November 20th
- Wrote Basic outlines for handling operations
- Wrote Wrapper for Armadillo Matrix class
- Wrote Utilities library to handle simple functions like type casting
November 28th
- Started basics for Calculator input line processing
December 1st
- Finished command line parsing and evaluation
December 2nd
- Added some basic testing (in main, not catch) to test and debug command line evaluation
- Currently everything working except for exponents
December 3rd
- Wrote basics for Decomposition - Diagonolization
- Added COB Matrix file
December 4th
- Integrated Exceptions - Got the command line working
December 5th
- More syntax checks for things that wouldn't make sense working
December 6th
- Started work on Graphics Side
- Basically broke everything, spent day fixing the project
- Started work on Graphics Side
December 8th
- Got basic Graphics working and organized
- Integrated basic Expression work
- Wrote and tested the equation solver, did not integrate to user interface
December 9th
- Integrated Equation solver
- Added and integrated Determinants and least squares approximation
December 10th
- Cleaned up console printing
- Added console saves so that you can see recent operations after closing