diff --git a/megamek/docs/OfficialUnitList.txt b/megamek/docs/OfficialUnitList.txt index b34b79b58d9..d5b78ab724c 100644 --- a/megamek/docs/OfficialUnitList.txt +++ b/megamek/docs/OfficialUnitList.txt @@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ Armored Personnel Carrier (Hover Sensors)| Mobile Long Tom Artillery Ammunition Carriage LT-MOB-25| Sea Skimmer Hydrofoil (SRM6)| Mobile Headquarters (LRM)| -J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (Standard)| +J-27 Ordnance Transport (Standard)| Demolisher Heavy Tank (Defensive)| Armored Personnel Carrier (Wheeled SRM)| Scorpion Light Tank (Standard)| @@ -1586,58 +1586,66 @@ Clan Field Artillery (Sniper)| Field Gunners (LAC5)| Motorized Platoon (Flechette)| Foot Platoon (Flechette)| -Clan Mechanized Infantry Mimir/Watch Counter Insurgency Point| +VTOL Infantry Hachiman Taro Enterprise Extraction Force| +Hover Assault Infantry Johnston Industries Rapid Response Force| +Heavy Support Infantry Irian Technologies SWAT Team| +Jump Support Infantry Star Corps Jump Assault Infantry| Riot Police Word of Blake Protectorate Militia Pacification Unit| -SpecOps Paratrooper MI6 Extraction Team| -Space Marine Com Guards Warship Fleet Marine| -Firefighter Twenty-fourth Hellfire Firefighting Battalion, 84th Avalon LI, 17th Avalon Hussars| -AA Mechanized Infantry Mechanized AA Infantry| -Motorized Infantry Dark Caste Bandits| +Mechanized Assault XCT Word of Blake Militia NBC| +Manei Domini Attack Squad 'Tau Zombie'| +Manei Domini Recon Squad 'Tau Wraith'| Heavy Foot LRM Infantry Stalwart Support - Heavy LRM Infantry| -Jump Laser Infantry Principes III 103rd Jump Battalion| -Clan Assault Infantry Ghost Bear Heavy Solahma Infantry| +TAG Spotter Infantry Stalwart Support - Spotter Infantry| +Scout Infantry The Battle Corps - Baker Street Irregulars| +Submersible Mechanized Infantry Kraken Unleashed - The Mermen| +AA Mechanized Infantry Mechanized AA Infantry| Clan Heavy Jump Infantry Heavy Infantry Point| -Minesweepers Thirty-fifth Cluster Support Force, Red Chasseurs| -Mechanized Assault XCT Word of Blake Militia NBC| -AA Jump Infantry 292nd League Regulars| -Foot Infantry Raventhir's Infantry Guard| -Mechanized Field Artillery 71st Mechanized| -Motorized MG Galatean Support Wheels| -Heavy Infantry Heavy Urban Response Platoon| -Anti-'Mech Jump Infantry Third Ueda Infantry| -Pirate Lady Death's 'Pacification' Squads| -XCT Marine Special Asteroid Support Forces| -Hover Assault Infantry Johnston Industries Rapid Response Force| -Xenoplanetary Infantry Eagle Corps Eyrie Defense Force| -Foot Ballistic Rifle Hastati V| -Motorized XCT Infantry Explorer Corps Hostile Environment| -Combat Engineer Royal Engineers, 1st Lyran Royal Guards RCT| -Clan Heavy Foot Infantry Ebon Keshik Point| -Mountaineer 45th Cerulean Mountain Infantry, 2nd Davion Guards| Fast Recon Cavalry Point| -Heavy Jump Infantry Royal Gurkha Battalion| -Royal Engineers 1st Lyran Royal Guards RCT| -SRM Foot Infantry Taurian Citizens' Militia| -Anti-Infantry Unit Second Lyran Armored Infantry| +Clan Foot Infantry Ad Hoc Point| +Motorized Infantry Dark Caste Bandits| +Clan Heavy Foot Infantry Ebon Keshik Point| Clan Anti-Infantry Clan Jade Falcon Police| -Heavy Mountain Infantry Cavalier 'Mountain Men' Infantry Guard, Magistracy Cavaliers| -Motorized Heavy Infantry