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Getting Started with Uber API

Getting Started


Move your app forward with the Uber API


The generated code uses a few Maven dependencies e.g., Jackson, OkHttp, and Apache HttpClient. The reference to these dependencies is already added in the pom.xml file will be installed automatically. Therefore, you will need internet access for a successful build.

  • In order to open the client library in Eclipse click on File -> Import.

Importing SDK into Eclipse - Step 1

  • In the import dialog, select Existing Java Project and click Next.

Importing SDK into Eclipse - Step 2

  • Browse to locate the folder containing the source code. Select the detected location of the project and click Finish.

Importing SDK into Eclipse - Step 3

  • Upon successful import, the project will be automatically built by Eclipse after automatically resolving the dependencies.

Importing SDK into Eclipse - Step 4


The following section explains how to use the UberAPILib library in a new project.

1. Starting a new project

For starting a new project, click the menu command File > New > Project.

Add a new project in Eclipse

Next, choose Maven > Maven Project and click Next.

Create a new Maven Project - Step 1

Here, make sure to use the current workspace by choosing Use default Workspace location, as shown in the picture below and click Next.

Create a new Maven Project - Step 2

Following this, select the quick start project type to create a simple project with an existing class and a main method. To do this, choose maven-archetype-quickstart item from the list and click Next.

Create a new Maven Project - Step 3

In the last step, provide a Group Id and Artifact Id as shown in the picture below and click Finish.

Create a new Maven Project - Step 4

2. Add reference of the library project

The created Maven project manages its dependencies using its pom.xml file. In order to add a dependency on the UberAPILib client library, double click on the pom.xml file in the Package Explorer. Opening the pom.xml file will render a graphical view on the canvas. Here, switch to the Dependencies tab and click the Add button as shown in the picture below.

Adding dependency to the client library - Step 1

Clicking the Add button will open a dialog where you need to specify UberAPILib in Group Id, uber-apilib in Artifact Id and 1.0.0 in the Version fields. Once added click OK. Save the pom.xml file.

Adding dependency to the client library - Step 2

Adding sample code

3. Write sample code

Once the SimpleConsoleApp is created, a file named will be visible in the Package Explorer with a main method. This is the entry point for the execution of the created project. Here, you can add code to initialize the client library and instantiate a Controller class. Sample code to initialize the client library and using controller methods is given in the subsequent sections.

Initialize the API Client

The following parameters are configurable for the API Client:

Parameter Type Description
timeout long The timeout to use for making HTTP requests.
Default: 0L
httpClientConfig ReadonlyHttpClientConfiguration Http Client Configuration instance.

The API client can be initialized as follows:

UberAPIClient client = new UberAPIClient.Builder()

Test the SDK

The generated code and the server can be tested using automatically generated test cases. JUnit is used as the testing framework and test runner.

In Eclipse, for running the tests do the following:

  1. Select the project UberAPILib from the package explorer.
  2. Select Run -> Run as -> JUnit Test or use Alt + Shift + X followed by T to run the Tests.

Client Class Documentation

Uber APIClient Class

The gateway for the SDK. This class acts as a factory for the Controllers and also holds the configuration of the SDK.


Name Description Return Type
getProductsController() Provides access to Products controller. ProductsController
getEstimatesController() Provides access to Estimates controller. EstimatesController
getUserController() Provides access to User controller. UserController


Name Description Return Type
shutdown() Shutdown the underlying HttpClient instance. void
getEnvironment() Current API environment. Environment
getHttpClient() The HTTP Client instance to use for making HTTP requests. HttpClient
getTimeout() The timeout to use for making HTTP requests. long
getHttpClientConfig() Http Client Configuration instance. ReadonlyHttpClientConfiguration
getBaseUri(Server server) Get base URI by current environment String
getBaseUri() Get base URI by current environment String

API Reference

List of APIs



Get instance

An instance of the ProductsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

ProductsController productsController = client.getProductsController();

Product Types

The Products endpoint returns information about the Uber products offered at a given location. The response includes the display name and other details about each product, and lists the products in the proper display order.

ℹ️ Note This endpoint does not require authentication.

