Based on this test
To run pull this repo locally
Copy .env.example -> .env
Run composer install
Run npm install
On initial setup of the project run php artisan migrate
For Docker friendly environments run docker-compose up -d
On linux command line you can run from project root ./vendor/bin/sail up
(on Windows you will need to navigate to your project /mnt/c/Users/..)
Then navigate to http://localhost/
30 mins setup db migrations, routes, model, controllers & validation
30 mins Vue routes, views
30 mins Element UI (needed to use Element Plus for Vue3 compatibility)
30 mins markup & styles
30 mins Booking form
30 mins Booking Listings
30 mins Footer & general styles
30 mins Mobile & style tidy
I admit there is room for improvement, date & time format on the booking listings, calendar icon on the booking form, sass could be structured better ie move out typography to separate style sheet, validation could be imported, error reporting could be improved, I would like to add a slider for the bookings list.