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+The **Study Manager Frontend** is the web application to manage studies.
+The Apps (iOS and Android, latest versions v.2.3.8) are the interfaces
+for participants of a study.
+This document provides a short overview on the study manager frontend
+and the features to create and configure a study.
+The Study Manager Fronted
+[Dashboard [3](#dashboard)](#dashboard)
+[Create study
+[Import study configuration
+[Study row actions
+[Copy link to study page
+[Delete Study [4](#delete-a-study)](#delete-a-study)
+[Export study configurations
+[Export study data [4](#export-study-data)](#export-study-data)
+[Edit study row information
+[Go to study subpage
+[Study Tab Navigation [6](#study-navigation)](#study-navigation)
+[Study [7](#study-details)](#study-details)
+[Study Details Information [7](#study-details)](#study-details)
+[Study States [7](#study-states)](#study-states)
+[Study Groups [7](#study-groups)](#study-groups)
+[Study Collaborators [8](#study-collaborators)](#study-collaborators)
+[Study Collaborator Roles
+[Participants [9](#participants)](#participants)
+[Create Participants [9](#create-participants)](#create-participants)
+[Import participants via CSV
+[Assign Study Groups [10](#assign-study-groups)](#assign-study-groups)
+[Assign study groups manually
+[Assign study groups automatically
+[Export Participants [12](#export-participants)](#export-participants)
+[Participant Token [12](#participant-token)](#participant-token)
+[Observations [13](#observations)](#observations)
+[Hidden and Not hidden observations
+[Types of observations
+[Accelerometer Mobile Sensor
+[Simple Question Observation
+[GPS Mobile Sensor [15](#gps-mobile-sensor)](#gps-mobile-sensor)
+[External Observation
+[Polar Verity Sensor [15](#polar-verity-sensor)](#polar-verity-sensor)
+[Lime Survey Observation
+[Schedule an observation
+[Individual Observation
+[Ongoing observation [19](#ongoing-observation)](#ongoing-observation)
+[Integrations [21](#integrations)](#integrations)
+[Create an integration
+[Connect to API [22](#connect-to-api)](#connect-to-api)
+[Interventions [23](#interventions)](#interventions)
+[Scheduled Trigger [23](#scheduled-trigger)](#scheduled-trigger)
+[Scheduled Datacheck [23](#scheduled-datacheck)](#scheduled-datacheck)
+[Configure Trigger Conditions
+[Trigger values and properties
+[Example for the “only once flag”
+[Action [26](#action)](#action)
+[Monitoring [27](#monitoring)](#monitoring)
+[Last data points [27](#last-data-points)](#last-data-points)
+[Received data points per observation
+[Table of Figures [29](#table-of-figures)](#table-of-figures)
+# Dashboard
+The study manager dashboard shows all studies that the researcher has
+created or was invited to.
+## Create a new study or import a study configuration
+The button **Add new study** *\[Figure 1: 1a\]* let you create a new
+study, which will be added to the list afterwards.
+Figure 1: Study list
+\[1a: Add new study, 1b: Import study\]
+The **Create study dialog** *\[Figure 2\]* gives a clear outline of
+information needed to successfully add the study details information.
+This includes study title, duration, purpose, participant information
+(shown on the app), consent information (shown on the app), study
+contact information (shown on the app) and information displayed at
+study end to the participants.
+Figure 2: Study dialog
+## Import study configuration
+It is possible to import study configurations from already existing
+studies. If you want to import some study configurations, you can export
+the Study configuration *\[Figure 3: 2c\]* first from the individual
+study row and import it via the **Import study** *\[Figure 1: 1b\]*
+button as a new preconfigured study. Now you can edit the study in every
+detail and make it work as new study.
+*Note that study participants, integrations and monitoring are not
+included from the old study configuration and you need to recreate the
+link between study groups and observations for the new study.*
+## Study row actions on the dashboard
+Every row of the study list has action buttons which can be used per
+study entity *\[Figure 3\]*.
