[0.1.0] - initial submit [0.1.1] - add time picker and date time picker, add i18n [0.1.2] - fix bugs [0.1.3] - fix bugs [0.1.4] - change screenshot path [0.1.5] - change screenshot path [0.1.6] - sync [0.1.7] - pub.dartlang.org bug, re-submit [0.1.8] - update description [0.1.9] - update description [0.1.10] - update description [1.0.0] - release stable version [1.0.1] - fix day bug when changing month [1.0.2] - add Dutch support [1.0.3] - add Dutch in demo [1.0.4] - add Dutch in readme [1.0.5] - add max/min time limit for Date Picker, add theme [1.0.6] - add comments [1.0.7] - fix max/min time for datetime type picker [1.0.8] - add Russian [1.0.9] - fix readme [1.1.0] - fix readme [1.1.1] - add 3 more languages [1.1.2] - add Portuguese [1.1.3] - update date picker format [1.1.4] - add 2 more languages [1.1.5] - add Japanese [1.1.6] - update something [1.1.7] - update something [1.1.8] - update something [1.1.9] - add German [1.2.0] - add support for time zone [1.2.1] - add more languages [1.2.2] - add customize example [1.2.3] - fix confirm pop issue [1.2.4] - fix format [1.2.5] - add more languages [1.2.6] - add more languages [1.2.7] - add max/min time for date time picker [1.2.8] - fix bug [1.3.0] - fix many bugs [1.3.1] - add header color [1.3.2] - add more languages [1.3.4] - add more languages [1.3.5] - add 12 hour time picker with AM/PM [1.3.6] - fix error with Diagnosticable in newer Flutter versions [1.3.7] - fix some issues [1.3.8] - add Swedish language and fix issues