The Item class represents an abstract item. Items can have an id, a name, a short name and a description. The following classes are derived from the item class:
- Assets: an Asset is an Item with a physical representation.
- Services: A Service is a logical Item.
Assets are all physical items in the EnergySystem. Assets can have a location, a geometry, commissioning and decommissioning dates, cost information (investment, installation and operation and maintenance costs).
Assets are contained by Areas.
An EnergyAsset is an Asset with one or more ports allowing to model connections between assets.
The EnergyAsset class is subdivided into 5 categories:
- ProductionAsset: e.g. wind turbine, solar panel, geothermal source
- ConsumptionAsset: e.g. electricity demand, heat demand, gas demand
- StorageAsset: e.g. battery, buffer
- TransportAsset: e.g. electricity network, gas network, cable, pipe, transformer, heat exchange
- ConversionAsset: e.g. gas heater, heat pump, power plant, CHP, fuel cell
Example Services are demand response services and aggregator services.