+### Get a link to the study page
+To point to a specific study, you can **copy the link to the study**.
+*\[Figure 3: 2a\].
+Note that only previously invited researchers can view data and
+information on study level (see Study Collaborator Roles).*
+### Delete a study
+It is possible to delete a study from the list *\[Figure 3: 2b\]*. Only
+studies with the **draft** or **completed** status can be deleted from
+the study list *(see Overview: Study states)*.
+### Export study configurations
+**Exporting study configurations** *\[Figure 3: 2c\]* provides a JSON of
+the study configuration that **can be imported again as basis for a new
+study** *\[Figure 1: 1b\]*.
+### Export study data
+**Exporting study data** *\[Figure 3: 2d\]* makes it possible to analyze
+the study data in detail on participant or group level and with all
+observation and action data points. It is a JSON file which incldes all
+the data in detail up to the time of exporting.
+### Edit study row information
+The **pencil button** enables an **in row edit functionality** *\[Figure
+3: 2e\]* for the information that is shown on row level. Here you can
+quickly edit study title, purpose and the planned start and end date of
+the study.
+### Navigate to study overview page
+The **last button** on row **leads directly to the specific study page**
+*\[Figure 3: 2f\]* (Overview). Alternatively, you click on the row
+Figure 3: Dashboard row
+features \[2a: copy link to study page, 2b: delete study, 2c: export
+study config, 2d: export study data, 2e: edit study row information, 2f:
+go to study subpage\]
+# Study Navigation
+After opening a study you get to a tab navigation to configure and view
+all parts of the study configuration.
+Figure 4: Study
+The **Study Tab** *\[Figure 4: 1a\]* shows the basic detailed
+information of the study and let change the study states *(see Study
+States)*. Underneath you can use the **Study Group Feature** to add and
+manage study groups / study arms and add **Collaborators** *(see
+The **Participants Tab** *\[Figure 4: 1b\]* provides a list of
+participants. For every participant it shows id, alias, participant
+token (needed to log into the App) and status in the study.
+The **Observation Tab** *\[Figure 4: 1c\]* provides a list of configured
+observations. Different types of observations (data capture modules) can
+be created and scheduled here *\[see Observations\]*.
+The **Integration Tab** *\[Figure 4: 1d\]* provides a list of
+integrations to link external data or services to an already existing
+observation and its schedule. It creates the API token needed to push
+external data to a More study *\[see Integrations\]*.
+The **Interventions Tab** *\[Figure 4: 1e\]* provides a list of
+interventions, that can be created and configured to define intervention
+conditions for JITAI[^1] actions *\[see* Interventions*\]*.
+The **Monitoring Tab** *\[Figure 4: 1f\]* provides basic information for
+running observations and collected participant data *\[see \]*.
+# Study Details
+The Study section consists of three different sections: study details
+information, study groups and study collaborators.
+The study information provides edit functionality to change or adapt the
+basic information of a study *\[Figure 5: 1a\]* and a button to change
+the study states *\[Figure 5: 1b\]*.
+Figure 5: Study details
+## Study States
+The **Draft State** is the first state of a study when it is configured
+after being created.
+The **Active State** is set when the study is (re)started. If the study
+is in its **active** state, participants can log into the app and
+participate in the study.
+The **Paused State** pauses the study until it is restarted or set to
+completed. Participants on the app can’t collect data during the study
+pause. The updated study configuration will be transferred to the Apps,
+when the study is continued and set back to active.
+The **Completed State** sets the state to completed. A completed study
+can’t be re activated. Participants on the app will not be able to
+collect any data anymore and the study has officially ended.
+The study can be edited in **draft** and **paused status** only, and the
+study can only be deleted in **draft** or **completed status**.
