diff --git a/obsidian/plotting/plotly.py b/obsidian/plotting/plotly.py
index 1259ecd..02f88e7 100644
--- a/obsidian/plotting/plotly.py
+++ b/obsidian/plotting/plotly.py
@@ -51,18 +51,34 @@ def visualize_inputs(campaign: Campaign) -> Figure:
+ ['Correlation Matrix']
+ [X.columns[i] for i in range(cols, n_dim)]
+ # if campaign.optimizer is fitted, then X_best_f_idx is identified
+ if 'X_best_f_idx' in dir(campaign.optimizer):
+ marker_shapes = ['diamond' if rowInd in [campaign.optimizer.X_best_f_idx] else 'circle' for rowInd in range(campaign.X.shape[0])]
+ else:
+ marker_shapes = ['circle']*campaign.X.shape[0]
for i, param in enumerate(X.columns):
row_i = i // cols + 1
col_i = i % cols + 1
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=X.index, y=X[param],
mode='markers', name=param,
- marker=dict(color=color_list[i]),
+ marker=dict(color=color_list[i], symbol=marker_shapes),
row=row_i, col=col_i)
fig.update_xaxes(tickvals=np.around(np.linspace(0, campaign.m_exp, 5)),
row=row_i, col=col_i)
+ # Add note to explain the shape of markers
+ if hasattr(campaign.optimizer, 'X_best_f_idx'):
+ fig.add_annotation(
+ text="Note: The diamond markers denote samples that achieve the best sum of targets.",
+ showarrow=False,
+ xref="paper", yref="paper",
+ x=0,
+ y=-0.2,
+ font=dict(style="italic")
+ )
# Calculate the correlation matrix
X_u = campaign.X_space.unit_map(X)
corr_matrix = X_u.corr()
@@ -325,8 +341,9 @@ def factor_plot(optimizer: Optimizer,
Y_mu_ref = Y_pred_ref[y_name+('_t (pred)' if f_transform else ' (pred)')].values
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=X_ref.iloc[:, feature_id].values, y=Y_mu_ref,
+ marker=dict(symbol='diamond'),
line={'color': obsidian_colors.teal},
- name='Ref'),
+ name='Reference'),
@@ -544,7 +561,19 @@ def optim_progress(campaign: Campaign,
+ # Highlight the best samples
+ if hasattr(campaign.optimizer, 'X_best_f_idx'):
+ fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=pd.Series(out_exp.iloc[campaign.optimizer.X_best_f_idx, 0]),
+ y=pd.Series(out_exp.iloc[campaign.optimizer.X_best_f_idx, 1]),
+ mode='markers',
+ marker=dict(symbol='diamond-open', size=14),
+ line={'color': 'black'},
+ legendgroup='marker_shape', showlegend=True,
+ name='Best')
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(showlegend=True)
template = [""+str(param.name)+": "+" %{customdata["+str(i)+"]"
+ (":.3G}"if isinstance(param, Param_Continuous) else "}") + "
for i, param in enumerate(campaign.X_space)]