = check_href_title
+ if href_target is not None:
+ result_is = self.search_phone_numbers(target_str=href_target)
+ if result_is[0] == True:
+ buffer_list.append([href_title, result_is[1]])
+ results_dict["data_array"] = buffer_list
+ results_dict["data_array"] = buffer_list
+ if len(results_dict["data_array"]) == 0:
+ results_dict["message"] = "No phone detected in page"
+ else:
+ results_dict["success"] = True
+ results_dict["message"] = "Proccess successfuly"
+ return results_dict
+ def crawl_links_from_pesponse_href(self,original_target_url:str,response_text:str,only_address:bool=False) -> dict:
+ original_target_url = str(original_target_url)
+ if not original_target_url.endswith("/"):
+ original_target_url += "/"
+ soup_data = BeautifulSoup(response_text, "html.parser")
+ results_dict = {
+ "success":False,
+ "data_array":[],
+ "original_url":original_target_url,
+ "message":"",
+ }
+ for single_link in soup_data.select("a"):
+ href_target = None
+ href_title = None
+ if "href" in single_link.attrs.keys():
+ check_href_target = single_link.attrs["href"]
+ if not self.is_null(check_href_target) and check_href_target not in self.HREF_BLACKLIST:
+ href_target = check_href_target
+ if "title" in single_link.attrs.keys():
+ check_href_title = single_link.attrs["title"]
+ if not self.is_null(check_href_title):
+ href_title = check_href_title
+ if href_target is not None:
+ if href_target.startswith("/"):
+ href_target = original_target_url + href_target[1:]
+ if only_address:
+ href_target = href_target.split("?")
+ href_target = href_target[0]
+ if href_target is not None:
+ results_dict["data_array"].append( [ href_target, href_title ])
+ if len(results_dict["data_array"]) == 0:
+ results_dict["success"] = False
+ results_dict["message"] = "No link detected in url"
+ else:
+ results_dict["success"] = True
+ results_dict["message"] = "Proccess successfuly"
+ return results_dict
+ def send_request(self,target_url,timeout_sec=5,req_headers:dict=None) -> dict:
+ try:
+ request_header = {
+ "User-Agent":f"{__AUTHOR__} WebCrawle {__VERSION__}"
+ }
+ if req_headers is not None:
+ request_header = req_headers
+ send_request = requests.get(url=target_url,timeout=timeout_sec,headers=request_header)
+ if not send_request.ok:
+ return {
+ "success":False,
+ "message":f"Web request failed, status code: {send_request.status_code}",
+ "url":target_url,
+ "status_code":send_request.status_code,
+ "timeout_val":timeout_sec,
+ "method":"get",
+ "data":None
+ }
+ return {
+ "success":True,
+ "message":f"Web request success",
+ "url":target_url,
+ "status_code":send_request.status_code,
+ "timeout_val":timeout_sec,
+ "method":"get",
+ "data":send_request.text,
+ }
+ except Exception as err:
+ return {
+ "success":False,
+ "message":f"Web request failed, error: {err}",
+ "url":target_url,
+ "status_code":None,
+ "timeout_val":timeout_sec,
+ "method":"get",
+ "data":None
+ }
+ def is_null(self,data):
+ if data ==None:
+ return True
+ if len(str(data)) == 0:
+ return True
+ if str(data).lower() == "none":
+ return True
+ return False
+ def crawl_image_from_response(self,response_text:str,original_url:str,exclude_svg=True,only_address=False) -> dict:
+ soup_data = BeautifulSoup(response_text, "html.parser")
+ if not original_url.endswith("/"):
+ original_url += "/"
+ results_dict = {
+ "success":False,
+ "data_array":[],
+ "original_url":original_url
+ }
+ for image in soup_data.select("img"):
+ image_url = None
+ image_alt = None
+ image_title = None
+ if "title" in image.attrs.keys():
+ image_check_title = image.attrs['title']
+ if not self.is_null(image_check_title):
+ image_title = image_check_title
+ if "alt" in image.attrs.keys():
+ image_check_alt = image.attrs['alt']
+ if not self.is_null(image_check_alt):
+ image_alt = image_check_alt
+ if "src" in image.attrs.keys():
+ image_check_url = image.attrs['src']
+ if not self.is_null(image_check_url):
+ if image_check_url.startswith("/"):
+ image_check_url = original_url + image_check_url[1:]
+ if only_address:
+ image_check_url = image_check_url.split("?")