CompletableFuture<ProductList> productTypesAsync(
    final double latitude,
    final double longitude)
Parameter Type Tags Description
latitude double Query, Required Latitude component of location.
longitude double Query, Required Longitude component of location.
Response Type


Example Usage
double latitude = 65.76;
double longitude = 188.04;

productsController.productTypesAsync(latitude, longitude).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;
HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
Default Unexpected error ErrorException



Get instance

An instance of the EstimatesController class can be accessed from the API Client.

EstimatesController estimatesController = client.getEstimatesController();

Price Estimates

The Price Estimates endpoint returns an estimated price range for each product offered at a given location. The price estimate is provided as a formatted string with the full price range and the localized currency symbol.

The response also includes low and high estimates, and the ISO 4217 currency code for situations requiring currency conversion. When surge is active for a particular product, its surge_multiplier will be greater than 1, but the price estimate already factors in this multiplier.

ℹ️ Note This endpoint does not require authentication.

CompletableFuture<List<PriceEstimate>> priceEstimatesAsync(
    final double startLatitude,
    final double startLongitude,
    final double endLatitude,
    final double endLongitude)
Parameter Type Tags Description
startLatitude double Query, Required Latitude component of start location.
startLongitude double Query, Required Longitude component of start location.
endLatitude double Query, Required Latitude component of end location.
endLongitude double Query, Required Longitude component of end location.
Response Type


Example Usage
double startLatitude = 163.52;
double startLongitude = 96.76;
double endLatitude = 243.82;
double endLongitude = 205.12;

estimatesController.priceEstimatesAsync(startLatitude, startLongitude, endLatitude, endLongitude).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;
HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
Default Unexpected error ErrorException

Time Estimates

The Time Estimates endpoint returns ETAs for all products offered at a given location, with the responses expressed as integers in seconds. We recommend that this endpoint be called every minute to provide the most accurate, up-to-date ETAs.

ℹ️ Note This endpoint does not require authentication.

CompletableFuture<List<Product>> timeEstimatesAsync(
    final double startLatitude,
    final double startLongitude,
    final UUID customerUuid,
    final String productId)
Parameter Type Tags Description
startLatitude double Query, Required Latitude component of start location.
startLongitude double Query, Required Longitude component of start location.
customerUuid UUID Query, Optional Unique customer identifier to be used for experience customization.
productId String Query, Optional Unique identifier representing a specific product for a given latitude & longitude.
Response Type


Example Usage
double startLatitude = 163.52;
double startLongitude = 96.76;

estimatesController.timeEstimatesAsync(startLatitude, startLongitude, null, null).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;
HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
Default Unexpected error ErrorException



Get instance

An instance of the UserController class can be accessed from the API Client.

UserController userController = client.getUserController();

User Profile

The User Profile endpoint returns information about the Uber user that has authorized with the application.

ℹ️ Note This endpoint does not require authentication.

CompletableFuture<Profile> userProfileAsync()
Response Type


Example Usage
userController.userProfileAsync().thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;
HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
Default Unexpected error ErrorException

User Activity

The User Activity endpoint returns data about a user's lifetime activity with Uber. The response will include pickup locations and times, dropoff locations and times, the distance of past requests, and information about which products were requested.

The history array in the response will have a maximum length based on the limit parameter. The response value count may exceed limit, therefore subsequent API requests may be necessary.

ℹ️ Note This endpoint does not require authentication.

CompletableFuture<Activities> userActivityAsync(
    final Integer offset,
    final Integer limit)
Parameter Type Tags Description
offset Integer Query, Optional Offset the list of returned results by this amount. Default is zero.
limit Integer Query, Optional Number of items to retrieve. Default is 5, maximum is 100.
Response Type


Example Usage
userController.userActivityAsync(null, null).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;
HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
Default Unexpected error ErrorException

Model Reference



Class Name


Name Type Tags Description Getter Setter
ProductId String Optional Unique identifier representing a specific product for a given latitude & longitude. For example, uberX in San Francisco will have a different product_id than uberX in Los Angeles. String getProductId() setProductId(String productId)
Description String Optional Description of product. String getDescription() setDescription(String description)
DisplayName String Optional Display name of product. String getDisplayName() setDisplayName(String displayName)
Capacity Integer Optional Capacity of product. For example, 4 people. Integer getCapacity() setCapacity(Integer capacity)
Image String Optional Image URL representing the product. String getImage() setImage(String image)
Example (as JSON)
  "product_id": null,
  "description": null,
  "display_name": null,
  "capacity": null,
  "image": null