Motstand/Mimir Troop| -Scout Infantry The Battle Corps - Baker Street Irregulars| -Heavy Support Infantry Irian Technologies SWAT Team| -Recon Infantry Recon Battalion, 201st Pesht Assault Team, 3rd Proserpina Hussars| Clan Space Marine Clan Snow Raven Space Marines| +SpecOps Paratrooper MI6 Extraction Team| +Firefighter Twenty-fourth Hellfire Firefighting Battalion, 84th Avalon LI, 17th Avalon Hussars| +Mountaineer 45th Cerulean Mountain Infantry, 2nd Davion Guards| +Frogmen Blue Water Marine Response Teams (Frogmen)| +Ceremonial Guard Caesar's Royal Guard, Marion Hegemony| +Pirate Lady Death's 'Pacification' Squads| Skaret Assassins JàrnFòlk| -Clan Foot Infantry Ad Hoc Point| +Mechanized Field Artillery 71st Mechanized| +Recon Infantry Recon Battalion, 201st Pesht Assault Team, 3rd Proserpina Hussars| Ceremonial Guard Otomo Guard| -Frogmen Blue Water Marine Response Teams (Frogmen)| -Jump Support Infantry Star Corps Jump Assault Infantry| -Commando CCAF Battlefield Infiltration Units| +Heavy Jump Infantry DEST Heavy Response Platoon| +Commando Battlefield Infiltration Units| Missile Artillery Infantry Kommando Special Forces| -Bridge-builder Engineers Take the Time III-chi, Forty-eighth Division| Sniper House Dai Da Chi Snipers| -Heavy Jump Infantry DEST Heavy Response Platoon| -Special Forces Stone's Trackers| +Space Marine Com Guards Warship Fleet Marine| +Motorized XCT Infantry Explorer Corps Hostile Environment| +Bridge-builder Engineers Take the Time III-chi, Forty-eighth Division| +Minesweepers Thirty-fifth Cluster Support Force, Red Chasseurs| +XCT Marine Special Asteroid Support Forces| +SRM Foot Infantry Taurian Citizens' Militia| Field Gun Infantry (Motorized Batteries)| +AA Jump Infantry 292nd League Regulars| +Xenoplanetary Infantry Eagle Corps Eyrie Defense Force| +Heavy Jump Infantry Royal Gurkha Battalion| +Clan Mechanized Infantry Mimir/Watch Counter Insurgency Point| +Clan Assault Infantry Ghost Bear Heavy Solahma Infantry| +Anti-'Mech Jump Infantry Third Ueda Infantry| +Motorized Heavy Infantry Motstand/Mimir Troop| +Foot Infantry Raventhir's Infantry Guard| +Assault Commando Ebon Magistrate Shock Troops| +Field Medic Magistracy Medical Corp| +Heavy Mountain Infantry Cavalier 'Mountain Men' Infantry Guard, Magistracy Cavaliers| +Jump Laser Infantry Principes III 103rd Jump Battalion| +Motorized MG Galatean Support Wheels| +Foot Ballistic Rifle Hastati V| +Special Forces Stone's Trackers| +Heavy Infantry Heavy Urban Response Platoon| +Combat Engineer Royal Engineers, 1st Lyran Royal Guards RCT| +Royal Engineers 1st Lyran Royal Guards RCT| +Anti-Infantry Unit Second Lyran Armored Infantry| HALO Paratrooper Lyran Paratrooper Corps| Hydra 2| Minotaur (Standard)| @@ -6689,7 +6697,7 @@ Argus AGS-5D| Razorback RZK-10T| Legacy LGC-04-WVR| Templar TLR1-OI| -Chimera CMA-2k| +Chimera CMA-2K| Akuma AKU-2X| Red Shift RDS-3A| Lao Hu LHU-4E| diff --git a/megamek/docs/history.txt b/megamek/docs/history.txt index d2aa67af6d7..93764d7896c 100644 --- a/megamek/docs/history.txt +++ b/megamek/docs/history.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ VERSION HISTORY: ---------------- -v0.42.1-git +v0.43.0 (2017-02-13 03:30 UTC) +Issues #47/#48 from MML Tracker - Critical Slot allocations wrong for BA SRM4(OS) and BA LBX + Issue #467: Princess bot NPEs in physical attacks phase