+## Study Groups
+**Study groups** are used to collect participants, observations, and
+interventions to monitoring groups, like study arms. Study groups can be
+added, edited via inline edit or deleted. Is a study group deleted all
+its links and groups are deleted with it and participants, observations
+and interventions linked to the group will be handled without a group
+and **apply now for the whole study**.
+Figure 6: Study group
+## Study Collaborators
+**Study collaborators** are researchers that you can invite to your
+study to help you with monitoring and/or managing study details and
+data. Note that only researchers that are already registered to the MORE
+can be found and added to the collaborator list.
+Figure 7: Study
+collaborator list
+### Study Collaborator Roles
+Study collaborator roles set permissions invited researcher can have.
+The provided roles are **Study Administrator**, **Study Operator** and
+**Study Viewer**.
+- **Study Administrator** is allowed to manage, change, and view any
+ information and data.
+- **Study Operator** is allowed to manage and view information but is
+ not allowed to view recorded data.
+- **Study Viewer** is only allowed to view recorded data and the basic
+ study information.
+# Participants
+The **Participants tab** includes the **participants list** *\[Figure
+8\]* with all participants contributing to your study. You can create as
+many participants needed, distribute them to your before created study
+groups and export the list locally. A participant will only be active
+after having logged in into the app.
+Figure 8: Participants
+## Create participants
+Participants can either be **added manually** or by **importing aliases
+and study groups** from an CSV file.
+#### Add participants manually
+Using the button **Add participants** up to 50 participants can be added
+manually to the participant list *\[Figure 9: 1a\]*
+Figure 9: Add
+participants manually \[1a: add participants\]
+### Import participants via CSV
+The Button **Import CSV** a list of participants can be added to your
+participant list at once *\[Figure 10: 1b\]*. To **import participants
+from a CSV file**, only the **alias names** should be listed per line
+*\[Figure 11\]*. Each line will be transferred to one participant inside
+the list.
+Figure 10: Import
+Participants \[1b\]
+Figure 11: Content of
+import CSV
+## Assign Study Groups
+Study groups can be set either manually for each row through the edit
+mode or automatically via the **Assign study groups** *\[2d\]* button.
+### Assign study groups manually
+1. Enter the edit mode of the specific participant row *\[Figure 12:
+ 2a\]*
+2. Choose the study group you want to assign over the study groups
+ dropdown *\[Figure 13: 2b\]*
+3. Save the participant row via check *\[Figure 13: 2c\]*
+Figure 12: Edit
+participant manually \[2a: Edit button\]
+Figure 13: Change study
+group for participant \[2b: Study group dropdown, 2c: Save Participant\]
+### Assign study groups automatically
+Through the button **Assign study groups** *\[Figure 14: 2d\]* the
+automatic distribution of participants to study groups can be handled.
+Participants will be assigned evenly to all study groups automatically.
+Note that if you use this option **all participants will always be
+(re)assigned to the study groups evenly, even if they already were
+assigned to groups before**.
+Figure 14: Assign study
+groups \[2d\]
+## Export Participants
+The **Export Participants** *\[Figure 15: 3a\]* button **exports an
+already existing participant list to a CSV file** *\[Figure 16: 3b\]*
+with StudyId, Study Title, Participant Alias, Participant Id and
+Registration token (if the participant hasn’t logged in yet).
+Figure 15: Export
+Participants \[3a\]
+Figure 16: Exported
+participants CSV
+## Participant Token
+The **participant token** *\[Figure 17: 4a\]* is created with each new
+participant. It **is used to log in the participant into the app**. The
+participant token will be deleted from the list if the participant is
+logged into the app successfully.
+Figure 17: Participant
+# Observations
+Observations are the heart of the More Application, since they **are
+used to collect and monitor participants activities and data**.
+Different observation modules do have different capacity of what kind of
+data they are collecting.
+## Hidden and Not hidden observations
+Generally, an **observation can either be hidden or not hidden**
+*\[Figure 18: 1a\]*. **Hidden observations** will not be listed on the
+participants schedule inside the app and **will be started in the
+background automatically** if the participant is logged in. **Not hidden
+observations** are **listed on the daily schedule for the participant**.
