Sending data from RTC temperature and Battery value to Ubidots with Wifly RN-XV (wifly shield) connected to Stalker board. Putting device in sleeping mode while not measuring every SLPNG seconds defined in code.
#Wires RNXV <----> Stalker
2 (data out) <----> PD6
3 (data in) <----> PD7
5 (reset) <----> PD8
12 (CTS) <----> PA0
16 (RTS) <----> PA1
##Libraries WiflyHQ modified
##Hardware Stalker
Wifly Shield
##RN-XV firmware update! update RN-XV firmware last from
Associating RN-XV Device with a Network
set wlan ssid mywifissid //Set WiFi SSID.
set wlan pass mypassphrase //set network passphrase, (for WEP auth "use set wlan key ")
set wlan auth # //Set the encryption mode, in this case this network is using Open=0, 1=WEP, ... 4 = WPA2-PSK etc
set wlan channel # //Enter channel number if known, or enter 0 to scan all channels.
set wlan join 1 //Set network to auto join
set ip dhcp 1 //Enable DHCP
save // Save configuration in the config file
reboot // Reboots the module so that the stored parameters take effect
Understanding Firmware Versioning
The key detail to note is that Ad-Hoc mode is support through firmware 2.36. Access Point mode is not supported on firmware 2.36. Access Point mode is supported on Firmware 2.42 and above. Ad-Hoc mode is not supported on firmware 2.45.
Updating Firmware Before you can update the device’s firmware, you will need to Associate the RN-XV with an internet routed WiFi network. Please see the previous section for more information on this process. The following commands will walk you through the process for updating device firmware.
set ftp address 0 //Remove IP address, will be using dns
set dns name //Set dns to, this will fill in the IP address.
set ftp user roving //username
set ftp pass Pass123 //FTP password
set ftp timeout 200 // Optional - set the time out to a higher value, better for slower devices
ftp update //This command will execute the update for the newest FW version. See the notes on firmware below. ls //list files on the RN-XV and confirm it was downloaded correctly, and the new FW flag is set to "boot"
boot image ## //Set the boot image to the flag number.
factory R //do a factory reset after the new
reboot // reboot the RN-XV device, it should now be using the new firmware
Firmware Versions and the .img file Firmware image names are different for the different modules, and depending which version of firmware you seek. Different firmware versions offer different levels of support.
wifly-EZX.img = Ad Hoc mode support
wifly-EZX-AP.img = Soft AP mode support
wifly-GSX.img = Ad Hoc mode support
wifly-GSX-AP.img = Soft AP mode support
Contact Serialio when updating to a specific firmware version.
Once updated wifly-EZX Ver: 4.41 Build: r1057, Jan 17 2014 10:23:54 on RN-171
After some success posting to Ubidots (with some reset needed in the RN-XV) It was not responding and unable to force command mode over the serial input using “$$$”.