+ image_check_url = image_check_url[0]
+ image_url = image_check_url
+ if "data-src" in image.attrs.keys():
+ image_check_url = image.attrs['data-src']
+ if not self.is_null(image_check_url):
+ image_url = image_check_url
+ if image_url is not None and exclude_svg:
+ exluce_parser = image_url
+ if "?" in image_url:
+ exluce_parser = image_url.split("?")
+ exluce_parser = exluce_parser[0]
+ if exluce_parser.endswith(".svg") or "data:image/svg+xml;" in exluce_parser:
+ image_url = None
+ if image_url is not None:
+ results_dict["data_array"].append( [ image_url, image_alt, image_title ])
+ results_dict["success"] = True
+ return results_dict
+if __name__ =="__main__":
+ static_test_url = "https://www.hurriyet.com.tr/bizeulasin/"
+ static_test_url = "https://www.google.com/"
+ response_data = requests.get(static_test_url,timeout=3)
+ if not response_data.ok:
+ print(response_data.status_code)
+ exit(1)
+ toolkit = WebCrawler()
+ a = toolkit.send_request(target_url=static_test_url)
+ #print(a)
+ result_is = toolkit.crawl_image_from_response(response_text=a["data"],original_url=static_test_url)
+ print(result_is)
+ #original_url = result_is["original_url"]
+ original_url = static_test_url
+ for single_list in result_is["data_array"]:
+ url = single_list[0]
+ title = single_list[1]
+ print("*"*100)
+ print(f"href_target: {url}")
+ print(f"title: {title}")
+ print(f"Original URL: {original_url}")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hivelibrary/psqlConfig.py b/hivelibrary/psqlConfig.py
index 9dde9bf..0b98dfd 100644
--- a/hivelibrary/psqlConfig.py
+++ b/hivelibrary/psqlConfig.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- "password":"msk103q@_as0-12_sVEaxs12xpg97",
+ "password":"",
diff --git a/install_linux.sh b/install_linux.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5b5971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install_linux.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+source "etc/os-release"
+if [[ "$UID" != "0" ]]; then
+ printf "$red[!]$reset This Script Only Running As root!\n"
+ exit -1
+if [[ "$ID" = "kali" ]] ;then
+ printf "$yellow[+]$reset Detected System:\t $NAME $VERSION \n"
+ printf "$yellow[+]$reset Starting installer... \n"
+ printf "$yellow[+]$reset Installing libpython3-dev ...\n"
+ apt install libpython3-dev 2> /dev/null
+ printf "$yellow[+]$reset Installing PostgrSQL ... \n"
+ apt install postgresql 2> /dev/null
+ printf "$yellow[+]$reset Installing python3 python3-pip python3-pyqt5 ...\n"
+ apt install python3 python3-pip python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit 2> /dev/null
+ printf "$yellow[+]$reset Installing python3-opencv ...\n"
+ apt install python3-opencv 2> /dev/null
+ printf "$yellow[+]$reset Installing docker.io docker-compose ... \n"
+ apt install docker.io docker-compose 2> /dev/null
+ printf "$yellow[+]$reset Installing pip packaget ... \n"
+ pip install pydub psutil colorama beautifulsoup4 requests opencv-python onnxruntime insightface numpy shodan
+ printf "$yellow[+]$reset All downloads successfuly ... \n"
+ printf "$yellow[+]$reset Creating PostgreSQL server on docker ... \n"
diff --git a/raw_ui_files/RsaToolkitScreen.ui b/raw_ui_files/RsaToolkitScreen.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..723f695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/raw_ui_files/RsaToolkitScreen.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ Form
+ 0
+ 0
+ 944
+ 631
+ Form
+ -
+ -
+ 0
+ Encrypte And Decrypte
+ -
+ 230
+ 0
+ 301
+ 31
+ 20
+ 10
+ 161
+ 21
+ Selected Keys
+ 410
+ 210
+ 201
+ 31
+ start
+ 230
+ 40
+ 231
+ 31
+ Encrypte
+ -
+ Decrypte
+ 20
+ 50
+ 131
+ 16
+ Proccess
+ Key Management
diff --git a/raw_ui_files/StaticIPtracerScreen.ui b/raw_ui_files/StaticIPtracerScreen.ui
index 006afc9..d15f50c 100644
--- a/raw_ui_files/StaticIPtracerScreen.ui
+++ b/raw_ui_files/StaticIPtracerScreen.ui
@@ -14,15 +14,6 @@
- -
- about:blank
@@ -69,13 +60,28 @@
+ -
+ 400
+ 0
+ about:blank
- QWebView
+ QWebEngineView
+ QtWebEngineWidgets/QWebEngineView