+These are mostly observation modules where the participant must do
+something actively.
+Figure 18: Observation
+dialog \[1a: Hidden/not hidden flag\]
+## Types of observations
+The More platform already has some **observation types integrated**
+*\[Figure 19\]*, which provide specific functionalities.
+Figure 19: Observation
+### Accelerometer Mobile Sensor
+This observation uses and **tracks accelerometer data via the
+Accelerometer Mobile Sensor**. It collects data based on its properties
+x, y and z, which can also be used to set intervention conditions when
+added to a Scheduled Datacheck *(see Interventions)*.
+### Simple Question Observation
+The **Simple Question Observation** is a Simple Question option, that
+can help to inquire simple states from the participants, like how they
+are feeling right now. It **provides the option to define one question
+with five answers** *\[Figure 20\]*, that can simply be answered by the
+participant on the app.
+Figure 20: Create Simple
+Question Observation
+### GPS Mobile Sensor
+This observation uses and tracks **gps data via the GPS Mobile Sensor.**
+It collects data based on its properties altitude, latitude and
+longitude, which can also be used to set intervention conditions when
+added to a Scheduled Datacheck *(see Interventions)*.
+### External Observation
+An external observation is basically an **“empty observation” to link
+Integrations to**. It provides the **basis to add external data via the
+Integration API to the More system**. Through this observation external
+data integration can be scheduled into the More study workflow.
+### Polar Verity Sensor
+The Polar Verity Sensor Observation **uses a Polar Verity Sensor Device
+to collect data**. To be able to successfully use this observation the
+participants must have access to a Polar Verity Device to actively
+collect data via the app.
+### Lime Survey Observation
+The Lime Survey Observation **uses the in More integrated Lime Survey
+Instance to create and manage Lime Survey within the More Web and Mobile
+application**. To successfully use a Lime Survey within More it must be
+created through .
+After creating a Lime Survey it’s Survey ID *\[Figure 21: 2a\]* can be
+linked to the Lime Survey Observation module inside the More Frontend
+Web Application *\[Figure 22: 2b\]*.
+Figure 21: More Lime
+Survey Instance \[1a: Lime Survey ID\]
+Figure 22: Create Lime
+Survey Observation \[1b: Survey ID of created Lime Survey\]
+## Schedule an observation
+To schedule an **observation** a **simple scheduler** is provided, which
+defines when the data for an observation should be captured. Open the
+schedule via the button *\[Figure 23: 3a\]*.
+The scheduler itself provides **two different types of schedule
+options**: **Individual observation** (one day observation) or an
+**ongoing observation** over more than one day. To switch between those
+two options check or uncheck the Individual Observation checkbox.
+Figure 23: Add Scheduler
+to Observation module
+### Individual Observation
+The individual observation sets the basic timeframe schedule on the
+maximal duration of one day. It is possible to either set a specific
+timeframe or use the whole day.
+**Example: Single data capture on 16.08.2023, between 14:00-16:00**
+*\[Figure 24\]***
+**Check ‘Individual observation, Timeframe: 16/08/2023, 14:00-16:00
+Figure 24: Individual
+Observation example
+#### Repeat individual observation
+Though an individual observation is only set to maximal one day, it can
+be repeated in specific intervals (daily or weekly). This would mean
+that the set observation for one day will be repeated each day or week
+on the same time.
+**Example: Repeat single day schedule for the following 10 days between
+14:00-16:00, beginning with 16.08.2023** *\[Figure 25\]***
+**heck ‘Individual observation, Timeframe: 16/08/2023, 14:00-16:00
+Repeat: Daily – After 10 days
+Figure 25: Individual
+Observation with repetition example
+### Ongoing observation
+An ongoing observation has a continuous timeframe over days. It can’t be
+repeated but the data will be continuously captures until the end.
