So you've got some prints now that you're really pleased with. Congratulations, no doubt it's taken you days if not weeks of tuning to get to this point. A few thoughts to leave you with now that you've really starting tuning in earnest.
Plate size matters - Those cooling options we tuned before? Don't expect them to be the same for one part as for an entire plateful of parts. Either play with your cooling settings or print multiple parts at once.
Part orientation matters - If you have your seams set to a specific location (e.g. Rear) then consider which way you place parts on the plate. A seam tucked away on the reverse is much nicer than one running straight through the logo. It can also affect cooling, so if you're struggling with a particular part, try a 45 or 90 degree turn.
I really hope this has been of use to you - I'd welcome any constructive comments on this, or even just to know it was helpful. I don't intend to turn this into a full step-by-step illustrated guide, it's very much just a set of guidance scribbles.
Oh, and if you find some better ways of doing things? Write it down and share it.