Follow these quick and easy steps to try TigerAware:
Create a new account on our research dashboard at
Make sure to select Administrator as the account type.
On the dashboard, click Create New Project. Navigate to the surveys page by clicking the project then selecting Surveys in the navigation bar.
Click Create New Survey and configure your questions, notifications, and availability. Click Save and Deploy to save the survey.
Click Administration in the navigation bar, then under Participants add emails of user accounts to add to your project. Participants need accounts before they can be added to surveys.
Ask participants to download the TigerAware iOS App or the TigerAware Android App.
Have participants enter the passphrase Demo in the app, then log in with the same account you added as a participant. They can then take the surveys that you made.
Administrators can see the survey results and participation in the Administration tab.
For detailed screenshots and step by step instructions, see our user manual here.