+**Example: continuous observation from 16/08/2023, 08:00 to 31/08/2023,
+20:00** *\[Figure 26\]***
+**Uncheck ‘Individual observation’
+Start: 16/08/2023, 08:00, End: 31/08/2023, 20:00
+Figure 26: Ongoing
+Observation example
+# Integrations
+Integrations **provide an API based interface to connect an external
+device or service to the More Platform**. It is **linked to an already
+existing Observation** **and** are linked to **an external API point via
+Token**. The data that is sent to the API endpoint through the token is
+saved automatically under the linked observation. The integration
+functionality is best used in combination with the **“External
+Observation” Module** *\[see External Observation\]* from the
+Observation Tab.
+## Create an integration
+1. Be sure that the observation module that you want to link to the
+ integration already exists.
+2. Create integration: Enter a title for the integration *\[Figure 27:
+ 1a\]* and choose the observation you want to link it to *\[Figure
+ 27: 1b\]*
+3. After saving the integration settings a dialog with information to
+ the API token will appear. Be careful, since the API token *\[Figure
+ 28: 2a\]* will only be shown once, but don’t worry – if you lose the
+ token you can simple delete the old Integration connection and
+ create a new one at any time.
+4. Copy the token *\[Figure 28: 2b\]* and follow the example shown on
+ the dialog
+Figure 27: Create
+Integration \[1a: Integration title, 2a: Linked Observation\]
+Figure 28: Create
+Integration Token Dialog \[2a: API Token\]
+### Connect to API
+The **API Token is** then **used to connect to the More backend from
+anywhere** you need to link to the platform. When sending data it is
+important, that the correct participantId is set to the send datapoints,
+so that the system knows which participant the data belongs to.
+#### Connect to API with your token
+curl -X POST **DOMAIN**\\
+-H "Content-Type: application/json" \\
+-H "More-Api-Token: **TOKEN**" \\
+-d '{**DATA OBJECT**}'
+#### Filled example
+curl -X POST
+**https://data.platform-test.more.redlink.io/api/v1/external/bulk** \\
+-H "Content-Type: application/json" \\
+-H "More-Api-Token: **ef1e9877-7ab1-49b7-bf7e-b35952cfa32c**" \\
+# Interventions
+Interventions **comprise of Triggers** (Simple or based on a data check)
+**and Actions**, such as push notifications.
+## Scheduled Trigger
+A **Scheduled Trigger** *\[Figure 29\]* **can be scheduled with the Cron
+Scheduler Tool**, that provides a diversity of complex functionalities.
+The action will be performed at each time you configured the Cron
+Scheduler, a way to periodically (every day at a specific time, every
+hour, every minute, on a specific datetime, … ) to trigger an action.
+Cronhub () is as page to learn how to
+configure a Cron Scheduler.
+The Cron Scheduler examples accordion gives some examples on how the
+Cron Scheduler can configured as well.
+Figure 29: Scheduled
+Trigger with Cron Scheduler Property
+## Scheduled Datacheck
+A **Scheduled Datacheck** *\[Figure 30\]* is used to trigger actions
+based on participant data, e.g. sending an individual push notification
+to a participant. The observation modules used in the configuration must
+be configured before, under the Observation Tab.
+The configuration of a Scheduled Datacheck comprises of the following
+1. **A Cron Scheduler** *\[Figure 30: 1a\]*: Here you define at which
+ points in time you want to check the participants data
+2. A **window** timeframe *\[Figure 30: 1b\]*: You define a timeframe
+ for which data will be evaluated backwards from the Cron Scheduler.
+3. (Optional) **Only once** *\[Figure 30: 1c\]*: If you choose this
+ option, then the action will only perform once in the period, where
+ your data conditions match.
+4. **Trigger Conditions** *\[Figure 30: 1d\]*: You define data
+ conditions, that should trigger the action. Whenever these
+ conditions are true, the defined action is triggered.