Product List

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description Getter Setter
Products List<Product> Optional Contains the list of products List getProducts() setProducts(List products)
Example (as JSON)
  "products": null

Price Estimate

Class Name


Name Type Tags Description Getter Setter
ProductId String Optional Unique identifier representing a specific product for a given latitude & longitude. For example, uberX in San Francisco will have a different product_id than uberX in Los Angeles String getProductId() setProductId(String productId)
CurrencyCode String Optional ISO 4217 currency code. String getCurrencyCode() setCurrencyCode(String currencyCode)
DisplayName String Optional Display name of product. String getDisplayName() setDisplayName(String displayName)
Estimate String Optional Formatted string of estimate in local currency of the start location. Estimate could be a range, a single number (flat rate) or "Metered" for TAXI. String getEstimate() setEstimate(String estimate)
LowEstimate Double Optional Lower bound of the estimated price. Double getLowEstimate() setLowEstimate(Double lowEstimate)
HighEstimate Double Optional Upper bound of the estimated price. Double getHighEstimate() setHighEstimate(Double highEstimate)
SurgeMultiplier Double Optional Expected surge multiplier. Surge is active if surge_multiplier is greater than 1. Price estimate already factors in the surge multiplier. Double getSurgeMultiplier() setSurgeMultiplier(Double surgeMultiplier)
Example (as JSON)
  "product_id": null,
  "currency_code": null,
  "display_name": null,
  "estimate": null,
  "low_estimate": null,
  "high_estimate": null,
  "surge_multiplier": null


Class Name


Name Type Tags Description Getter Setter
FirstName String Optional First name of the Uber user. String getFirstName() setFirstName(String firstName)
LastName String Optional Last name of the Uber user. String getLastName() setLastName(String lastName)
Email String Optional Email address of the Uber user String getEmail() setEmail(String email)
Picture String Optional Image URL of the Uber user. String getPicture() setPicture(String picture)
PromoCode String Optional Promo code of the Uber user. String getPromoCode() setPromoCode(String promoCode)
Example (as JSON)
  "first_name": null,
  "last_name": null,
  "email": null,
  "picture": null,
  "promo_code": null


Class Name


Name Type Tags Description Getter Setter
Uuid String Optional Unique identifier for the activity String getUuid() setUuid(String uuid)
Example (as JSON)
  "uuid": null


Class Name


Name Type Tags Description Getter Setter
Offset Integer Optional Position in pagination. Integer getOffset() setOffset(Integer offset)
Limit Integer Optional Number of items to retrieve (100 max). Integer getLimit() setLimit(Integer limit)
Count Integer Optional Total number of items available. Integer getCount() setCount(Integer count)
History List<Activity> Optional - List getHistory() setHistory(List history)
Example (as JSON)
  "offset": null,
  "limit": null,
  "count": null,
  "history": null



Class Name


Name Type Tags Description Getter Setter
Code String Optional - String getCode() setCode(String code)
Message String Optional - String getMessage() setMessage(String message)
Fields String Optional - String getFields() setFields(String fields)
Example (as JSON)
  "code": null,
  "message": null,
  "fields": null

Utility Classes Documentation

ApiHelper Class

This is a Helper class with commonly used utilities for the SDK.


Name Description Type
mapper Deserialization of Json data. ObjectMapper


Name Description Return Type
serialize(Object obj) Json Serialization of a given object. String
deserialize(String json) Json deserialization of the given Json string. LinkedHashMap<String, Object>
deserialize(String json, Class<T> clazz) Json deserialization of the given Json string. <T extends Object> T
deserialize(String json, TypeReference<T> typeReference) JSON Deserialization of the given json string. <T extends Object> T
deserializeArray(String json, Class<T[]> classArray) JSON Deserialization of the given json string. <T extends Object> List<T>

FileWrapper Class

Class to wrap file and contentType to be sent as part of a HTTP request.


Name Description
FileWrapper(File file) Initialization constructor.
FileWrapper(File file, String contentType) Initialization constructor.


Name Description Return Type
getFile() File instance. File
getContentType() Content type of the file. String

Common Code Documentation

HttpRequest Class

Class for creating and managing HTTP Requests.


