diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1dc0aea..b3bda8f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ repositories {
dependencies {
- compile 'org.mechdancer:linearalgebra:0.2.5-dev-3'
+ implementation 'org.mechdancer:linearalgebra:${latest_version}'
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ dependencies {
- 0.2.5-dev-3
+ latest_version
diff --git a/build.gradle.kts b/build.gradle.kts
index b1db42b..9448c64 100644
--- a/build.gradle.kts
+++ b/build.gradle.kts
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile
plugins {
kotlin("jvm") version "1.3.50" apply (true)
-// id("org.jetbrains.dokka") version "0.9.18"
-// id("com.jfrog.bintray") version "1.8.4"
-// `maven-publish`
+ id("org.jetbrains.dokka") version "0.9.18"
+ id("com.jfrog.bintray") version "1.8.4"
+ `maven-publish`
@@ -33,17 +33,17 @@ tasks.withType {
-//tasks.dokka {
-// outputFormat = "javadoc"
-// outputDirectory = "$buildDir/javadoc"
+tasks.dokka {
+ outputFormat = "javadoc"
+ outputDirectory = "$buildDir/javadoc"
-//val doc = tasks.register("javadocJar") {
-// group = JavaBasePlugin.DOCUMENTATION_GROUP
-// description = "Assembles Kotlin docs with Dokka"
-// archiveClassifier.set("javadoc")
-// from(tasks.dokka)
+val doc = tasks.register("javadocJar") {
+ group = JavaBasePlugin.DOCUMENTATION_GROUP
+ description = "Assembles Kotlin docs with Dokka"
+ archiveClassifier.set("javadoc")
+ from(tasks.dokka)
val sources = tasks.register("sourcesJar") {
group = JavaBasePlugin.BUILD_TASK_NAME
@@ -51,78 +51,78 @@ val sources = tasks.register("sourcesJar") {
-//val fat = tasks.register("fatJar") {
-// group = JavaBasePlugin.BUILD_TASK_NAME
-// description = "Packs binary output with dependencies"
-// archiveClassifier.set("all")
-// from(sourceSets.main.get().output)
-// from({
-// configurations.runtimeClasspath.get().filter { it.name.endsWith("jar") }.map { zipTree(it) }
-// })
-//tasks.register("allJars") {
-// group = JavaBasePlugin.BUILD_TASK_NAME
-// description = "Assembles all jars in one task"
-// dependsOn(doc, sources, fat, tasks.jar)
-//val rename = tasks.register("renamePomFile") {
-// dependsOn(tasks.publishToMavenLocal)
-// doLast {
-// val path = "${buildDir.absolutePath}/publications/maven/"
-// val old = File(path + "pom-default.xml")
-// val f = File("$path${project.name}-$version.pom")
-// old.renameTo(f)
-// }
-//tasks.bintrayUpload.configure {
-// dependsOn(rename)
-//bintray {
-// user = "berberman"
-// key = System.getenv("BintrayToken")
-// setConfigurations("archives")
-// val v = version.toString()
-// val url = "https://github.com/MechDancer/linearalgebra"
-// publish = true
-// pkg.apply {
-// name = project.name
-// desc = "linearalgebra kotlin utilities"
-// repo = "maven"
-// userOrg = "mechdancer"
-// githubRepo = "MechDancer/linearalgebra"
-// vcsUrl = "$url.git"
-// issueTrackerUrl = "$url/issues"
-// publicDownloadNumbers = true
-// setLicenses("WTFPL")
-// version.apply {
-// name = v
-// vcsTag = v
-// websiteUrl = "$url/releases/tag/$v"
-// }
-// }
-//publishing {
-// repositories {
-// maven("$buildDir/repo")
-// }
-// publications {
-// create("maven") {
-// from(components["java"])
-// }
-// }
-//artifacts {
-// add("archives", tasks.jar)
-// add("archives", fat)
-// add("archives", sources)
-// add("archives", doc)
-// add("archives", File("${buildDir.absolutePath}/publications/maven/${project.name}-$version.pom"))
+val fat = tasks.register("fatJar") {
+ group = JavaBasePlugin.BUILD_TASK_NAME