+Figure 30: Scheduled
+Datacheck \[1: Cron Schedule Property, 2: Window Property, 3: Only Once
+Property, 4: Trigger conditions Property\]
+### Configure Trigger Conditions
+**Trigger conditions can be defined only from already existing
+observations**, which means that the observations must be predefined
+under the “Observation Tab” before being able to add them to the
+When configuring trigger conditions there are two possibilities how to
+add trigger conditions to your Intervention. First you can create
+**trigger groups** *\[Figure 31: 2a\]*, which let you **chain conditions
+together with an “and” conditions**. The condition will be fulfilled
+(and the action handled) only if all those conditions are met at once.
+You can add as many trigger groups to your intervention as needed.
+**Trigger groups** can be **related to each other with an “and” or “or”
+condition** *\[Figure 31: 2b\]*. The “or” condition will send an action
+if either of the groups conditions are fulfilled.
+Figure 31: Trigger
+conditions \[1a: Single Trigger condition, 1b: Trigger group relation\]
+### Trigger values and properties
+The **specific properties used for the triggers are based on the
+properties provided by the observation**. The observations property can
+be chosen via dropdown and the needed value can be entered into the
+property value input field.
+Exceptions to that form of input definitions are illustrated by the Lime
+Survey Observation as well as the External Observation. Since the
+property names are variable to each observation on these spectra, the
+property field is represented by another input field, where the
+researcher must provide the correct property name to map those to their
+specific values.
+#### Lime Survey Observation properties
+The **Lime Survey Property names are defined by the created Lime Survey
+linked to the system**. To define a lime Survey trigger condition the
+**question** *\[Figure 32: 3a\]* and answer *\[Figure 32: 3b\]*
+**codes** of the specific Lime Survey Question must be used. Not to be
+confused with the value of the question or answer.
+Figure 32: Trigger
+Condition for Lime Survey \[2a: Question Property, 2b: Answer Property\]
+The **question** *\[Figure 33: 4a\]* and **answer** *\[Figure 33: 4b\]*
+codes can be found inside the lime survey question and answer settings.
+Figure 33: More Lime
+Survey Instance \[3a: Question Code, 3b: Answer Codes\]
+#### External Observation
+Like the Lime Survey Observation the **external observation uses a
+similar system**. The difference here is that the question **property
+and answer values are used to map conditions on the external data**.
+Those property names and answer values are solely defined by the
+incoming data stream defined by the external device or service
+### Example for the “only once flag”
+1. Cron Scheduler is set to repeat the data check every 5 minutes in a
+ 300 sec window
+2. Without “only once flag” \> notification flow is continuously
+ repeating every 5 minutes (0/5)
+3. With “only once flag” \> notification flow stops after one
+ notification and resumes after conditions is de-matched and then
+ matched again.
+## Action
+The **action defines what will be executed on the app if the defined
+condition is met**. There can be added as many actions to one trigger as
+needed, which will all be executed at once if the condition is met. An
+example for an action would be **a Push Notification action** *\[Figure
+34\]*, which is send to the participant’s phone/app.
+Figure 34: Action Push
+# Monitoring
+The **Monitoring Tab** provides some basic feedback on collected data,
+participants, and observations, without needing to download the study
+data. It gives an overview over datapoints collected per observation and
+when the last datapoint was collected – as well as the data of the last
+datapoints filterable on observations and/or participants.
+## Last data points
+The last datapoint section **shows a list of collected datapoints**
+*\[Figure 35\]*. The list itself can show up to 100 datapoints at once
+\[*Figure 36\]*. The list can be filtered based on one specific
+participant *\[Figure 37\]* name and on one specific observation
+*\[Figure 38\]* and is updated every 10 seconds automatically.