Name Description
HttpRequest(HttpMethod method, StringBuilder queryUrlBuilder, Headers headers, Map<String, Object> queryParameters, List< SimpleEntry < String, Object >> parameters) Initializes a simple http request.


Name Description Return Type
getHttpMethod() HttpMethod for the http request. HttpMethod
getHeaders() Headers for the http request. Headers
getQueryUrl() Query url for the http request. String
getParameters() Parameters for the http request. List<SimpleEntry<String, Object>>
getQueryParameters() Query parameters for the http request. Map<String, Object>
addQueryParameter(String key, Object value) Add Query parameter in http request. void

HttpResponse Class

Class to hold HTTP Response.


Name Description
HttpResponse(int code, Headers headers, InputStream rawBody) Constructor for HttpResponse.


Name Description Return Type
getStatusCode() HTTP Status code of the http response.. int
getHeaders() Headers of the http response. Headers
getRawBody() Raw body of the http response. InputStream

HttpStringResponse Class

Class to hold response body as string.


Name Description
HttpStringResponse(int code, Headers headers, InputStream rawBody, String body) Constructor for HttpStringResponse.


Name Description Return Type
getStatusCode() HTTP Status code of the http response. int
getHeaders() Headers of the http response. Headers
getBody() String body of the http response. String

HttpContext Class

Class to wrap the request sent to the server and the response received from the server.


Name Description
HttpContext(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) Constructor for HttpContext.


Name Description Return Type
getRequest() Getter for the Http Request. HttpRequest
getHttpContext() Getter for the Http Response. HttpContext

HttpBodyRequest Class

HTTP Request with an explicit body.


Name Description
HttpBodyRequest(HttpMethod method, StringBuilder queryUrlBuilder, Headers headers, Map<String, Object> queryParams, Object body) Create a request with explicit body.


Name Description Return Type
getBody() Body for the http request. Object

HttpCallback Interface

Callback to be called before and after the HTTP call for an endpoint is made.


Name Description Return Type
onBeforeRequest(HttpRequest request) Callback called just before the HTTP request is sent. void
onAfterResponse(HttpContext context) Callback called just after the HTTP response is received. void

Headers Class

Class for creating and managing HTTP Headers.


Name Description
Headers() Default constructor.
Headers(Map<String, List<String>> headers) Constructor that creates a new instance using a given Map.
Headers(Headers h) Copy Constructor.


Name Description Return Type
has(String headerName) Use to check if the given name is present in headers. boolean
names() Returns a Set containing all header names. Set<String>
value(String headerName) Returns the first value associated with a given header name, or null if the header name is not found. String
values(String headerName) Returns a List of all values associated with a given header name, or null if the header name is not found. List<String>
asSimpleMap() Returns a Map of the headers, giving only one value for each header name. Map<String, String>
asMultimap() Returns a simulated MultiMap of the headers. Map<String, List<String>>
cloneHeaderMap(Map<String, List<String>> headerMap) Clones a header map. Map<String, List<String>>
add(String headerName, String value) Adds a value for a header name to this object. void
add(String headerName, List<String> values) Adds a List of values for a header name to this object. void
addAllFromMap(Map<String, String> headers) Adds values from a Map to this object. void
addAllFromMultiMap(Map<String, List<String>> headers) Adds values from a simulated Multi-Map to this object. void
addAll(Headers headers) Adds all the entries in a Headers object to this object. void
remove(String headerName) Removes the mapping for a header name if it is present. List<String>

ApiException Class

This is the base class for all exceptions that represent an error response from the server.


Name Description
ApiException(String reason) Initialization constructor.
ApiException(String reason, HttpContext context) Initialization constructor.


Name Description Return Type
getResponseCode() The HTTP response code from the API request int
getHeaders() The HTTP response body from the API request. Headers

Configuration Interface

This is the base class for all exceptions that represent an error response from the server.


Name Description Return Type
getEnvironment() Current API environment. Environment
getTimeout() The timeout to use for making HTTP requests. long
getHttpClientConfig() Http Client Configuration instance. ReadonlyHttpClientConfiguration
getBaseUri(Server server) Get base URI by current environment. String
getBaseUri() Get base URI by current environment. String