Update pyproject.toml with the contents of requirements.txt
Used the following to investigate whether or not the requirements are satsified globally.
# --prefix=your/.venv
# TMPDIR=/your/choice
# pip install --isolated
pip install --isolated -i https://pypi.org/simple --prefix .venv_cache --cache-dir $TMPDIR/.pip_cache -r requirements.txt --dry-run
# Build-chain
pip install setuptools>=61.0 --isolated -i https://pypi.org/simple --prefix .venv_cache --cache-dir $TMPDIR/.pip_cache --dry-run
pip install wheel --isolated -i https://pypi.org/simple --prefix .venv_cache --cache-dir $TMPDIR/.pip_cache --dry-run
pip install numpy>=1.22.0 --isolated -i https://pypi.org/simple --prefix .venv_cache --cache-dir $TMPDIR/.pip_cache --dry-run
#pip install build>=0.9.0? --isolated -i https://pypi.org/simple --prefix .venv_cache --cache-dir $TMPDIR/.pip_cache --dry-run
# Fixed #(? #3/31/24 also still out of wack, had been using a more modern toolchain for essentially no-reason. hold up)
distlib>=0.3.8 # 3/31/24 - May need downgrade due to setuptools, build, or distlib compatibility layers under pip
Cython>=3.0.8 #? 3/31/24 - same issue. needlessly restrictive, some issues in build system prevent good correspondence with compatibility as either a conda toolchain/buildchain or a pypi module. still needs fix.
pip install numpy>=1.26.3 --isolated -i https://pypi.org/simple --prefix .venv_cache --cache-dir $TMPDIR/.pip_cache --dry-run
pip install numpy>=1.26.3 --isolated -i https://pypi.org/simple --prefix .venv_cache --cache-dir $TMPDIR/.pip_cache --dry-run
# I think build and distlib are used for Cythonization of the Pearson correlation coefficient
# I think setuptools is a Python PyPI compatibility layer for dependency layer.
# module reqrmtx
# biopython
pip install numpy>=1.26.3 --isolated -i https://pypi.org/simple --prefix .venv_cache --cache-dir $TMPDIR/.pip_cache --dry-run
# --------------- docutils
pip install numpy>=1.26.3 --isolated -i https://pypi.org/simple --prefix .venv_cache --cache-dir $TMPDIR/.pip_cache --dry-run
# # -------------- Sphinx
# # 3/31/24 - May need a version bump
# # 3/31/24 - Also needs a version fix. This is live i think.
## Um hs do these all need version bumps
# # Graphics
pip install matplotlib>=3.8.2 --isolated -i https://pypi.org/simple --prefix .venv_cache --cache-dir $TMPDIR/.pip_cache --dry-run
# # Scientific computing
pip install numpy>=1.26.3 --isolated -i https://pypi.org/simple --prefix .venv_cache --cache-dir $TMPDIR/.pip_cache --dry-run
pip install pandas>=2.2.0 --isolated -i https://pypi.org/simple --prefix .venv_cache --cache-dir $TMPDIR/.pip_cache --dry-run
# Configurations
# gtfh
# # 3/31/24 needs a downgrade too
pip install PyYAML>=6.0.1 --isolated -i https://pypi.org/simple --prefix .venv_cache --cache-dir $TMPDIR/.pip_cache --dry-run
pip install jsonschema>=4.21.1 --isolated -i https://pypi.org/simple --prefix .venv_cache --cache-dir $TMPDIR/.pip_cache --dry-run
pip install psutil>=5.9.8 --isolated -i https://pypi.org/simple --prefix .venv_cache --cache-dir $TMPDIR/.pip_cache --dry-run
biopython 1.8.3->1.81
Testing alternate install/build system.