Inventory Management System is made by me (Murtaza Piplod) in Java(Swing) With My SQL Database. It allows user/local shopkeeper to maintain there Inventory in one single place.
You Can Directly Run Inventory.jar file located in dist Folder
If You Want to Modfiy or use my project as base you need Netbeans And My SQL as Database
a)You need to download Mysql Server & Netbeans for Your operating system
b)Create a user name demo or (if you are aware how to use mysql databse modify my connection string url file located in my project named as "").
c) Import My Project In Your Netbeans and Rebuild it
d)If You get build error like missing libraries import libraries from dist/lib folder (they are external libraries used in my project).
You are free to modify my project but make sure you dont forget to give me proper credits (which i think i deserve :) ).
Make a pull request if you want to contribute to this project
- Murtaza Piplod MASTERGUY
This project is licensed under the GPL3 License - see the file for details
- Icons8 (Thanks for awesome icons)
- StackOverflow (Thanks to awesome community developers support)