1.2.2 (2024-07-31) in memory of Olivier Courtin
- Include stdlib.h for atoi (#105) (Bas Couwenberg)
1.2.1 (2024-05-17) in memory of Olivier Courtin
- Fix JSON encoding (#100) (Kévin Dubuc)
- Use stdbool.h instead of custom definitions (#99) (Bas Couwenberg)
- Handle check when using TINYOWS_MAPFILE (#97) (Jeff McKenna)
1.2.0 (2021-06-11) in memory of Olivier Courtin
- Fix custom types conversion (Vincent Mora)
- Add support for geometry-less tables (Even Rouault)
- Do not list non-existing tables (Even Rouault)
- ows_layer_storage_fill(): fix crash when several bad configured layers are found (Even Rouault)
- Fix crash when invalid 'pkey' is specified in configuration file (Even Rouault)
- Implement matchCase for PropertyIsLike filter (Louis Jencka)
- Fix axis order issue on GetFeature 1.1 (Even Rouault)
- Avoid repeated prefix of the typename (Even Rouault)
- fe_distance_functions(): fix crashes / incorrect behaviour (Even Rouault)
- Fix unable to use separator chars as underscore in typename (Olivier Courtin)
1.1.1 (2015-06-29)
- security release (Olivier Courtin)
1.1.0 (2012-11-13)
- Add include_items and exclude_items config handling. To choose exactly which columns to retrieve (Serge Dikiy)
- XSD max length and enumeration constraint handling (Serge Dikiy & Alan Boudreault)
- First real support of typename namespace provided in request (Olivier Courtin)
- Generate PK value using PostgresSQL DEFAULT value if present (Serge Dikiy)
- Add pkey configuration in layer config. Usefull for instance when retrieving data from a VIEW. (Serge Dikiy)
- Buffer copy performance improve (Serge Dikiy)
- Rewrite/fix max features handling (Olivier Courtin)
- Extent layer's properties allowed to inherit (Olivier Courtin)
- Several bugfixes as usual (special thanks to Andreas Peri, Serge Dikiy and Jukka Rahkonen for detailled reports)
1.0.0 (2012-02-08)
- Configuration change with broken backward compatibility:
- default config file is now /etc/tinyows.xml
- default schema dir is now $PREFIX/share/tinyows/schema
- rename server and prefix to ns_uri ans ns_prefix
- rename wfs_display_bbox to display_bbox
- Encoding support, written by Carlos Ruiz: [email protected]
- Estimated_bbox option for GetCapabilities response (default is false)
- Schema cache for fast-cgi mode (huge performance improvement on transaction operations)
- Improve drasticaly GetCapabilities performance on huge layer (Thanks to Nicklas Aven for report)
- Add ability to use different names for layer and storage table (table property)
- Mapfile config file support (use related TINYOWS_MAPFILE env. var)
- Debug option available from configure step (--enable-debug)
- Improve result from --check option
- Add wfs_default_version config file option, to set server default WFS Version
- Add gml_ns config file option, to set if any, layers properties using GML namespace
- Add log_level config file option, to allow more granularity in log output
- PostGIS version init check (support 1.5 and coming 2.0)
- Update XSD schema (WFS, FE, GML), so need a new 'make install' step if you upgrade
- CITE WFS-T 1.0.0 SF-0 full compliant (require PostGIS 2.0)
- CITE WFS-T 1.1.0 SF-0 full compliant (require PostGIS 2.0)
- Lot of debug stuff (a special thanks to Boris Leukert, Jukka Rahkonen and Even Rouault for detailled reports)
- Security fixes (SQL Injection vulnerability - Reported by Even Rouault)
0.9.0 (2010-06-19)
- Fast-CGI support
- Error log handle
- Improve --check behaviour
- And a still a lot of debug stuff
0.8.0 (2010-05-01)
- PostgreSQL schema support
- Command line --check option, to check configure stuff
- JSON output format for GetFeature (use OUTPUTFORMAT=application/json)
- PostGIS geography support (Need PostGIS 1.5)
- Input request log mechanism
- Ability to deactivate XSD schema and/or OGC SFS validation
- Up to date documentation and OpenLayers integration step by step HowTo
- Slighlty improve performance for GetFeature operation
- And a lot of debug stuff