+ description = "Packs binary output with dependencies"
+ archiveClassifier.set("all")
+ from(sourceSets.main.get().output)
+ from({
+ configurations.runtimeClasspath.get().filter { it.name.endsWith("jar") }.map { zipTree(it) }
+ })
+tasks.register("allJars") {
+ group = JavaBasePlugin.BUILD_TASK_NAME
+ description = "Assembles all jars in one task"
+ dependsOn(doc, sources, fat, tasks.jar)
+val rename = tasks.register("renamePomFile") {
+ dependsOn(tasks.publishToMavenLocal)
+ doLast {
+ val path = "${buildDir.absolutePath}/publications/maven/"
+ val old = File(path + "pom-default.xml")
+ val f = File("$path${project.name}-$version.pom")
+ old.renameTo(f)
+ }
+tasks.bintrayUpload.configure {
+ dependsOn(rename)
+bintray {
+ user = "berberman"
+ key = System.getenv("BintrayToken")
+ setConfigurations("archives")
+ val v = version.toString()
+ val url = "https://github.com/MechDancer/linearalgebra"
+ publish = true
+ pkg.apply {
+ name = project.name
+ desc = "linearalgebra kotlin utilities"
+ repo = "maven"
+ userOrg = "mechdancer"
+ githubRepo = "MechDancer/linearalgebra"
+ vcsUrl = "$url.git"
+ issueTrackerUrl = "$url/issues"
+ publicDownloadNumbers = true
+ setLicenses("WTFPL")
+ version.apply {
+ name = v
+ vcsTag = v
+ websiteUrl = "$url/releases/tag/$v"
+ }
+ }
+publishing {
+ repositories {
+ maven("$buildDir/repo")
+ }
+ publications {
+ create("maven") {
+ from(components["java"])
+ }
+ }
+artifacts {
+ add("archives", tasks.jar)
+ add("archives", fat)
+ add("archives", sources)
+ add("archives", doc)
+ add("archives", File("${buildDir.absolutePath}/publications/maven/${project.name}-$version.pom"))
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/org/mechdancer/geometry/rotation3d/Angle3D.kt b/src/main/kotlin/org/mechdancer/geometry/rotation3d/Angle3D.kt
index 390c54e..972b44f 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/org/mechdancer/geometry/rotation3d/Angle3D.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/org/mechdancer/geometry/rotation3d/Angle3D.kt
@@ -131,24 +131,24 @@ sealed class Angle3D(val first: Angle, val second: Angle, val third: Angle, val
firstAngle = .0 /* arbitrary */
/* matrix.get(2, 1) == sin(firstAngle + thirdAngle) */
/* matrix.get(1, 1) == cos(firstAngle + thirdAngle) */
- thirdAngle = (atan2(matrix.get(2, 1), matrix.get(1, 1)) - firstAngle)
+ thirdAngle = (atan2(matrix[2, 1], matrix[1, 1]) - firstAngle)
doubleEquals(test, -1.0) -> {
secondAngle = PI
firstAngle = .0 /* arbitrary */
/* matrix.get(1, 2) == -sin(firstAngle - thirdAngle) */
/* matrix.get(1, 1) == cos(firstAngle - thirdAngle) */
- thirdAngle = (firstAngle - atan2(-matrix.get(1, 2), matrix.get(1, 1)))
+ thirdAngle = (firstAngle - atan2(-matrix[1, 2], matrix[1, 1]))
else -> {
/* matrix.get(0, 0) == cos(secondAngle) */
- secondAngle = (if (neg) acos(matrix.get(0, 0)) else -acos(matrix.get(0, 0)))
+ secondAngle = (if (neg) acos(matrix[0, 0]) else -acos(matrix[0, 0]))
/* matrix.get(0, 1) == sin(firstAngle) * sin(secondAngle) */
/* matrix.get(0, 2) == cos(firstAngle) * sin(secondAngle) */
- firstAngle = atan2(matrix.get(0, 1) / sin(secondAngle), matrix.get(0, 2) / sin(secondAngle))
+ firstAngle = atan2(matrix[0, 1] / sin(secondAngle), matrix[0, 2] / sin(secondAngle))
/* matrix.get(1, 0) == sin(secondAngle) * sin(thirdAngle) */
/* matrix.get(2, 0) == -(cos(thirdAngle) * sin(secondAngle)) */
- thirdAngle = atan2(matrix.get(1, 0) / sin(secondAngle), -matrix.get(2, 0) / sin(secondAngle))
+ thirdAngle = atan2(matrix[1, 0] / sin(secondAngle), -matrix[2, 0] / sin(secondAngle))