$ git clone https://github.com/Magora-Systems-Frontend/template.git
This template requires gulp ang bower
$ npm i -g gulp
$ npm i -g bower
$ npm i
- jade for templates
- stylus for css
- ui.router
- ui.bootstrap
- angular-loading-bar
- pascalprecht.translate
- ngResource
$ gulp
$ gulp build --env=production
If you need to make two applications are independent of the code, create a second folder. put into it "config.json"
$ mkdir secondApp
$ copy application/config.json secondApp/config.json
$ gulp --config=secondApp
If you need to make inquiries on the "stage" and "production" servers
$ gulp --server=staging.my.com --protocol=http
$ gulp --server=production.my.com --protocol=https
In your js code use {{SERVER}} and {{protocol}}
SERVER = localhost:8090
protocol = http