Control your ROS based bot from browser.
This is the web interface to control ros based bot. Using this web-ui we can control bot from any modern browser and from any type of device having browser.
rosbridge_suite( -
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rosbridge-server
async_web_server_cpp - download package from (web_video_server package depends on this package).
web_video_server( - download package from and build it.
Localhost(apche2) -
sudo apt-get install apache2
(check it, from browser http://localhost, this will show Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page)
move this folder(ros_web_controller) to '/var/www/html/' (
sudo cp -r <path to ros_web_controller> /var/www/html/
) -
run these packages in local device: roscore, roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch, rosrun web_video_server web_video_server.
Now, open any modern browser and type 'http://ip address/this project'.
To open in other devices, connect both devices with same network and use above address to view web page.
- Start/Stop new topic (For now only predefined topics can be started)
- Subscribe any topic
- View live camera stream
- Get list of all topics
- Get logs of topics to debug
- Publish values using sliders.
- Start/Stop required topic
- Publish any required topic
- Enhance UI/UX
- Add more features like rqtplot 2d and 3d.
- Get Gazebo view in browser