+Figure 35: Last
+dratapoints list
+Figure 36: Last
+datapoints result size
+Figure 37: Last
+datapoints filter participant
+Figure 38: Last
+datapoints filter observation
+## Received data points per observation
+The received datapoints section **groups all observations into one
+extendable list** *\[Figure 39\]*. It **shows a general information when
+the last datapoint per participant and observation was collected**
+*\[Figure 40\]*, to give an idea if the data is collected correctly.
+Figure 39: Received data
+points collection groups
+Figure 40: Received data
+points open list
+# Table of Figures
+[Figure 1: Study list \[1a: Add new study, 1b: Import study\]
+[Figure 2: Study dialog [3](#_Ref143169027)](#_Ref143169027)
+[Figure 3: Studylist row functionalities \[2a: copy link to study page,
+2b: delete study, 2c: export study config, 2d: export study data, 2e:
+edit study row information, 2f: go to study subpage\]
+[Figure 4: Study Tab-Navigation [6](#_Ref143171014)](#_Ref143171014)
+[Figure 5: Study details [7](#_Ref143172636)](#_Ref143172636)
+[Figure 6: Study group list [8](#_Ref143172955)](#_Ref143172955)
+[Figure 7: Study collaborator list [8](#_Toc143181594)](#_Toc143181594)
+[Figure 8: Participants list [9](#_Ref143173551)](#_Ref143173551)
+[Figure 9: Add participants manually \[1a: add participants\]
+[Figure 10: Import Participants \[1b\]
+[Figure 11: Content of import CSV [10](#_Ref143173728)](#_Ref143173728)
+[Figure 12: Edit participant manually \[2a: Edit button\]
+[Figure 13: Change study group for participant \[2b: Study group
+dropdown, 2c: Save Participant\] [11](#_Ref143173853)](#_Ref143173853)
+[Figure 14: Assign study groups \[2d\]
+[Figure 15: Export Participants \[3a\]
+[Figure 16: Exported participants CSV
+[Figure 17: Participant token [12](#_Ref143173981)](#_Ref143173981)
+[Figure 18: Observation dialog \[1a: Hidden/not hidden flag\]
+[Figure 19: Observation types [14](#_Ref143174265)](#_Ref143174265)
+[Figure 20: Create Simple Question Observation
+[Figure 21: More Lime Survey Instance \[1a: Lime Survey ID\]
+[Figure 22: Create Lime Survey Observation \[1b: Survey ID of created
+Lime Survey\] [16](#_Ref143174776)](#_Ref143174776)
+[Figure 23: Add Scheduler to Observation module
+[Figure 24: Individual Observation example
+[Figure 25: Individual Observation with repetition example
+[Figure 26: Ongoing Observation example
+[Figure 27: Create Integration \[1a: Integration title, 2a: Linked
+Observation\] [21](#_Ref143175140)](#_Ref143175140)
+[Figure 28: Create Integration Token Dialog \[2a: API Token\]
+[Figure 29: Scheduled Trigger with Cron Scheduler Property
+[Figure 30: Scheduled Datacheck \[1: Cron Schedule Property, 2: Window
+Property, 3: Only Once Property, 4: Trigger conditions Property\]
+[Figure 31: Trigger conditions \[1a: Single Trigger condition, 1b:
+Trigger group relation\] [24](#_Ref143175587)](#_Ref143175587)
+[Figure 32: Trigger Condition for Lime Survey \[2a: Question Property,
+2b: Answer Property\] [25](#_Ref143175816)](#_Ref143175816)
+[Figure 33: More Lime Survey Instance \[3a: Question Code, 3b: Answer
+Codes\] [25](#_Ref143175865)](#_Ref143175865)
+[Figure 34: Action Push Notification
+[Figure 35: Last dratapoints list [27](#_Ref143181109)](#_Ref143181109)
+[Figure 36: Last datapoints result size
+[Figure 37: Last datapoints filter participant
+[Figure 38: Last datapoints filter observation
+[Figure 39: Received data points collection groups
+[Figure 40: Received data points open list
+[^1]: Just in Time Adaptive Interventions
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