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Manuel83 edited this page Jun 18, 2017 · 1 revision

CraftBeerPi3.0 Custom Brew Step example

from modules.core.props import Property, StepProperty
from modules.core.step import StepBase
from modules import cbpi

class MyMashStep(StepBase):
    Just put the decorator @cbpi.step on top of a method. The class name must be unique in the system
    # Properties
    temp = Property.Number("Temperature", configurable=True)
    kettle = StepProperty.Kettle("Kettle")
    timer = Property.Number("Timer in Minutes", configurable=True)

    def init(self):
        Initialize Step. This method is called once at the beginning of the step
        # set target tep
        self.set_target_temp(self.temp, self.kettle)

    @cbpi.action("Start Timer Now")
    def start(self):
        Custom Action which can be execute form the brewing dashboard.
        All method with decorator @cbpi.action("YOUR CUSTOM NAME") will be available in the user interface
        if self.is_timer_finished() is None:
            self.start_timer(int(self.timer) * 60)

    def reset(self):
        self.set_target_temp(self.temp, self.kettle)

    def finish(self):
        self.set_target_temp(0, self.kettle)

    def execute(self):
        This method is execute in an interval

        # Check if Target Temp is reached
        if self.get_kettle_temp(self.kettle) >= int(self.temp):
            # Check if Timer is Running
            if self.is_timer_finished() is None:
                self.start_timer(int(self.timer) * 60)

        # Check if timer finished and go to next step
        if self.is_timer_finished() == True:


The follwoing properties are supported

# Will create a text field for the step configuraiton
t1 = Property.Number("Temperature", configurable=True)

# Will create a number field for the step configuraiton
n1 = Property.Number("Timer in Minutes", configurable=True)

# Will create a dropdown field for the step configuraiton.
s1 = Property.Select("My Select Field", [1,2,3])

# Will create a kettle dropdwon field for the step configuraiton. 
kettle = StepProperty.Kettle("Kettle")

# Will create a sensor dropdwon field for the step configuraiton. 
sensor = StepProperty.Sensor("Sensor")

# Will create a actor dropdwon field for the step configuraiton. 
actor = StepProperty.Actor("Actor")